Ammonium sulfate (or ammonium sulphate) is a very common mineral fertilizer that is usually applied in the spring. The nitrogen contained in it gives a powerful impetus to the rapid growth of plants, and sulfur improves the quality of fruits and contributes to their long-term storage.
general description
Ammonium sulfate is a white crystalline powder, a pinkish or yellowish tint is possible. Often its use is appropriate simultaneously with other mineral fertilizers, since it is not complex, and from the entire spectrum of micro and macro elements it offers only 2 main ones. The substance is perfectly soluble in water, does not cake, is used both in dry form for digging the site, and in an aqueous solution. This is a non-aggressive agrochemical, it does not cause harm to a plant or a person, this explains its use not only for root, but also for foliar dressings. An aqueous solution of this fertilizer is perfectly absorbed by all parts of the plant: roots, leaves and stems.
Ammonium sulfate is not too mobile in the soil, it remains in the fertile layer, not volatilizing and not being washed out by water to other levels, this ensures the duration of the process of absorption by plant roots. The fertilizer dissolved in water excludes the transition of nitrogen into the nitrate form, which means it does not allow the accumulation of nitrates in the fruits or greens of the fed crops. Ammonium sulphate can be used everywhere, its use does not depend on the climatic zone or soil characteristics. Its one-time application will not affect the soil in any way, but regular fertilizer will make the soil more acidic.
Therefore, on alkaline and neutral soils, it can be used without looking back, but on acidic (or all with regular repeated application), it is necessary to use substances with it that resist acidification of the soil. Limestone or crushed chalk is often used for this purpose. For chernozems, ammonium sulfate is the best nitrogen-containing fertilizer. I must say that it harms the environment much less than other agrochemicals.
Video “Application”
Informative video about the use of the product, as well as important notes and tips.
Useful Properties
In addition to 21% nitrogen, ammonium sulfate also contains 24% sulfur. The lack of nitrogen immediately becomes noticeable in the appearance of plants – the greens turn pale, the leaves lose their color and gradually die. But few people know that a lack of sulfur can disrupt nitrogen metabolism. It is a part of proteins, vegetable oils, vitamins; without it, redox processes and protein exchanges that constantly occur in plants become impossible. With a lack of sulfur, plant growth slows down, the stems become thinner and longer, the leaves turn pale, and the quality of the fruit is lost. The lack of sulfur in the soil contributes to the accumulation of nitrogen in the nitrate form.
For a year, from a cultivated hectare of land, plants choose from 30 to 60 kg of sulfur. Therefore, ammonium sulfate saturates the soil with two necessary elements at once. On depleted or uncultivated soils, the application of this fertilizer is noticeable immediately. But we must not forget that it is not, strictly speaking, complex – agricultural crops also need other elements, primarily potassium, phosphorus, magnesium, and calcium. It cannot be combined with wood ash and slag.
Ammonium sulfate is used in the fall, scattering the powder over the field at the same time as digging. But when applied in spring (like all nitrogen ones), it is quickly absorbed by plants, gives them an impetus to growth, provides the necessary amount of nitrogen and sulfur for rapid growth, so many people prefer its spring application in the garden. Nitrogen provides plant growth, but sulfur affects the quality of its fruits. It is the quality, and not the quantity, which is usually paid attention to, that provides a sufficient amount of sulfur.
The lack of this element – reduces the vitamin value of the fruit, reduces the shelf life. In addition, it is the sulfur content that does not allow nitrogen to turn into those very “nitrates” that everyone is so afraid of when buying greens. The use of an aqueous solution eliminates the conversion of nitrogen into a nitrate form, the accumulation of its excess, so many people prefer to produce liquid root and foliar top dressing.
Instructions for use
Ammonium sulfate is used in the spring as the main fertilizer before sowing or planting crops. Its use just before the spring digging of the site allows you to evenly distribute the substance over the garden. The minimum amount of fertilizer is 25–30 g for a square meter of plantings. But each plant reacts to this fertilizer in its own way, which means that the amount of the applied substance during top dressing varies depending on the needs of each crop.
Since ammonium sulphate acidifies the soil even more than urea, with regular use it must be combined with limestone or crushed chalk in a 1: 1 combination. Some experts advise even taking up to 1 kg of chalk for 1,2 kg of salt for plants that really do not like acidic soils.
When growing greens, 20 g per 1 sq. m, but you can apply up to 70 g of dry fertilizer between the rows and then after each watering, top dressing will go to the roots. 20–30 g per 1 square meter are applied to the carrot bed. m, and for beets – 30–35 g per 1 sq. m. For cruciferous contribute 30 g, and for potatoes – from 25 to 40 g per square meter. Flowers (in the country house and window sill) are fertilized at the rate of 20–25 g per square meter. m, and under each fruit tree or bush contribute 25 g.
Use with private plants
This is not to say that this fertilizer should be used for all plants without exception. Wheat, buckwheat, oats, soybeans show very little effect after the application of ammonium sulfate. But cabbage, radishes, turnips, beets respond well to it. Fertilizing before planting potatoes is just the beginning, then young plants are watered with a solution, and top dressing is completed during the formation of root crops. Nitrates do not accumulate in the tubers, but they themselves become larger and their starch content increases. The plant after such enhanced nutrition does not suffer from scab and core rot.
A large amount of nitrogen can prevent cabbage from forming heads, so fertilizer is applied before spring digging or a week after planting seedlings. Otherwise, it will grow too large leaves that are not formed into a head, and the cauliflower, having received too much nitrogen, will stretch. When growing greens or herbs, ammonium sulfate can be used at different stages, especially good for a second crop, they need nitrogen to form green mass. Top dressing is stopped 2 weeks before harvest.
Beets and carrots, which received ammonium sulphate during their growth, give large, juicy, even roots, which are distinguished by a high content of sugars and are excellent for long-term storage. Twisted, twisted carrots grow on soils with a lack of sulfur. Top dressing is stopped 2-3 weeks before harvest. Peppers, eggplants, cucumbers, tomatoes are fertilized with an aqueous solution of this agrochemical. They are watered 2-3 times per season, they also stop 2-3 weeks before ripening. Young seedlings of fruit trees are fed with 25 g of ammonium sulfate, combining it with a solution of mullein. And mature trees fertilize by introducing dry matter into the trunk circle, cover it with a small layer of soil.
Video “Feeding the soil”
Video instruction on how to fertilize the soil using a fertilizer spreader.