Amotaks – what is this drug? Dosage, action, side effects, price

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Amotaks is a drug from the group of broad-spectrum antibiotics. The active substance of this preparation is amoxicillin, i.e. semi-synthetic penicillin. Amotaks is usually used to fight bacterial infections. The medicine can only be obtained with a prescription, which can also be issued by authorized nurses and midwives. What are the indications and contraindications for the use of Amotaks? Can there be any side effects from taking this antibiotic? How much does this drug cost?

Amotax – general characteristics of drugs

Amotaks is a prescription antibiotic that can also be issued by licensed nurses and midwives. The active substance of the drug which determines the bactericidal properties of the preparation is amoxicillin, czyli półsyntetyczna penicylina.

Amotaks can be purchased in three forms:

  1. granules for suspension 500 mg / 5 ml;
  2. hard capsules 500 mg;
  3. tablets 1 g.

Amotaks tablets mają barwę białą do jasnokremowej. Są owalne, obustronnie wypukłe z rowkiem umożliwiającym podział tabletki na dwie równe dawki. Opakowanie zawiera 16 lub 20 tabletek.

Granulat do sporządzania zawiesiny on the other hand, it is available in amber-colored soda-lime-silica glass bottles with a measuring spoon made of a mixture of polypropylene and polystyrene. The teaspoon has a graduation that allows the application of 1,25 ml, 2,5 ml and 5 ml of the preparation. The package also includes a syringe dispenser with a screw cap, enabling the application of up to 5 ml of suspension with an accuracy of 0,1 ml. The 100 ml bottles each contain 39,2 g of granules and the 200 ml bottles each contain 65,3 g of granules. In addition, the bottles are labeled with a line indicating the volume of 60 ml and 100 ml, respectively.

Amotaks capsules while they are hard, opaque and creamy. Inside there are granules from white to cream color.

The manufacturer and entity responsible for the distribution of Amotaks is Polfa Tarchomin, that is Tarchomińskie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne “Polfa” Spółka Akcyjna.

What is worth knowing about the types and effects of antibiotics? Check: Antibiotics – types, action, use and side effects [EXPLAIN]

Amotax – composition and action of the drug

Amotax is a bactericidal antibiotic that contains a semi-synthetic penicillin – amoxicillin.

Amoxicillin as a semi-synthetic penicillin has a fairly broad spectrum of antibacterial activity, which means that it works against many different species of bacteria. This compound is classified as beta-lactam antibiotic, which indicates the presence of a characteristic beta-lactam ring in the molecule. The structure of this ring is influenced by enzymes from the group of beta-lactamases, which are produced by some bacteria. Selected beta-lactazams that are present in bacterial cells affect the decomposition and inactivation of antibiotic molecules, which turns out to be one of the reasons for the resistance of given bacteria to the action of beta-lactam antibiotics.

Action of beta-lactam antibiotics consists in inhibiting the synthesis of the bacterial cell wall, which in turn weakens it, and then leads to the death of the bacterial cell.

After oral administration, amoxicillin is very well and quickly absorbed from the gastrointestinal tract, regardless of the consumed meals and the type of diet. It is resistant to gastric juice. The biological half-life is approximately one hour. In renal failure, it extends to 12-16 hours. Most of the dose is eliminated via the kidneys within 6 hours, mostly unchanged.

In addition to the active substance, Amotaks uses auxiliary substances in the production of the drug. The correct composition of this preparation depends on the selected form of the drug.

Excipients of the drug Amotaks in granules:

  1. guma guar;
  2. sucrose;
  3. fine benzoesan;
  4. trisodium citrate anhydrous;
  5. simethicone;
  6. strawberry flavor;
  7. aromat malinowy.

Excipients of the drug Amotaks in tablets:

  1. sodium carboxymethyl starch;
  2. corn starch;
  3. microcrystalline cellulose;
  4. stearic acid;
  5. magnesium stearate.

Excipients of the drug Amotaks in hard capsules:

  1. magnesium stearate;
  2. microcrystalline cellulose;
  3. iron oxide yellow;
  4. titanium dioxide;
  5. gelatine.

What is amoxicillin and what is its use? Check: Amoxicillin

Amotax – indications for the use of the drug

Amotax is a bactericidal antibiotic, and the indications for its use are:

  1. acute bacterial sinusitis;
  2. acute otitis media;
  3. acute streptococcal tonsillitis and pharyngitis;
  4. exacerbation of chronic bronchitis;
  5. community acquired pneumonia;
  6. acute cystitis;
  7. asymptomatic bacteriuria during pregnancy;
  8. acute pyelonephritis;
  9. typhoid and paratyphoid fever;
  10. periodontal abscess with spreading cellulitis;
  11. infections associated with the prosthesis of joints;
  12. acute, uncomplicated gonorrhea caused by Neisseria gonorrhoeae.
  13. eradykacja Helicobacter pylori;
  14. Lyme disease.

