Amorolfine – an effective way to fight mycosis
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It is contagious, it likes to relapse and it significantly reduces our quality of life. Unfortunately, it is also common – according to statistics, fungal infections are one of the most common diseases among patients visiting dermatology offices. Fortunately, by reaching for the appropriate preparations, we can get rid of mycosis quickly and effectively.

Ringworm is an infectious skin disease caused by many types of fungi. And although the disease is still considered a taboo in the public consciousness, according to experts, fungal infections have become a social and epidemiological problem. According to statistics, they occur in almost 20 percent. people living in a temperate climate zone. Moreover, due to the urbanization of the environment, the aging of the population, the abuse of antibiotics, corticosteroids and immunosuppressants, the number of patients struggling with mycosis will increase.

The most common forms of infection are tinea pedis and onychomycosis, usually caused by anthropophilic dermatophytes, most often Trichophyton rubrum [1]. Let’s take a closer look at them …

Athlete’s foot

We can become infected with mycosis of the feet through direct contact with the infected skin of a sick person, through contact with fungal spores on personal belongings: shoes, towels, clothing, and through contact with fungal spores on infected surfaces. This happens when we walk barefoot in public places: in the swimming pool, gym or sauna, or when we measure our shoes in a store with bare feet. The group of increased risk of developing the disease includes: diabetics, allergy sufferers, people with hormonal disorders, people with psoriasis or those who have problems with anemia.

Due to the clinical picture, there are three types of athlete’s foot: interdigital (the most common), sweat and exfoliating. They can stand alone or coexist with each other. In the interdigital variety, commonly known as the “athlete’s foot”, the spaces between the XNUMXrd and XNUMXth toe (external) are affected, and the symptoms are maceration of the epidermis, erythema and exfoliation.

The sweating variety very often has an asymptomatic course, followed by the sowing of itchy vesicles, around which exudate forms. The lesions are usually located in the area of ​​the foot arch.

However, in the case of the exfoliating variant, the erythematous-exfoliating foci with excessively calloused epidermis are located on the soles and lateral parts of the foot. Sometimes secondary cracks in the skin develop. The skin itself is thickened, not very elastic and rough.

Simultaneously with lesions on the feet, similar changes may appear on the hands, which are not the result of a direct infection of the skin of these areas, but the result of an allergic reaction to antigens of the fungus.

Experts emphasize that dermatophytosis is not only an aesthetic problem, it can cause pain and discomfort, leading to physical and professional limitations. Moreover, it will not disappear by itself, and if we delay starting treatment, it may spread to other parts of the body. Therefore, in the event of the appearance of the first lesions, the treatment should be started as soon as possible.

Undofen® MAX CREAM and Undofen® MAX SPRAY (in the form of an aerosol) are over-the-counter medications designed specifically to fight skin mycosis. Both preparations contain the active substance in the form of terbinafine hydrochloride, which has an antifungal effect on various species of fungi that cause skin diseases in humans (including dermatophytes, molds). The effects of the therapy are visible after 7 days!

Undofen® MAX and Undofen® MAX SPRAY can be used once a day. First, thoroughly clean and dry the surface of the skin to which you want to apply the drug, and then cover the affected area with a small amount of the drug. Each time after using the preparation, wash your hands.

Nail fungus

It affects the toenails more often than the toenails, and may affect both women and men [2]. The incidence increases with age, which is related to slower growth of nail plates and more frequent impaired blood flow in the limbs in this age group [3]. It is believed that in Poland, people suffering from onychomycosis constitute approx. 10%. all patients visiting dermatology clinics and 10-15% GP patients [4]. However, experts emphasize that a significant proportion of patients with fungal infection of the nail plates do not seek help from specialists, hence the scale of the phenomenon is underestimated [5].

Like athlete’s foot, onychomycosis is a disease that is favored by a moist and warm environment. Most often it affects the first and fifth toes – these are the ones that are the closest to closed shoes. The lesions usually appear on one plate, but neglecting them may spread the mycosis to the adjacent plates.

The main symptoms of the disease are:

  1. change of the nail plate color to slightly yellow or blue,
  2. changing the shape of the nail,
  3. exfoliation of the skin around the nails,
  4. thickened nail plate,
  5. increased brittleness,
  6. noticeable furrows on the nail plate,
  7. crushing and delamination of nails,
  8. in the advanced stage of the disease, also a sharp and unpleasant smell.

If one or more of these symptoms appear, consult a dermatologist or podiatrist. The doctor will take a sample of the material for further mycological analysis, thanks to which he will recognize which fungal infection we are dealing with and decide what treatment to apply. Ignoring the disease may not only lead to a drastic deterioration of the nail condition, but also to the need to remove the entire plate. In extreme cases, the patient requires surgical or laser intervention.

In the treatment of onychomycosis, the best results are achieved by a combination of topical and systemic treatment using oral antifungal drugs, mainly terbinafine, itraconazole and fluconazole.

Topical therapy involves the use of a drug in the form of a nail polish with the active ingredient – amorolfine – with a fungicidal effect. An example of such a preparation is Undofen® AMOROLFINA, developed for the treatment of mild, distal and lateral sub-platelet onychomycosis caused by dermatophytes, yeasts and molds confined to two nails. The varnish should be applied to the surface of the diseased fingernails or toes once a week. Before each application of Undofen® AMOROLFINA, file the surface of the infected nail thoroughly with a nail file, and then clean and degrease with the supplied alcohol swab. Apply the varnish with a spatula to the entire surface of the infected nail or nails and let it dry for 3 to 5 minutes. It is important to continue treatment until a healthy nail grows. The preparation is convenient to use and, most importantly, available without a prescription.

Another preparation recommended in the case of onychomycosis is the medical device Undofen® THERAPY 3 IN 1 GEL, intended for the local treatment of mild to moderate onychomycosis. Its composition includes 1,5-pentanediol, which has water-binding, moisturizing and antimicrobial properties. The preparation has a triple action: it heals onychomycosis, supports the regeneration of the nail, and by creating a protective coating, prevents the development and further spread of fungal infection. Also in the case of Undofen® GEL THERAPY 3 in 1, the application of the preparation is very simple – using the applicator, it is enough to spread a thin layer of gel over the entire surface of the nail, up to the cuticles and leave for a few minutes to dry completely. The first results can be seen after 1 week of use (usually at least 4 weeks), while Undofen® 3 IN 1 THERAPY GEL should be used twice a day, continuing the treatment until a healthy nail grows back.

Stay ahead of ringworm!

Given that mycosis is a disease that likes to recur, prevention is extremely important. First of all, risk factors related to the susceptibility to fungal infection should be eliminated, which means that patients with psoriasis, diabetes or allergies should use effective therapeutic therapy.

People with excessive sweating of the feet are recommended to use prophylactic topical preparations in the form of preparations limiting sweating. You should also check the condition of your nails yourself and use proper hygiene. It is necessary to wipe the feet thoroughly, cut the nails briefly and wear light, airy, properly fitted shoes, as well as socks made of natural fibers, preferably cotton.

Very important in the prevention of fungal infections is to limit contact with the pathogen. Avoid walking barefoot in public places: changing rooms and changing rooms. You should also not forget to wear protective footwear when visiting the swimming pool, gym, sauna or bathhouse.

Before use, read the package leaflet or consult your doctor or pharmacist, as any drug used improperly is a threat to your life or health.


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