An unemployed mother of two boldly reveals an imperfect body that many of us would try to hide.
“The stupid penguin timidly hides …” This is definitely not about our heroine. Summers Wonhesse, 30, from the United States, earns almost $ 9 a month for photographs of her by no means a model body.
An unemployed mother of two is not ashamed of a saggy belly, stretch marks and cellulite, which seems to be the main attraction for Internet users. She uploads her colorful photos and videos to the site, where visitors have to pay to access the content. The pictures are pretty frank, there is also a nude photo.
Summers’ husband, who serves in the American troops, does not bother his wife at all. Moreover, he himself photographs his wife for the site.
“I got married eight years ago and since then I have never really worked,” the American admits. – Therefore, I am very glad that now I am making my contribution to the family budget.
Summers started with Instagram. In November last year, she started a page where she posted bold photos of her body after giving birth. After the number of subscribers exceeded 100 thousand, she decided: it was time to make money from the fans.
Now, to see some sexy Summers shots, you have to pay between $ 5 and $ 50 a month. The more subscribers pay, the more photos and videos will be able to see.
At the same time, the donut model assures that there is enough money in the family even without her part-time job.
“I just enjoy what I’m doing,” says the American.
But just a couple of years ago, a woman hated her reflection in the mirror. Her husband told her about beauty, but Summers did not believe. The “Instagram” of other donuts, which were wildly popular, helped the woman fall in love with herself.
“The hardest thing was to accept my stretched flabby belly, which hangs like a sack,” the model admitted frankly.
Summers now thinks very differently.
“The human body is beautiful, there is nothing shameful about it,” she answers questions about her candid photographs. “It’s okay to let men think you’re sexy. It doesn’t make you a corrupt woman. “