What are the most common myths about antibiotics? Check: Six myths about antibiotics

Amotax – contraindications to the use of the drug

The drug Amotaks, despite its effectiveness in the treatment of bacterial infections, cannot be used by every patient struggling with this type of ailments.

Contraindications to the use of Amotaks are:

  1. hypersensitivity to penicillin and / or other beta-lactam antibiotics;
  2. nadwrażliwość na którąkolwiek substancję pomocniczą;
  3. infectious mononucleosis;
  4. lymphocytic leukemia.

What should you know about drug hypersensitivity? Check: Drugs are also allergenic

Amotaks — środki ostrożności

Before and during the use of Amotax, follow the precautions included in the package leaflet.

Precautions to keep in mind include:

  1. an improperly selected antibiotic may result in microbial resistance to infections;
  2. with impaired renal function, the patient may develop seizures;
  3. Acute generalized pustular eruption (AGEP) is possible at initiation of therapy;
  4. the use of amoxicillin should be avoided in cases of suspected infectious mononucleosis, due to a greater risk of a morbilliform rash;
  5. during long-term treatment, it is recommended to monitor the function of internal organs and blood counts;
  6. possible occurrence of crystalluria, especially with parenteral treatment;
  7. intolerance to certain sugars;
  8. amoxicillin may affect laboratory test results; urinary glucose and estriol in pregnant women;
  9. the medicine should not be used after the expiry date which is stated on the carton. The expiry date refers to the last day of that month;
  10. this medicine should not be disposed of via wastewater or household waste. It’s best to ask your pharmacist how to dispose of medicines you no longer use.

What should you know about proper drug storage? Check: Medications that are stored wrongly are poisonous

Amotax – dosage

Always use Amotaks exactly as described in the package leaflet or as directed by your doctor or pharmacist.

Dosage of the drug Amotaks depends on the chosen form, but also on the disease that was the indication for the prescription of this drug to the patient.

When choosing the dose of Amotax to treat an individual infection, the following should be taken into account:

  1. anticipated pathogens and their likely susceptibility to antimicrobial agents;
  2. the severity and location of the infection;
  3. the age, weight and renal function of the patient

Amotax granules for oral suspension w przypadku osób dorosłych i dzieci ważących więcej niż 40 kilogramów dawkuje się:

  1. in acute bacterial nephritis, acute cystitis, asymptomatic bacteriuria during pregnancy, acute pyelonephritis, periodontal abscess, acute cystitis – 250 mg to 500 mg every 8 hours or 750 mg to 1 g every 12 hours. However, in severe infections, 750 mg to 1 g every 8 hours;
  2. in acute otitis media, acute streptococcal tonsillitis and pharyngitis, exacerbation of chronic bronchitis – 500 mg every 8 hours or 750 mg to 1 g every 12 hours. In severe infections, 750 mg to 1 g every 8 hours for 10 days;
  3. w pozaszpitalnym zapaleniu płuc — 500 mg do 1 g co 8 godzin;
  4. in abdominal and pseudo-duodenal fluid – 500 mg to 2 g every 8 hours;
  5. in infections associated with prosthetic joints – 500 mg to 1 g every 8 hours 
  6. for the prevention of endocarditis – 2 g orally, as a single dose 30 to 60 minutes before surgery;
  7. for Helicobacter pylori eradication – 750 mg to 1 g twice daily in combination with a proton pump inhibitor (for example omeprazole, lansoprazole) and another antibiotic (for example clarithromycin, metronidazole) for 7 days;
  8. in Lyme disease – in the early form: 500 mg to 1 g every 8 hours up to a maximum dose of 4 g per day in divided doses for 14 days (10 to 21 days) However, in the late form (systemic symptoms): 500 mg to 2 g every 8 hours up to a maximum dose of 6 g per day in divided doses over 10 to 30 days.

Before use, Amotaks granules should be checked that the stopper seal has not been tampered with. Before adding water, shake the medicine bottle in order to loosen the granules. The drug is administered orally.

Amotax in tablets for adults and children weighing more than 40 kg, the usual dose is 250 mg to 500 mg three times a day or 750 mg to 1 g every 12 hours depending on the severity and type of infection:

  1. severe infections – 750 mg to 1 g three times a day;
  2. urinary tract infections – 3 g twice daily for one day;
  3. Lyme disease (Lyme disease – infection transmitted by ticks): single erythema migrans (early stage – pink-red erythema) – 4 g per day. If there are systemic symptoms (late stage – more serious symptoms or when the disease affects many organs): up to 6 g per day;
  4. stomach ulcers – 750 mg or 1 g twice a day for 7 days with other antibiotics and medicines to treat stomach ulcers.
  5. prevention of endocarditis during surgery – the dose may vary depending on the type of surgery.

Maksymalna zalecana dawka to 6 g na dobę. Tabletkę leku Amotaks należy połknąć popijając wodą. Dla łatwiejszego połykania leku tabletkę można podzielić na dwie równe dawki w miejscu widocznego wgłębienia. Amotaks można przyjmować przed posiłkiem, w trakcie lub po posiłku. Należy pamiętać o zachowaniu co najmniej 4-godzinnych odstępów pomiędzy dawkami podawanymi w ciągu doby.

