Among the wide range of mineral preparations used to stimulate plant growth, ammonium nitrate occupies a special place of honor. For many decades, the use of this fertilizer in agriculture can significantly improve soil fertility, and thereby increase the yield of vegetable and fruit crops.
Types of fertilizer
Ammonium nitrate (ammonium nitrate) is a granular substance of white with a grayish tint, mostly consisting of nitrogen (up to 35%) – a substance that actively stimulates the growth of crops. The high efficiency of saltpeter is due to the presence of sulfur (3-14%) in its composition, which increases the absorption of nitrogen by plants. Fertilizer applied in early spring is an excellent building material for plants at the start of their development.
Saltpeter, used as a fertilizer, is almost always produced with the addition of various trace elements. The use of these additives is due to the characteristics and needs of the soil in certain climatic zones. There are several types of saltpeter produced by industry:
- Ammonia simple. This variety was one of the first to be developed. Its main task is to fully provide crops with concentrated nitrogen at the initial stage of growth. Top dressing is successfully used in the agro-industrial economy of many countries as a starter fertilizer, as well as an alternative to carbamide (urea).
- Ammonia, brand “B”. It is divided into the first and second grade. Its main use is the cultivation of seedlings and houseplants, which, in limited natural conditions, are especially in need of nitrogen. Produced in a small convenient packaging, well stored.
- Potash. In addition to nitrogen, it also contains potassium. Ideal for pre-sowing introduction into the soil in spring, as well as top dressing during the active growing season: budding, flowering, fruit set. It helps to improve the taste of the crop, so it is widely used by gardeners for fruit trees, vegetables, especially tomatoes.
- Lime. Produced mainly for the agro-industrial complex. Its composition is additionally enriched with magnesium, potassium and calcium. There are two types: simple and granular. The granules of the latter have increased strength – they do not cake during storage, they are safe during transportation. Among the shortcomings, it can be noted that lime nitrate is processed with fuel oil, but it is thanks to the use of fuel oil that it is well absorbed and does not increase the acidity of the soil.
- calcium. Produced in granular and liquid form. Its main purpose is to fertilize crops in case of insufficient calcium concentration in the soil. Calcium deficiency leads to rotting of the roots and stunting, and after calcium fertilization, plant growth is restored, yields increase, and fruits last longer.
- Magnesium. It is used as an additional source of magnesium in the cultivation of vegetables and legumes.
- sodium. This kind of saltpeter can be used to fertilize any crops on all types of soils. It has also found its application in the food industry in the processing of meat.
There is also porous saltpeter, but it is used only for the manufacture of explosives, and as a fertilizer it cannot be used.
Video “Spring dressing of garlic with ammonium nitrate”
Recommendations for the use of ammonium nitrate for plant nutrition in the spring at their summer cottage.
How to apply
Ammonium nitrate, due to its high nitrogen content, is widely used both in agriculture and in individual gardening and horticulture. Despite the acidic environment, this nitrogen fertilizer has a neutral pH reaction, and therefore it can be used on almost all soils, including acidic ones. But, when applying to podzolic and acidic soils, simultaneously with saltpeter, it is necessary to introduce calcium carbonate into the soil in a ratio of 0,75 g / 1 g of saltpeter.
A distinctive feature of ammonium nitrate is its ability to act immediately, and at low temperatures, which is unusual for any other fertilizer. Therefore, the product can be applied in early spring, even when the snow has not completely melted. However, foliar treatment with nitrate is not recommended, as the product can cause serious burns to plants.
Nitrogen fertilizer is quite effective when used on heavily exploited soils. It often happens that the same crops are grown on the plot from year to year (crop rotation is disturbed), which subsequently leads to soil depletion and the accumulation of pathogenic fungi in its upper layer. Such soil can be restored only with disinfectants and special preparations, including saltpeter.
