My home is my fortress, the English say. And they say it correctly. Where else can you relax, think, dream and cry, if not in your own home. Of course, you want to fence your personal space from negativity. You can protect yourself and your loved ones with amulets, talismans that will protect you from other people’s evil thoughts and envy and bring harmony and good luck. The most powerful amulets are those that are made with your own hands, because you put your energy and love into them. We will tell you how to make them.
A wreath of herbs will protect you from the black thoughts that guests bring with them. If possible, it is better to collect them on the night of Ivan Kupala, then they will have the greatest strength.
Ears of rye or wheat, wormwood, thyme, oregano, fern, clover, ivan da marya – they can be combined in different versions, each plant will add something of its own. In the process of weaving, you can put beans and corn under bundles of herbs for prosperity, hide pins and needles in a wreath from damage and the evil eye.
To enhance the effect, it is worth tying ribbons: red – for good family relations, yellow – for well-being, white – from someone else’s envy. The wreath is hung over the entrance to the dwelling or to the bedroom, but so that there it is not striking. It is believed that you need to change the wreath in a year, during which time it will absorb too much of someone else’s energy and stop helping.
Thistle, burdock, nettle, which we consider to be weeds, can be beneficial if you know how to use them. It’s very simple: collect a bouquet of these plants and tie it with a red thread. You can add the same flowers that you woven into the wreath. You need to put a magic bouquet in the room closer to the windows or doors. All the negativity that unkind people bring with them will fly away.
Sometimes housewives weave a wreath of onions and garlic for easy storage. And if you add hot pepper pods to these vegetables, you get a magical amulet. It is easy to weave them into a wreath using twine, tying them by the tails. To make the wreath last longer, peppers can be made from dough from which crafts are made. To do this, mix 200 grams of flour and salt, add 50-70 ml of water, knead the dough and mold figures out of it. Then they need to be baked in the oven and painted. Decorate the wreath with mint and rosemary, they will strengthen the protection.
It would seem that we already store cereals in special containers. But these same products can also be used to protect your home from negative impacts.
You just need to take a large bottle and fill it with corn grains, beans of different colors, peas, white and brown rice, pearl barley, millet, oats. Pour cereals and grains in layers, one above the other. If you can, calculate that twelve layers come out. Think over what to pour for what, so that it turns out not only useful, but also beautiful.
You can put a “witch’s bottle” in the bedroom or living room, which will scare away evil spirits and protect from any negativity.
You can make it from scrap materials. Take any empty transparent container with a narrow neck: beer, wine, brandy flat. Spread out pins, buttons, salt, cereals, dried herbs. Even shards from a glass will do: broken glass will scare away all evil.
Slowly pour the blanks into the bottle in thin layers, create a beautiful pattern. When the bottle is full, seal it with church candle wax. For beauty, you can cover it with a piece of cloth and tie it with a red thread. They put the bottle where it will not only protect the house and attract good luck, but also decorate the interior.
Salt has a strong energy, so it can itself serve as a talisman. But only one that is consecrated on Easter or Thursday.
Sew a bag of linen or burlap, these materials attract good luck, pour salt into the bag and place it somewhere in the room so that it does not catch your eye. If people with bad energy come to visit you, salt neutralizes its influence.
The most unexpected item, even a Christmas tree toy, can become a magic amulet.
Take a silver Christmas ball, take out the cap for which it is hung on the tree, fill the space inside up to half with needles, and on top with dill seeds, according to legend, they protect from black magic and drive away evil spirits.
Then close the hole with the cap again. This amulet can also not be hidden, but hung up for beauty. And no one will guess that the ball has a protective function.
When you are doing general cleaning at home and come across an old shoe or boot, do not rush to throw it away. From unnecessary shoes, you can make an excellent amulet for the house. Moreover, the shabby the boots, the better, the main thing is that one of the family members should wear it.
But for a complete victory over evil, you also need to fill the boot with sharp objects: needles, knives, old scissors, you can add forks and fragments from broken dishes. Top for fidelity, you can sprinkle the “weapon” with dill seeds or dried dill, wormwood and other magical herbs.
It is not worth flaunting this amulet, and they will not understand, and in secret the battle with evil will be more successful. If you live in a private house, it is better to put the amulet in the attic, and in a city apartment – just in a secluded place, for example, on the mezzanine.
In the old days they knew: bast shoes can not only be worn, but also used as a home amulet, which will help to avoid conflicts, protect from betrayal, divorce and help to achieve success in business.
Everything is very simple: you need to buy decorative sandals, tie them together with a red thread or a red ribbon, put a clove of garlic and a piece of breadcrumbs inside each sandals, sprinkle with a pinch of salt. You can hang it either over the door so that all the negative that guests can bring is left behind the threshold, or near the door or window in the kitchen.
A multifunctional amulet in the form of a doll was very popular in Russia. It protects from damage and the evil eye, wards off evil spirits from home, lures luck, prosperity and prosperity. It also brings harmony to family life. In general, he takes care of the household as he can, which is why it is called Bereginya.
Bereginya must be made with her own hands, and preferably for all women in the house, then her energy will be stronger. For making, scraps from old clothes, bed linen, scarves are suitable. A base body is formed from rags, on which a head, waist, arms are formed with a thread, and a chest is made with cotton. They put on a shirt, skirt, apron, headscarf. But there is definitely no need to draw Beregina’s face, she must be faceless so that an evil spirit does not enter her.
When making a doll, it is better to think about the good, to wish your loved ones well, your thoughts will fill the amulet with protective energy. Such dolls have always been inherited, and they served the entire family.
Our great-grandmothers often embroidered with a cross, both at home in the evenings, and at friendly gatherings. Of course, they liked it, they decorated clothes with exclusive patterns.
But there was also a magical component in this occupation: women embroidered amulets for their home. But even today it is not so difficult to embroider a charm if you know how to hold a needle at least a little. But standard flowers will not work. You need to draw magical Slavic symbols on the fabric that attract health, luck, wealth, and embroider with a cross.
Sewing also calms the nerves and relieves stress. Place the picture in a frame and hang it on the wall, it will decorate the apartment.
You can first embroider the fabric with magical embroidery, and then sew a pillow-dummy from it. Dried herbs are used as a filler: mint, nettle, oregano, chamomile, lavender, wormwood, dill in any combination. They will enhance the effect of the amulet.
And if you make a very small pillow that fits in a bag, you can take it with you on the road as a personal amulet. Thus, you will take with you the protective energy of your home.
The same herbs can be filled into a specially sewn bag made of white or red natural fabric and hung in the corner.