Amsterdam Navigator (“Amsterdam Navigator”)

“Give your people plenty of beer, good and cheap, and you’ll never have a revolution!” – said the Queen of Great Britain. Perhaps their own people did not understand it so literally, but the Dutch definitely heeded this recommendation. And they created Amsterdam Navigator – a really inexpensive beer for real men. For those who are used to winding life to the fullest and are always ready for spontaneous decisions!

ТМ Amsterdam Navigator is a sort of light beer produced all over the world in strict accordance with the Dutch recipe, developed according to more traditional European brewing methods. The 15-year history and worthy reputation of this drink allowed him to gain worldwide fame. And the convenient packaging allows you to enjoy the rich taste of the malt drink under any circumstances.

European-made beer connoisseurs will definitely like Amsterdam Navigator. Moreover, the Netherlands is called his homeland – a country of people for whom freedom is not an empty phrase!


The composition of the drink is good in its simplicity: it is brewed with barley malt mixed with sugar, water and hops in strictly limited proportions. The density is about 18,2%, and the fortress never falls below the mark of 7-8%.

Sale of Amsterdam Navigator beer is carried out in glass containers with a capacity of 0,5 liters with a branded label. There is also a canned version.

Brand History

For the first time, TM Amsterdam Navigator was introduced to the market back in 1995. The brand is licensed by Royal Grolsch NV, headquartered in Amsterdam. Beer has been supplied to Russia since 1997, and ten years ago the Dutch company was officially bought by SABMiller plc.

Experts speak of “Amsterdam Navigator” as a moderately stable brand. The taste of this truly masculine, strong beer has practically not changed since its inception, retaining a bitter tint and a long beer aftertaste. Small changes in the recipe were only related to changes that generally affected the European beer market.

Today, Amsterdam has gained fame as an extremely “party” youth European city. This is fully reflected in the laconic design and the use of trendy color schemes in the development of the packaging of Amsterdam Navigator, corresponding to the atmosphere of an intense nightlife. But the image of a charming sailboat on the label with a waving flag speaks of the deep, special historical past of the Dutch capital.

Amsterdam Navigator in the Russian market

For 2017, the official right to manufacture Amsterdam Navigator in the territory of the Russian Federation belongs to SABMiller RUS LLC. Beer has its own license and is located in the premium portfolio of the company. The brand completely fills the niche of strong beer hops in SABMiller (according to the chief marketing manager).

The strength of the drink produced for the Russian market is 8,2% and obtained naturally due to the prolonged fermentation period. The taste and quality of the original recipe is no different.

Relatively recently, Amsterdam Navigator beer has undergone some changes in appearance: glass bottles with traditional dark red and black labels, but equipped with a twist-off cap that can be easily unscrewed by hand without the use of additional devices, have appeared on sale.

Amsterdam Navigator (“Amsterdam Navigator”)

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