Amoeba – infections, symptoms, treatment, prevention. What does the diagnosis look like? WE EXPLAIN

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Amoeba is a single-celled organism that causes the fatal primary amoebic encephalitis, or negleriosis. This parasite attacks the brain and then feeds on its tissue. Amoeba is 99% fatal. cases of infections (when infected with Naegleria fowleri). Amoeba infection occurs most often in summer, when we visit various bathing areas.

Amoeba is a very rare parasite that leads to the development of meningitis. The disease is otherwise known as negleriosis. The infection is usually so rapid that it cannot be controlled. The infection is fatal in most patients.

Amoeba – characteristics

Amoeba is a very rare unicellular parasite with a variable body shape. It does not need a host to live and reproduce. However, once it becomes infected, it is usually fatal. Amoeba comes in three different forms: amoebic (trophozoite), flagellar and cyst.

The amoeba is covered with pellicula, which is a thin film. Her body is irregular in shape. In building an amoeba mention should be made of the cytoplasm, nucleus, nucleolus, pulsating Aquatic Warbler and food Aquatic Warbler.

Amoeba has no limbs. It moves in a creeping motion with the help of pull-out quasi-legs. Amoeba may be able to:

  1. resting – does not move;
  2. floating;
  3. undirected traffic;
  4. targeted traffic.

Amoeba reproduces by dividing into new individuals. Usually 2 or 4 new parasites are formed. If there are no conditions for reproduction (dry environment), the amoeba can turn into a cyst, i.e. a spore form.

Naegleria fowleri it’s not the only amoeba that attacks the human brain. Another dangerous microorganism from the amoeba family is Acanthamoeba, which also occurs in warm and humid environments, but has a different life cycle (no flagella stage). In humans, this one species of amoeba causes amoebic keratitis, granulomatous amoebic encephalitis, and disseminated infection.

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Amoeba – sources of infection

Amoeba is a parasite that lives in a humid environment, so it can be either a water reservoir with warm, fresh water, as well as soil or air. Bathing in warm polluted natural freshwater reservoirs is the most dangerous. Statistically, amoeba infection is most common in the United States, Pakistan and New Zealand. There are also recorded cases of infections as a result of cleaning the sinuses with unboiled water.

Good to know!

Pools in Poland are also safe due to chlorinated water and frequent cleaning. However, you should be afraid of artificially heated water reservoirs, as well as contact with microorganisms brought from holidays in the tropical zone.

So far, no case has been reported in Poland infections with negleriosis. Fortunately, the waters in Poland are too cold for this parasite, so the amoeba does not have a natural environment and does not occur in our country. One case of their presence has been reported so far. Amoeba strains found in the Konińskie Lakes in the 80s, however, the lake waters were artificially heated by a nearby power plant, which created ideal conditions for this parasite.

Also read: How to get rid of parasites from the body?

Amoeba – infection

Among the many species of amoeba, Naegleria fowleri is responsible for the development of the infection. Under certain conditions, the amoeba produces fibrous structures that allow it to move quickly. Thanks to this, she can find a suitable environment for herself. You can become infected with amoeba, for example, while swimming in polluted waters. The parasite enters the human body through the nose. There it breaks through the mucous membranes and finally reaches the brain via the olfactory nerve. The amoeba literally eats the brain tissue. It produces projections in the brain, thanks to which it tears off pieces of tissue, absorbs them and digests them. This leads to hemorrhagic necrosis of the brain.

It is worth noting that it will not happen in every person amoeba infection. Unfortunately, the mechanism by which certain people in a given bathing beach will be infected and others will not develop the disease has not been known so far. Scientists, on the other hand, are determined that bathing in hot weather is the greatest risk. Immunodeficiency is another factor, especially in children and the elderly.

Be sure to read: The 10 most dangerous parasites that lurk in food

Amoeba – signs of infection

Amoeba causes symptoms after about 7 days from entering the human body. Amoeba infection manifests itself with high temperature. There are also headaches, vomiting and nausea. A person infected with negleriosis becomes very sleepy (it can sleep even all day) and lethargic. There is also a stiff neck and sensitivity to light. The patient may also have disturbances in the perception of tastes and smells, as well as ataxia.

In addition, as the disease progresses, there may be disturbances in concentration, balance, convulsions and hallucinations. Sick people are confused. When a patient develops these symptoms, the course of the disease becomes very violent. An infected person usually dies within 12-14 days.

Unfortunately symptoms of amoeba infection they are so nonspecific that many doctors first begin treatment for purulent (bacterial) meningitis. Bacterial infection, however, is not so rapid. In the case of an amoeba infection, the patient’s condition worsens very quickly, and death occurs even after 7 days the first symptoms of negleriosis. It happens that the infection is found only after the patient’s death during the post-mortem examination. You can then see the damage to the patient’s brain caused by the amoeba.


Remember that you cannot get infected with an amoeba by drinking contaminated water.

However, brain damage is not the only cause of death in a patient. The amoeba travels through the olfactory nerve to the cerebellum and on to the brain. When it gets there, it causes inflammation of the brain and meninges. Edema appears, which can lead to a rapid increase in intracranial pressure. As a result, the cerebellar tonsils may be inserted into the great foramen. It is the main cause of sudden patient death. Intussusception puts pressure on the basic vital centers of the spinal cord. During postmortem autopsy, you will see necrosis and signs of hemorrhage in the olfactory bulbs and the cerebral cortex. Amoeba trophozoites will be visible in microscopic examination of the tissues.

amoeba – diagnoses

The diagnosis of amoeba infection is to test the cerebrospinal fluid for the presence of amoebas. This is the patient’s only chance to survive. Mobile amoeba cells will be visible in the diseased sample, and trophozoites will also be visible after adding the appropriate dye. In order to confirm the diagnosis, immunofluorescence, culture in a suitable medium or PCR method are used.

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Amoeba – treatment

The high mortality rate is evidence of low efficacy in the treatment of amoeba infections. In order to increase its effectiveness and the chances of the patient’s survival, the doctor should remember three things. First, quick recognition, second, immediate introduction anti-amoeba treatment and third, introducing a treatment-supporting and life-saving procedure into treatment.

Treatment of amoeba infection consists in administering antibiotics. Unfortunately, most of them do not reach the brain, which means that their effectiveness is very low. To be effective, they must be administered directly to the brain. However, it is very risky. This decision is always made by doctors. They then administer a mixture of antifungal drugs (amphotericin B, miconazole, fluconazole) and antibiotics (rifampicin). In addition, the patient also receives a specially designed agent that penetrates the blood-brain barrier.

Research into an effective cure for amoeba infection is still ongoing. Their effect is, for example, miltefozin, thanks to which it was possible to save two children in 2013 in the United States. However, it should be remembered that defeating an amoeba does not always mean a complete recovery. The brain damage is often so severe that the person infected with the amoeba does not fully recover.

Amoeba – prophylaxis

Prophylaxis of amoeba infection is quite simple. The easiest way to prevent amoeba from entering the human body is to avoid freshwater baths. It is worth remembering about this, especially on hot days. If you still decide to take a bath, remember about special nose clips that will help reduce the risk. Even if you do not immerse yourself in water, it is worth being especially careful when walking in shallow water, for example.

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