The woman made every effort to please her sons.
Marianne Bridge and her two children are true fans of the Harry Potter films. From an early age, the mother showed her sons movies and read books about the wizard boy. When the children grew up, they began to ask the parent to decorate their room in the style of their favorite saga. The question became especially relevant during the move.
Having settled in a new house, Marianne decided to fulfill her sons’ dream. To embody the design of the Potter at home, a young mother, who did not have a huge amount of money, bought cheap materials and accessories from ebay and IKEA.
Children’s room in the style of Hogwarts
Children’s room in the style of Hogwarts
Bridge also purchased regular drywall from one of the local hardware stores. From it, a woman built a pipe near one of the walls, which she pasted over with purchased wallpaper in the form of red brick. On it, Marianne placed a sign “Platform 9 ¾”. The young mother hung brooms and Quidditch balls all over the room, along with a toy lantern and a book of spells.
Even the tan-colored bedding on the boys’ beds conveyed the film’s style. The pillowcases, duvet covers and sheets were printed with Harry’s glasses, brooms, letters and other paraphernalia.
Children’s room in the style of Hogwarts
A wonderful pipe has appeared in our bedroom, which is made of drywall. We bought wallpaper with a red brick print, for which we paid only 30 pounds (about 3000 rubles), for a plate with a platform, we paid 9 pounds (about 880 rubles). The writing desk in the style of the Potterian was built by my husband with his own hands. And the chest for storing necessities, which I placed in the center of the room, was given to us by the neighbors for a song, – said the young mother.
Above her desk, Marianne hung an unusual table with the emblems of the film’s teams. Each boy could independently decide which faculty belongs to – Gryffindor or Slytherin. In this table, the sons of Bridge placed their certificates, medals and other merit received during their schooling. Sometimes the boys even scanned the pages of a diary filled with positive marks. According to Marianne, this motivated the heirs well for excellent studies.