Amniotic fluid – composition, quantity, appearance

The period of pregnancy is a different state of the body, and various signals related to it often surprise women. Ladies are looking for information on the changes taking place in their body in order to provide their baby with the best conditions and care in the womb. Amniotic fluid is one element of pregnancy that you should know more about. Their proper condition is extremely important for the child’s development. They are responsible for the transport and exchange of nutrients between mother and baby. It is thanks to them that the toddler is protected against injuries and adverse external factors.

Fetal Waters – Where Do They Come From?

About more than a month after fertilization, the fetal bladder closes around the embryo. It is an airtight bag made of two layers: internal fetal membrane, called amniotic, i z chorion, or external fetal membrane. The outer cells of the amnion secrete the fluid they are fetal waters. Their number changes with the age of pregnancy. They are confined in the space between the membranes. A small amount of amniotic fluid is also produced by the fetus itself.

Depending on the stage of pregnancy, the composition changes amniotic fluid. It contains valuable organic and inorganic salts, fats, vitamins and enzymes as well as albumin, i.e. proteins that are usually present in blood plasma. In amniotic waters there are also significant numbers of fetal epithelial cells. At the end of pregnancy, the amniotic fluid appears in the amniotic fluid and covers the baby’s skin.

Amniotic fluid – quantity

Amount of amniotic fluid changes with the age of pregnancy. At first, there are few of them. It is estimated that at the end of the third month of pregnancy there is about 100 ml amniotic fluid. By contrast, at the end of pregnancy, around the eighth month and at the very beginning of the ninth month, the volume amniotic fluid it can reach even 1,5 liters. In the ninth month alone, the body produces very little amniotic fluid, because the stomach is getting tighter and there is simply not enough space.

Both too little and too much amniotic fluid it is not beneficial to the child. If, in an advanced stage of pregnancy, the amount of waters fetal does not exceed 100 ml, there is a high risk of hypoxia and low birth weight of the child. In turn, too much amniotic fluid may be a sign of kidney, lung, heart and nervous system defects in a child, and a woman may develop gestational diabetes.

Amniotic fluid – appearance

Correct looking fetal waters at first they are just transparent. Then they become a bit opalescent, and already in advanced pregnancy, they become cloudy. Healthy fetal waters they are most often odorless, but sometimes their aromas may resemble sweet fish.

Any change in appearance amniotic fluid, both in color and smell, can be a sign of abnormal pregnancy development. If the amniotic fluid is leaking out and is yellowish, green or brown in color, go to the hospital immediately and seek medical advice. Yellow the color may indicate a developing serological conflict between the mother and the child. Green kolor amniotic fluid it indicates that the baby is hypoxic or the baby donates meconium, which happens quite often. Brown color waters fetal may unfortunately mean intrauterine death of the fetus.

Departure of amniotic fluid

Fetal waters they get out in different ways. It is certain, however, that when they come out in a strong stream at one time, they mark the beginning of labor. It is true that the delivery may take even several hours, but it is worth at least informing the midwife about such a situation, which will allow everyone to prepare for the baby’s arrival. You can also go straight to the hospital.

Sometimes, however, fluid leaks quite early and small amounts may be observed. This can happen even several weeks before the planned delivery. This is evidenced by Fr. leaks fetal bladder and the lack of protection of the baby. Then the mother must be hospitalized, and in order to protect the baby, she must take antibiotics. Often, medications are also administered to accelerate the maturation of the fetal alveoli so that it is ready for an earlier birth.

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