- General characteristics of amino acids
- BCAA: what is it
- Contraindications, side effects, overdose
- Benefits of Consuming BCAAs Before and After Your Workout
- When is the right time to drink
- BCAAs in food
- Forms of amino supplements: which ones are better to take
- Combination of BCAAs with other ingredients
- A few common questions about BCAAs
- How are they different from other amino acids?
- What are BCAAs made from?
- Which BCAA is better: capsules or powder?
- How to check for quality?
- How to breed?
- BCAA vs Protein: Which is Better?
- Glutamine or BCAA?
- BCAA for immunity: what are the benefits?
- Can you lose weight with BCAAs?
- How to make a BCAA shake at home?
- BCAA supplements from top 5 companies
BCAAs are considered one of the most effective and beneficial supplements to any sports nutrition program. Meanwhile, not everyone understands why these substances are needed and how a sports BCAA supplement works on the human body. Although sport, I must say, is far from the only scope of these amazing amino acids – without them, the full life of any person is impossible.
General characteristics of amino acids
Amino acids are the building blocks for the proteins found in our bodies. All amino substances, connecting with each other, form chains, or peptides. And depending on the order of the amino acids in this chain, one or another type of protein is created. So, for example, to create growth hormone, the body will need a different amount and a different order of amino acids than to form food enzymes.
Most amino substances, when combined, create linear forms. When all the elements needed to create a protein are in place, the amino chain folds into a 3D shape. This process of assembling amino acids into a single pattern is called protein synthesis.
In foods, amino acids are also found in the form of proteins. And these proteins, when they enter the body, are broken down again into amino acids, which then selectively combine and create new proteins – those that the body needs for proper functioning. What is this protein for? It is the foundation of most of the human body. Skin, eyes, heart, intestines, bones and, of course, muscles are all made up of proteins.
There are about 300 amino acids in nature, but only 20 of them serve as components of proteins, and 8 of them are indispensable for humans. But when it comes to athletes, it is customary to single out three from the list of essential amino substances that bodybuilders need the most. We are talking about the so-called branched chain amino acids (BCAA) – valine, isoleucine and leucine.
BCAA: what is it
Among all the amino acids, there are those that are especially important for building protein. This is BCAA. The decoding of the abbreviation – Branched-chain amino acids – is translated from English as “branched chain amino acids”. As already mentioned, this group of amino substances includes leucine, isoleucine and valine. And if we make a comparison with other amino acids, then the BCAA structure is not a line of elements strung one after another, but a branched structure resembling a tree crown.
The side chain of BCAAs is made up of one carbon atom and three hydrogen atoms, and this structure, I must say, is much better suited for the production of new proteins. Why? If only because branched-chain amino acids provide many more options for attaching elements than other amino substances. This means that stronger proteins are created with the help of BCAAs, and the process itself proceeds much faster. And when BCAAs are involved in muscle protein synthesis, the result is thicker, stronger muscle fibers.
Role in the body
And although BCAAs are more often remembered in the context of sports nutrition, many scientific studies confirm the benefits of these supplements not only for athletes. Branched-chain amino acid intake improves concentration, performance and cognitive functions of the brain, enhances short-term memory, prevents fatigue and maintains the functionality of the body. BCAAs are useful for people with chronic fatigue or impaired concentration. These amino substances slow down muscle atrophy in bedridden people, they are useful after surgery, during recovery from burns or other injuries. In the postoperative period, many patients receive BCAAs intravenously. In addition to building cells and repairing tissues, amino acids are necessary for the creation of antibodies, they are part of enzymes and hormones, form RNA and DNA, and are important for transporting oxygen throughout the body. It is also worth knowing that valine accelerates the regeneration of muscle tissue, isoleucine stabilizes sugar levels and increases hemoglobin, and leucine stimulates the secretion of growth hormone.
In medicine, these amino acids are used as a cure for headaches, dizziness, fatigue, depression, irritability caused by protein deficiency.
The benefits of BCAAs will undoubtedly be felt by weightlifters, as well as athletes for whom endurance is important (for example, long-distance runners). BCAAs are unique amino acids that are concentrated in the muscles, where they are actually processed into the energy necessary for muscle work.
