An 82-year-old doctor reveals how to live longer. 5 simple rules that will change your life

How to live a good old age? It is enough to follow five simple rules based on a good diet, physical activity and preventive examinations. So thinks 82-year-old professor of geriatrics Richard W. Besdine of Brown University, who is eagerly sharing his methods of longevity.

  1. According to prof. Besdine’s dishes that can best serve our longevity come from Mediterranean cuisine
  2. According to the American geriatrician, even a little physical activity, such as a 30-minute daily walk, can extend life.
  3. Prophylactic examinations, which should be performed at least once a year, also play an important role in the matter of longevity
  4. According to the research cited by the scientist, serious mental illnesses can shorten life by up to 32 years
  5. You can find more such information on the TvoiLokony home page

Prof. Besdine has devoted almost his entire career – spanning almost 60 years – to geriatrics. He himself is 82 years old and he is a perfect example that by following a few simple recommendations, you can enjoy a long life.

According to an American geriatrician, the greatest enemies of longevity are obesity, physical inactivity, smoking and alcohol abuse. However, as he emphasizes, it is never too late to change your lifestyle and help yourself to reach old age.

A diet for a long life

According to prof. Besdine’s diet, the key to longevity is proper diet. In this case, the best combination will be dishes from Italy and Greece. Mediterranean meals filled with fresh fruit, vegetables, and healthy fats can help prevent chronic disease. According to the doctor, the most important thing is to avoid processed foods and include seafood, lean meat and nuts in your diet. Fatter fish such as salmon, sardines and albacore, rich in omega-3 fatty acids and helping to reduce the risk of heart disease and stroke are also good for our health. It is also important to replace the oil with olive oil, which is much healthier for us.

A 30-minute walk to get you started

Multiple studies have shown that physical inactivity and obesity are the two most contributing factors to the development of heart disease and reduction in life expectancy. Of course, various exercises that can be performed outdoors help in the fight against this. They also contribute to reducing the risk of depression, cancer and diabetes. The American Cancer Society, an organization dealing with cancer prevention, recommends that our moderate physical activity, such as walking or gardening, should take about five hours a week. In turn, slightly heavier exercises, such as running or aerobics, should be performed for two and a half hours a week. According to prof. It is worth starting Besdine with at least 30 minutes of walking each day, which can bring very quick results.

Quick Quit Smoking Effects

It has been known for a long time that smoking has a very negative impact on our health. It causes heart disease, lung disease, and many cancers. Even “lightly smoking” one cigarette a day significantly increases the risk of early death. Quitting the addiction can bring you very quick benefits. According to the American CDC, the risk of a heart attack has dropped sharply within a year after quitting smoking. And after a period of 2-5 years, the likelihood of a stroke may decrease to about the same level as in a non-smoker. The advice to quit also applies to e-cigarettes, which can damage e.g. arteries in the same way as traditional products. nicotine.

Remember to visit your doctor

Prof. Besdine points out that Prevention plays a key role in achieving longevity, helping to detect health problems early. So it’s worth checking yourself as often as your doctor recommends. The most important is regular cholesterol and blood pressure checks, as well as mammography in women and prophylaxis for testicular cancer in men.

By carrying out such a check of the state of our body at least once a year, we can analyze our lifestyle in terms of diet, movement habits or addictions, as well as stress, anxiety or even depression, and thus take appropriate action.

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These diseases significantly shorten life. You see symptoms – react!

According to the research cited by prof. Richard W. Besdine, severe mental illness can shorten life by up to 32 years. For this reason, contact with a doctor specializing in this field is extremely important. As soon as we notice disturbing symptoms, we should immediately refer them to a specialist. It’s also worth taking some time for activities that can help relieve stress, such as meditation or yoga. It is also important to nurture your interests and socialize with other people. This can have a huge impact on our mental well-being and sense of happiness.

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