Such soil fertilizer with saltpeter helps to strengthen the protective properties of plants, increases their resistance to fungal putrefactive infections. Introduced into the soil in spring, it protects vegetable and fruit crops from diseases throughout the season. Ammonium nitrate crystals quickly absorb moisture, which is why the fertilizer often cakes – it turns into large lumps that must be crushed before use. It is very important that the product has a crumbly structure. Otherwise, the lumps will dissolve for a long time, and can cause serious damage to the soil.
Is nitrate dangerous
More than a third of ammonium nitrate consists of nitric acid salts (nitrates), and 14% of sulfur, but this does not mean that the product is dangerous to human health. Nitrates are an essential element for plant nutrition, the only question is their quantity. For example, regular soil fertilization with bird droppings or manure, due to their high nitrogen content, also contributes to the accumulation of nitrates in fruit and vegetable crops.
To avoid excessive formation of nitrates in fruits, you just need to follow the recommended dosage when applying the product. It is important to stop using any fertilizer two weeks before harvest. In addition, plants such as gourds, pumpkins, zucchini, cucumbers and squash have the ability to increase the accumulation of nitrates, so it is not recommended to fertilize them with ammonium nitrate.
Fertilizer application rates
It is necessary to fertilize with ammonium nitrate strictly observing the dosage, which is indicated in the instructions for use:
- immediately before planting, it is recommended to use an aqueous solution, which is brought to a depth of 10-12 cm;
- the loose method is suitable for fertilizing in early spring, when the soil is still cold, since the absorption of the product takes time;
- when planting seedlings, the recommended dose is 2-3 g per well, if fertilized with an aqueous solution, then the concentration is 30-40 g / 10 l of water;
- areas intended for planting root crops should be fertilized at the rate of 25-30 g of the product / 1 sq. m, if earlier the soil was not fed with anything, it is permissible to increase the dose to 50 g;
- fruit bushes and trees are recommended to be fertilized around the trunk at a dosage of 15-18g / 1 sq. m, for the preparation of a liquid product, the norm is 25-30g / 10 l of water.
If you fertilize the soil and plants during the growing season, then the norms will be as follows:
- for root crops 5-7 g/sq. m – apply twice: before flowering and after the formation of the ovary;
- for vegetables 5-10 g/sq. m – used for the use of granules, which fall asleep in the recesses in the soil a couple of weeks after germination;
- for fruit bushes and trees 15-20 g/sq. m – it is recommended to fertilize with a dry agent once during the period of leaf appearance, the diluted composition is used for root application.
Saltpeter storage
Fertilizer refers to agricultural chemicals. It contains substances that require special conditions to preserve their properties:
- the nitrogen contained in ammonium nitrate can evaporate, so it is necessary to store the product in sealed packaging without damage;
- ammonium salt (the main substance of the fertilizer) is explosive – at a temperature of 32,5 ° C and above, it can explode, therefore, in hot weather, the product must be stored in a cool room with good ventilation;
- salt crystals easily absorb moisture – in order to maintain the loose consistency of the product, it must be stored in a dry room, and special moisture-absorbing substances should be placed in bags with ammonium nitrate;
- in the room where the substance is located, it is forbidden to store combustible and other materials that can react: acids, oil products, coal, wood, sawdust, lubricants, and also it is forbidden to smoke and use open flame lighting;
- the distance from the folded packages to the walls should be at least 0,2 meters, and from the heat source 1 meters.
When storing in warehouses, the following requirements must be taken into account: standard packages weighing up to 50 kg can be stacked in stacks of no more than 12 layers; no more than 300 tons can be stored in one room. Fertilizer can be transported by any transport, except for aviation. Ammonium nitrate does not have a harmful effect on humans when inhaled, but can cause severe skin irritations, dermatitis, especially when it comes into contact with wet skin. Therefore, it is recommended to work with fertilizer only with rubber gloves.
Video “Introduction of saltpeter on frozen and thawed soil”
Video review on the introduction of ammonium nitrate on the field using No-Till Technology on frozen and thawed soil.
Author: Svetlana Galitsina