Other BCAA Benefits:
- necessary for the synthesis of proteins in general;
- useful for glucose homeostasis (that is, they maintain a stable level of sugar in the bloodstream);
- directly regulate muscle protein synthesis;
- improve physical and mental performance;
- serve as “raw materials” for alanine and glutamine;
- regulate the percentage of fat in the body;
- affect insulin secretion.
What gives athletes
There are varying opinions regarding the need for BCAA supplementation. The reason for the discussion was the fact that amino acids are available in most foods and are also found in whey protein powders. But in some cases this is not enough. First of all, we are talking about bodybuilders and people struggling with excess fat. So, how is the amino acid complex useful for athletes?
BCAAs are the most important amino acids for bodybuilding because they are able to repair muscle tissue. In addition, these three substances have a pronounced synergistic effect (enhance each other’s abilities). In addition, about a third of muscle consists of BCAAs.
Unlike other amino acids, which are first transported to the liver after ingestion, BCAAs are sent directly to the muscles, where they are used by muscle fibers to repair tissue. By the way, of the three BCAAs, leucine is considered the most anabolic, so it is very important for bodybuilders to have this amino acid in the diet. Valine and isoleucine are called glycogens, which means they can serve as an efficient source of energy during exercise and thus increase endurance and prevent fatigue. And for this reason, BCAAs are extremely beneficial for beginners in bodybuilding.
But for an anabolic effect, it is not enough to take only valine or isoleucine; for a bodybuilder, the presence of all three components is important, moreover, in a certain proportion. Compliance with the correct ratio of components is more important than the total dose of amino acids obtained. The ratio of 2 parts of leucine and 1 part of valine and isoleucine is considered optimal.
Daily rate
In order for the process of protein synthesis to work at full strength, the body needs certain portions of amino acids. If we talk about leucine, then the daily norm of this substance is from 1 to 4 g. A more accurate calculation can be done using the formula: 31 mg of amino acid per kilogram of body weight. Interestingly, for infants, the daily allowance is more than 400 mg per kilogram.
But even these indicators are just the minimum required amount for, so to speak, completing basic level tasks. In fact, for athletes, especially weightlifters, the dosage of leucine can be more than 5-10 g. But still, for beginners, 2-3 g of the substance is a more acceptable dose (so that the stomach gets used to the new supplement). Then gradually (every 2-3 days) the daily dose can be increased by 1 gram and so on until the desired dosage is reached. The maximum allowable daily serving of BCAAs for professional athletes should not exceed 80 g. The maximum servings of branched-chain amino acids bodybuilders take during the carbohydrate-free period or before competitions. And at the loading stage, BCAAs can serve as a replacement for proteins.
It would be a mistake to assume that only bodybuilders feel the benefits of amino substances. By taking the supplement before cardio training, you can also noticeably improve the performance of the body.
In addition, a portion of the supplement after any type of sports load will accelerate the restoration of amino acid balance in the body. But for optimal results, it is advisable to take BCAAs separately from other groups of amino acids.
Why is BCAA deficiency dangerous?
It is well known that BCAAs are indispensable for the human body. They provide many vital processes, which means that the body must regularly receive the necessary portions of amino acids.
The use of BCAAs with food directly affects the concentration of amino acids in plasma and muscle tissue. But during exercise, BCAAs are quickly converted into energy, which serves as “fuel” for muscles. And the more intense the strength training, the more amino acid reserves are burned. If balance is not restored in time, catabolic processes are activated in muscle tissue. Hence the biggest paradox of sports: even the most powerful anaerobic loads against the background of an amino acid deficiency will not give muscle growth.
Contraindications, side effects, overdose
Probably, many men, before taking BCAA, thought about how this dietary supplement would affect potency. And there is nothing strange in this, since quite often you can hear that sports nutrition impairs erection and libido. In fact, a supplement containing only amino acids does not affect the potency of healthy men. Also, adequate portions of amino substances are not able to cause disruption of the digestive organs. But some contraindications still exist. And if you ignore the correct method of application, supplements can cause some side effects.
