Amnesia Mafia

A bottle of Amnesia sambuca looks like it was specially prepared for a gift to someone like Don Corleone: a strict, light gray label is crossed by a colorful inscription “mafia”. In fact, this is a subtle play on words: mafia, translated from the Sicilian dialect, means “excellent.”

Sambuca “Amnesia” is a colorless transparent liquor with a strength of 40% with a pleasant sweet taste and a long anise-spicy aftertaste.

This sambuca can be served traditionally with coffee beans, or you can make a Flaming Mr. Fish”. To do this, mix 75 ml of Amnesia sambuca, 37 ml of Karat vodka and a few ice cubes in a shaker. Pour the resulting mixture into a tall glass and add raspberry lemonade (to taste).

Specialists of the Ukrainian distillery “Karat” are sure that the anise liqueur “Amnesia” created by them is so perfect that it makes you completely forget about all the troubles. And so that sambuca can be served to the table in accordance with all the rules, a bag with coffee beans is attached to the cork: for love, health and good luck.

Amnesia Mafia

Historical reference. The Rainford group of companies was founded in 1992 by four Dnepropetrovsk businessmen. At first, the partners simply imported famous brands of spirits, but they soon came to the conclusion that it was much more profitable to produce their own high-quality alcohol.

In 1997 in the village. Bozhedarovka, Dnipropetrovsk region, the Rainford group has built a new Karat distillery, equipped with the latest technology. Today this company is one of the ten largest world producers of vodka. “Karat” occupies 30% of the Ukrainian market of spirits. The possibility of fakes is minimized: in each region of Ukraine there is a representative office of the enterprise. The plant’s products are exported to 77 countries.

The production of Amnesia anise liqueur began in the first decade of the XNUMXst century. The official motto of the Karat plant is “Absolute quality”. These words can be fully attributed to the sambuka “Amnesia”. The drink is made from luxury alcohol, herbs and spices. Water for liquor is extracted from an artesian well, then softened and disinfected with ultraviolet radiation.

Rainford does not just advertise sambuca, but tries to instill in consumers the culture of drinking noble spirits. To this end, the company sponsors weekly Sambuca Mafia Night parties, which are held in several Kiev clubs.

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