American weed: how to fight

American weed: how to fight

This weed grows in moist and fertile soils. It can affect a variety of plant crops. Most often grows in potato beds and near fruit trees.

How to get rid of American weed

Galinsoga is an annual weed. It needs a warm climate and humidity to grow. The first shoots are visible in mid-spring. The plant develops all summer long. The main danger is seeds. Their high level of germination allows them to quickly fill the fertile soil. Each weed can produce about 300 seeds during the growing season.

American weed does not fade when digging

The American weed can grow up to 70 cm in length. The erect stem has many branches. The flowers are white and light yellow. Seeds can travel long distances with the help of flyers. This is the main difficulty in destroying the Galinsogi. It does not fade when pulled out of the ground, but puts out new roots. Weeds that have appeared must be destroyed before flowering. To combat them, herbicides are used:

  • for grain crops – “Agritox”;
  • for tomatoes and potatoes – “Lazurit”;
  • for beets, flax, corn, buckwheat, sunflower – “Dual Gold”;
  • for forage crops – “Gezgard”;
  • for spring and winter crops – “Secator”.

To prevent the appearance of galinsoga, the soil should be plowed more deeply in the fall than in the spring. So its seeds will not fall into the upper layers of the soil. The crops must be harrowed before and after emergence.

How to deal with American weed?

Galinsoga is resistant to external influences. She quickly develops herbicide resistance. If the chemicals are not working well, you can use:

  • green manure – their strong branched root system prevents the spread of weeds;
  • the black film covers the soil throughout the growing season of crops and inhibits weed growth.

Cruciferous, legumes and cereals are used as green manure. Better to plant them in early spring. The dense green mass grows rapidly. It protects the soil before the onset of cold weather.

Mulching films vary in thickness and color. It is better to use black films against Galinsogi, rather than two-color ones. The soil must be completely covered with mulch. For cultivated plants in film, it is required to make round or cruciform cuts.

The American is dangerous because of its resilience and rapid spread. Chemicals are not always effective against it.

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