The use of BCAAs can be dangerous for people with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (in this case, against the background of the consumption of amino acids, pulmonary insufficiency may develop). In hepatic encephalopathy, BCAA intake may increase plasma ammonia levels. It is also not advised to consume branched-chain amino acids 2 weeks before the planned surgery. The fact is that BCAAs can affect plasma sugar levels, and this in turn affects blood clotting. In some cases (with cirrhosis or other hepatic diseases), a negative effect on the liver is possible.
Regular consumption of BCAAs reduces the efficiency of absorption of B vitamins. Therefore, the rules for taking amino acids require vitamins and minerals to be taken in parallel with sports nutrition. In addition, an overdose of BCAAs affects the production of serotonin (the so-called joy hormone).
There are also known recommendations not to give BCAA powder or capsules to people prone to allergies, pregnant and lactating mothers, children, patients with diseased kidneys or cardiac problems. Beginners are often interested in how old you can start taking a BCAA course. Coaches and nutritionists answer: like any other sports nutrition, not earlier than after a year of regular training in the gym and only after 18-20 years.
Amino acids and catabolic processes
A low-calorie diet is a direct path to muscle breakdown. And this happens for several reasons. Deficiency of carbohydrates and fats leads to the fact that the body uses proteins, including those contained in the muscles, to produce energy. At the molecular level, it looks something like this: the breakdown of proteins is activated (a process known as catabolism is triggered), resulting in the release of amino acids, which the body uses as fuel. To prevent muscle loss, it is important to ensure that the rate of protein synthesis exceeds the rate of protein breakdown. If the speed of these indicators is equal, the muscles will not decrease, but they will not increase in size either. A low-calorie diet simultaneously affects two indicators: catabolism is accelerated, and protein synthesis, on the contrary, slows down. The result is that the body loses muscle faster than under any other circumstances.
And according to sports nutritionists, the only wise decision in this case is the use of amino acids in the form of a nutritional supplement. Many sources advise taking 4-8 g of amino substances before and after training. It is believed that this is the optimal dose to increase performance and protect against catabolic damage.
Benefits of Consuming BCAAs Before and After Your Workout
Consuming BCAAs before exercise has certain benefits for muscle tissue. These substances are able to reduce the level of lactic acid in the muscles produced during strength training. At the same time, BCAA activates the release of growth hormone into the bloodstream, which has an important anabolic value. In addition, branched chain amino acids affect the concentration of intramuscular enzymes creatine kinase and lactate dehydrogenase, thereby improving recovery and reducing damage to muscle fibers.
Another benefit of BCAAs as a pre-workout is their ability to maintain blood sugar levels. And it’s also important for bodybuilders, as a healthy blood sugar level provides energy for intense strength training.
A gainer drunk after a workout, rich in carbohydrates, proteins and amino acids, provokes a jump in insulin. As a result of the release of large portions of insulin, a reaction is triggered that promotes the transport of BCAAs into muscle cells, which improves their growth. But still, as scientific experience shows, the presence of leucine in the diet is more important for a bodybuilder than a burst of insulin. Yes, insulin stimulates the growth of muscle cells, but this reaction is still dependent on leucine. In other words, protein synthesis and muscle growth are fully determined by the presence of bioavailable leucine. And since BCAA levels noticeably decrease after exercise, there is a need to replenish amino acid stores. Also, training on an empty stomach is harmful for athletes: as a result, the body will lose more protein than it can synthesize.
BCAAs on training and non-training days
BCAAs have a long list of benefits for any organism. Therefore, many trainers believe that there is nothing wrong with taking BCAA supplements continuously. Others, on the contrary, advise drinking amino acids in cycles. For example, if the goal is to burn fat and gain muscle mass, then BCAAs are advised to be taken in the fat burning phase, and in the muscle building phase, anabolic supplements should be taken instead of amino substances.
No less questions arise about the scheme of taking BCAAs on non-training days. So, to drink or not to drink amino acids on rest days? There is no single answer to this question. More precisely, there is no single wrong answer. If resources allow, the amino acid daily minimum can be drunk daily without problems. But there is also nothing wrong with periodically taking a break from the supplement.