Amotaks in hard capsules for adults and children weighing more than 40 kilograms, the usual dose is 750 mg to 3 gy daily in two or three doses. In severe infections, the dose may be increased to 6 g daily. Ultimately, the dose depends on the severity and type of infection:

  1. respiratory tract infection – from 1,5 to 2 g twice a day or 1 g three times a day;
  2. gonorrhea – 3g once;
  3. prevention of endocarditis – with dental procedures 2 g 30 to 60 minutes before the planned procedure;
  4. early stage Lyme disease – 500 mg to 1 g three times a day for 10 to 21 days;
  5. eradykacja Helicobacter pylori — schemat wielolekowej terapii skojarzeniowej. 

Consult your doctor about doses for children weighing less than 40 kilograms and for patients with impaired kidney function. Detailed guidelines are also included in the package insert.

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Amotax – side effects

The drug Amotaks, like any other drug, may cause side effects in patients. It is important to report any suspected adverse reactions after authorization of the medicinal product so that the benefit / risk balance of the medicinal product can be monitored.

The frequency classification of adverse body reactions (ADRs) is based on the following principles: very common (≥1 / 10), common (≥1 / 100 to <1/10), uncommon (≥1 / 1 to <000/1), rare (≥ 100 / 1 to <10 / 000), very rare (<1 / 1), not known (cannot be estimated from the available data).

Common or uncommon side effects of Amotax These are: superinfections with resistant bacteria or yeasts due to prolonged and repeated use of amoxicillin, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, loss of appetite, flatulence, rash, dry mouth, taste disturbances, slight and transient increases in liver enzymes, measles rash, pruritus and hives

Rare side effects of taking Amotaks to: niedokrwistość hemolityczna, eozynofilia, zapalenie wątroby, żółtaczka cholestatyczna, ostre śródmiąższowe zapalenie nerek, występowanie kryształów w moczu, gorączka polekowa.

Very rare but potentially serious side effects of Amotax These are: angioedema, anaphylactic shock as well as severe skin reactions. Very rarely, after taking Amotaks, the following may also occur: dizziness, agitation, excessive mobility, convulsions, yeast infections (candidiasis) of the skin and mucous membranes, haematological disorders such as anemia, thrombocytopenia, prolonged bleeding time and prothrombin time, bone marrow suppression, as well as pseudomembranous enteritis

Natomiast podczas leczenia boreliozy (choroba z Lyme), stosowaniu preparatu może towarzyszyć wystąpienie reakcji Jarischa i Herxheimera (zwanej popularnie Herx), której objawy to zazwyczaj bóle głowy, bóle mięśni, podwyższona temperatura, uczucie rozbicia, złe samopoczucie i wysypka.


The occurrence of side effects after the use of Amotaks can be reported directly to the Department of Monitoring Adverse Effects of Medicinal Products, Office for Registration of Medicinal Products, Medical Devices and Biocidal Products, Al. Jerozolimskie 181C, 02-222 Warsaw.

What causes an antibiotic rash? Read on: Antibiotic rash – is it an allergy symptom?

Amotax – interactions with other drugs

Before starting treatment with Amotaks, please inform your doctor or pharmacist about all the medicines you are taking or have recently taken. You should also inform what medications the patient plans to take in the near future.

The use of Amotaks should not be combined with:

  1. samplesecydem – probenecid reduces the renal tubular secretion of amoxicillin. Concomitant use of probenecid may cause increased and long-lasting blood levels of amoxicillin;
  2. allopurinol – administration of allopurinol during treatment with amoxicillin may increase the likelihood of skin allergic reactions;
  3. tetracyclines – may interfere with the bactericidal activity of amoxicillin. 
  4. oral anticoagulants;
  5. methotrexate – penicillins may reduce the excretion of methotrexate, which may increase its toxicity.

Amotaks – price

The price of the drug Amotaks may differ depending on the city in which the antibiotic will be purchased or the pharmacy chosen by the patient. The price of the product also depends on the form of the selected drug and the number of tablets or the content of granules in the package:

  1. Amotaks in hard capsules, 16 capsules of 500 mg – approx. PLN 10, after reimbursement of approx. PLN 6;
  2. Amotaks in hard capsules, 20 capsules of 500 mg – about PLN 8-10, after reimbursement of about PLN 3-4;
  3. Amotaks in granules for oral suspension, 100 ml 100 mg / ml (500 mg / 5 ml) – about PLN 25, after reimbursement of about PLN 3-4;
  4. Amotaks in granules for oral suspension, 60 ml 100 mg / ml (500 mg / 5 ml) – approx. PLN 16, after reimbursement of approx. PLN 4;
  5. Amotaks in tablets, 16 tablets 1g – approx. PLN 16, after reimbursement of approx. PLN 5;
  6. Amotaks in tablets, 16 tablets 1g – approx. PLN 17, after reimbursement – approx. PLN 3.

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