American Wheat Beer

The style was based on the classic German Weissbier, only more hoppy and less yeasty, and gained popularity in the 1980s. Within the category, there are many subspecies, the characteristics of which depend on the specific manufacturer.

In the aroma, notes of grain, bread, dough, muffin are felt, hops bring nuances of citruses, flowers, fruits to the bouquet. Malty sweetness tinged with hop bitterness can be good, but the balance varies by brand. The finish is both dry and sweet. Esters are acceptable, but without banana flavor.

The color is always light, but varies from light straw to rich gold, style standards allow both cloudy and clear drink, in the glass the beer forms a rich and stable foam.

On the tongue, American wheat beer feels light to medium bodied, carbonated, creamy. Drinks easily, leaving a pleasant aftertaste.

The style is made on the basis of barley malt, the mass fraction of wheat does not exceed 50%. Hops can be used either American or German, but the yeast must be American only (top or bottom fermenting, doesn’t matter).

American wheat beer is similar to Weissbier but contains less wheat malt and never has banana or clove flavors. In terms of hop-malt balance, it is close to blond ales.

American Wheat Beer

Strength: 4.0-5.5%.

Density: initial 1.040-1.055, final 1.008-1.013.

Bitterness Index: 15-30 IBU.

Color: 3-6 SRM.

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