Many coaches advise drinking BCAAs on workout days before and after workouts, and on rest days, take the supplement in the morning (with breakfast or on an empty stomach) or at night. But soluble powders from Ostrovit or another manufacturer are best taken with food, preferably containing carbohydrates. The presence of carbohydrates leads to a more noticeable surge of insulin, which in turn helps to transport the maximum amount of BCAAs to the muscles.
When is the right time to drink
BCAAs are essentially pure, calorie-free protein that can be taken at any time of the day. But it is believed that the body feels the maximum benefit from the supplement if it is taken with carbohydrate / protein-carbohydrate food. It is useful to drink BCAA directly during training or before it. Some athletes use amino substances before going to bed.
The amount of BCAAs taken directly during exercise directly depends on the duration of the workout. Experienced athletes are advised to consume 5 g of the substance for every hour of training. On the background of a low-calorie diet, a BCAA supplement can be drunk throughout the day every 2-4 hours.
But still, the best time to take BCAAs is about half an hour before a workout. Another serving of the supplement is useful to drink immediately after the strength program: studies have shown that BCAAs reduce muscle pain. To some, it may seem that drinking BCAAs before and after a workout is too much. But if the classes are held at full strength, the body loses more nutrients, which means it needs large portions of amino acids.
How to drink BCAA for weight loss:
- before and after training;
- during training (in the form of a drink);
- during the day (to suppress appetite).
How to use for gaining muscle mass:
- before performing strength exercises (25-30 minutes before);
- during a long workout (you can before a hitch);
- after class (in combination with a gainer or with the addition of sugar);
- in the morning (to prevent muscle protein catabolism).
Benefits for women
Branched-chain amino acids have gained their popularity not least due to professional sports. Bodybuilders use BCAAs as a component of anabolic complexes. And this has become the reason why some women in the gym refuse to take BCAAs, fearing that they will turn into a “mountain of muscle.” However, this is just another misconception about sports nutrition. BCAAs are not synthetic sports nutrition or steroids. Yes, scientific studies have proven that BCAAs increase testosterone, which in turn improves muscle growth. But amino acids have a much milder effect on the female body than on the male. And most of the benefits from the supplement will be felt by overweight girls, as well as bodybuilders on drying. Amino substances will help them maintain muscle mass, but at the same time accelerate fat metabolism.
Recently, BCAAs can be seen more and more often in the sports nutrition market, for example, in pink packages with the inscription “Formula specially for women”. Sports nutritionists say it’s just a marketing gimmick. In almost all sports supplements, the BCAA formula is identical – there are no “special” women’s BCAAs. If there is a difference, then only in the list of additional ingredients (vitamins, flavors, flavors). As for the BCAA composition, in supplements, as a rule, leucine, isoleucine and valine are presented in the classic proportion of 2:1:1 (respectively). True, some manufacturers offer formulas 3:1:1, 4:1:1 and even the revolutionary proportions 12:1:1.
BCAAs for Vegetarians
One of the biggest disadvantages of a vegetarian diet is the almost complete lack of complete protein sources. Vegans do not get the protein found in fish, eggs, meat, milk. Avid vegans even refuse whey protein, since milk is its source. Of course, nuts, legumes, soybeans contain a lot of protein, but even these products lack many of the essential amino acids. And those that are, having a rather low bioavailability, are poorly absorbed by the body. In this case, BCAA supplements can play a key role in maintaining the health of vegetarians.
BCAAs in food
BCAAs are found in many protein foods. And this is the answer to the age-old question: “How to replace the amino acid supplements of sports nutrition?”. In particular, good sources of branched chain amines are meat, eggs, chicken, and fish. The concentration of BCAA in these products is 15-25% of the total amount of proteins. Meanwhile, it must be understood that not every high-protein product can serve as a rich source of branched-chain amino acids. If we talk about leucine, for example, which is most beneficial for muscle growth, then the maximum portions of this amino acid can be obtained from peanuts, chicken, beef, turkey and fish.
Name of the product/additives | % BCAA per 100 g protein |
Whey Protein Isolate | 26 |
Chicken egg (protein) | 23 |
Chicken egg (whole) | 21 |
milk protein | 21 |
soy protein isolate | 18 |
Chicken | 18 |
Beef (lean) | 17 |
Canned tuna | 17 |
salmon fillet | 17 |
Peanut | 14 |
Turkey | 13 |
Wheat protein | 15 |
Forms of amino supplements: which ones are better to take
BCAA supplements are available in powder, capsules, tablets, and prepared drinks. Which of these forms is better is difficult to answer. Many prefer capsules or tablets, in which the characteristic bitter taste of amino acids is almost not noticeable. Other athletes prefer powders – as a form with a more favorable dosage, pleasant aroma and economical packaging. Typically, the additive in this form is a flavored, substantially tasteless or bitter powder intended to be dissolved in a liquid.
Perhaps, each athlete should choose his “best” form of supplement on his own. Hence the advice: do not immediately buy BCAAs in bulk from an unverified manufacturer. For starters, the smallest packages from different companies and in different forms are suitable.
What is the best powder
If we are talking about a quality product from a reliable company, then by and large all soluble BCAA powders are the same or very similar (in any case, these are always three amino acids in a certain proportion). But still there are several nuances that affect the choice of powder.
One of the popular criteria is the taste of the additive. Many categorically do not accept powders with artificial colors and sweeteners, which, I must say, has a reason, especially when the task of BCAA is to speed up weight loss. Another criterion is concentration and packaging. The instructions for use indicate how many grams of the powder are included in one serving of the drink. If you have to take a lot of raw materials per glass of liquid, this is the reason to look for a more economical BCAA option.
Combination of BCAAs with other ingredients
Many sports supplements are combined with certain other nutrients to enhance their beneficial properties. This also applies to branched chain amino acids. When taking BCAAs, it is also important to know how to combine amino acids in order to enhance their properties. Here are a few “friends” of BCAAs.
This substance is most useful in the form of chromium picolinate. Chromium improves the production of insulin, a hormone critical for muscle building, and also promotes intracellular uptake of BCAAs. That is, the tandem of amino acids and chromium slows down the destruction of protein compounds and accelerates muscle growth.
This chemical element is also a natural stimulator of insulin secretion.
Vitamin V6
It is an important component in the process of amino acid metabolism. Transportation of amino substances throughout the body largely depends on the presence of a sufficient amount of vitamin B6.
Vitamin V12
The process of protein metabolism and the synthesis of amino acids in the human body depends on this water-soluble vitamin.
It is also known as vitamin B7, vitamin H or coenzyme R. But no matter how you call this substance, it plays an important role in protein synthesis and glycogen production in any case, which means it is also included in the circle of “friends” of branched chain amino acids.
The combination of amino acids and a gainer is a good option for a post-workout snack.
Taking BCAAs with complete proteins is almost pointless, as there is a duplication of amino acids. But the combination with vegetable protein is more beneficial for the muscles.
The combination of creatine and branched chain amino acids is suitable for use on training days (before and after training) and on rest days (morning and evening after meals). This combination accelerates the growth of muscle mass.
The simultaneous use of two supplements accelerates fat burning.
Enemies of BCAAs:
- milk (as a result of this combination, some people have an increased risk of allergies);
- alcohol (alcohol disrupts the absorption of amino acids);
- coffee (caffeine with amino acids can cause insomnia).
A few common questions about BCAAs
How are they different from other amino acids?
The first and main difference between BCAA and amino acids lies in the structure, which actually determines the ability of the substance. The second difference is that BCAAs are more metabolized in skeletal muscle.
What are BCAAs made from?
As a rule, milk protein is the “raw material” for BCAA supplements. Under laboratory conditions, it is artificially broken down into amino acids using enzymes. Then different proportions of valine, leucine and isoleucine are mixed, thus creating a sports supplement. In addition to amino acids, the composition of the drug may include additional components: sweeteners, flavors, some useful chemical elements (instructions for use usually contain information about how much of which is included in the composition of the drug).
Which BCAA is better: capsules or powder?
The most common forms for sports nutrition are capsules, tablets and powders. Liquid supplements are believed to be absorbed much faster than chewable tablets, for example. This is true, but not always. When it comes to amino acids, the form of the supplement has almost no effect on the rate of absorption. Amino substances in tablets or capsules are absorbed by the body as quickly as a supplement in liquid form. As a rule, the difference in the rate of absorption of BCAA between different forms is no more than 6 minutes.
When choosing between BCAAs from different manufacturers, it is useful to pay attention to the dosage. For example, if one tablet contains only 200 mg of a substance, and athletes need 8-10 g per dose, then, of course, it is better to drink a cocktail than a handful of tablets.
The second difference between powders and capsules is the taste. Pure amino acids without sweeteners and flavors tend to be bitter. And this is more noticeable if you take the supplement in powder form.
How to check for quality?
This is the case when it is quite difficult to check the quality of a sports supplement. A good amino acid powder does not dissolve well, leaving a film on the surface of the liquid. The instructions for use contain information about what color and smell a particular product should have. Also, before use, you need to pay attention to the expiration date – expired amino acids can harm the body.
How to breed?
Powder containing aromatic and flavoring additives can be diluted with plain water. It is useful to dissolve pure amino acids without impurities in juice or other drinks (this will allow you to kill the bitter taste of BCAAs). The exact description of the powder, how many grams of the substance is one serving of the additive and how much liquid is needed to dissolve the additive is always indicated in the product description.
BCAA vs Protein: Which is Better?
And now the main question of many athletes: “Why is it not enough to use only proteins, because they consist of the same amino acids?”. Despite the numerous benefits of BCAAs, there are many skeptics who consider the benefits of amino acids to be overstated, and whey protein is called a more useful supplement. But although whey is rich in BCAAs, it is not the best source of BCAAs.
The fact is that in whey BCAAs are connected by a peptide bond with other amino acids. Once in the body, whey protein first passes through the digestive organs, and then, being split into amino acids, is absorbed into the blood. And even the fastest protein – whey – will take some time to turn into amino acids.
BCAA supplements are the finished form of amino acids. These substances do not need to be digested, but immediately enter the bloodstream.
Even a few grams of free-form BCAA will better increase the concentration of amino substances in plasma than 30 g of whey.
Protein powders often contain sweeteners, colors, and carbohydrates. Protein supplements contain more calories than pure amino acids. As a rule, a portion of BCAA is no more than 10-20 kcal. And this is good news for everyone who wants to burn as much fat as possible and train muscles.
Finally, amino acids are present in BCAA supplements in a more bioavailable form than in protein powders or even more so in food. In addition, BCAAs are exactly the amino substances that muscle tissue needs.
Glutamine or BCAA?
In the course of acquaintance with sports nutrition, bodybuilding beginners have many questions. And one of them: how does the BCAA complex combine with other amino acids, in particular with glutamine? Some suggest that either glutamine or BCAAs can be taken. To make it easier to answer this question, you should understand some of the nuances.
Glutamine belongs to the group of essential amino acids. But despite the fact that the body is able to independently produce this substance, this is clearly not enough for athletes. Studies show that glutamine has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the immune system. How does this fact relate to sports? Regular intense physical activity (for example, weightlifting) can deplete the immune system, and this should not be allowed by athletes.
In addition, scientific studies have shown that the combination of BCAAs, glutamine and whey protein increases muscle growth and fat loss several times, as well as increases muscle endurance and strength.
Thus, in professional sports there is no question: glutamine or BCAA. Professional bodybuilders combine both for the best results.
BCAA for immunity: what are the benefits?
The immune system also sees noticeable benefits from BCAAs. Each strength training is definitely stressful for the body, which also affects the immune system. And essential amino acids support immunity and promote health. This is a scientifically proven fact. Thus, BCAAs are beneficial not only for strong muscles, but also for a strong immune system.
Can you lose weight with BCAAs?
It has been scientifically proven that BCAAs have fat-burning properties. But the most pronounced effect of splitting fats is provided by isoleucine (especially taken shortly before cardio training). Meanwhile, it must be understood that when consuming excessively high portions of branched-chain amino acids (more than 20 g), the benefits of isoleucine are leveled.
It is well known that fat loss is accompanied by some loss of muscle mass (due to a calorie deficit). Taking a serving of BCAAs about 30 minutes before a workout can provide the body with essential amino acids, which are actually responsible for muscle protein synthesis.
How to make a BCAA shake at home?
Sometimes the question arises: “What can replace a certain sports nutrition supplement, for example, BCAA?”. This can be done in two ways. The first method: knowing which foods contain the maximum amount of BCAAs, review your diet and create a menu rich in useful amino acids. The second way: buy the necessary ingredients at the pharmacy and prepare the supplement at home. The correct recipe for a homemade BCAA drink is a mixture of leucine (2 parts), valine (1 part) and isoleucine (1 part). You can also make an amino acid drink from glucose and maltodextrin (25 g each), leucine (16 g) and whey protein (33 g). To enhance muscle growth, this drink should be drunk immediately after training.
BCAA supplements from top 5 companies
But still, which BCAA supplements are most often bought by advanced bodybuilders, which products should you pay attention to first of all? Here is a short list of some of the most popular BCAAs on the sports nutrition market.
The supplement was created according to the classic BCAA formula (2:1:1) and is considered one of the highest quality on the sports nutrition market. One serving contains 7 g of amino acids. In addition to valine, leucine and isoleucine, the composition of the drug includes glutamine and citrulline malate. No added sugar. It prevents catabolic processes in the muscles, improves protein synthesis, and also acts on the body as a fat burner. Suitable for consumption during training (helps to prolong the session, increase efficiency) and after it (for effective recovery). The manufacturer offers different flavor options, as well as unflavored BCAA powder.
In addition, SciVation’s line of amino acid supplements includes other products. In particular, Xtend Free, which does not contain dyes, sweeteners, artificial flavors, and Xtend RTD, a ready-made amino acid drink.
Pro Reloaded Powder
It is a powdered BCAA product with glutamine. The formula of the supplement consists of leucine, isoleucine and valine in a unique ratio – 12:1:1, which is well suited for gaining muscle mass and losing weight. The supplement has a beneficial effect on the immune system, does not cause unpleasant side effects, and is suitable for girls and men who are professionally involved in sports, as well as for beginners. The powder dissolves well in liquid. It happens with the taste of strawberries, kiwi, watermelon, blueberries, raspberries.
Optimum Nutrition
Mega Size
The capsules of this supplement optimally combine leucine, isoleucine and valine (in the classic ratio of 2:1:1). The supplement is suitable for men and girls for high-quality muscle building and restoration of energy reserves. Among the advantages is a favorable dosage (1 serving is 2 capsules). The drug is suitable for use before, after or during a power program.
Ultimate Nutrition
It is the most commonly used combination of BCAAs in bodybuilding in a 2:1:1 ratio. The supplement is produced in the form of a powder with different flavors. To prepare a portion of the drink, you will need 1-2 scoops of powder and about a glass of liquid. Suitable for use during the day and after training. It improves protein synthesis, prevents the breakdown of muscle tissue, and has fat-burning properties.
Premium BCAA Powder
One of the best BCAA supplements that Germany produces. The special formula and texture of the powder allow the additive to dissolve easily in liquid. For beginners and professional bodybuilders, it is suitable as a good source of energy, prevents destructive processes in muscles, has anabolic properties, accelerates recovery, burns fat, improves muscle relief. In addition to BCAAs, the composition of the drug includes glutamine, a small amount of fats and carbohydrates.
Other popular supplements on the market include:
- USPlabs: Modern.
- Dymatize: Complex, Recoup.
- Olimp: Xplode, Mega Caps, Extreme Shot.
- MyProtein: BCAA Unflavoured.
- BSN: Amino x.
Also noteworthy for athletes: Scitec Nutrition (Xpress, Complex, BCAA X, Mega), Universal Nutrition (Stack, Atomic, BCAA Pro), Unflavored (5000 Powder), BPI Sports (Best), Mutant (BCAA), Maxler (BCAA) , Sportline (BCAA), USPlabs Modern (BCAA).
However, these are just examples of available amino acid supplements. Everyone has the right to independently choose what is right for him, especially when he has knowledge of what branched chain amino acids are, why they are needed and how to choose the right BCAA supplement.