American soldiers are receiving treatment in Poland

Contusions, sprains and fractures of the upper or lower limbs – with such injuries straight from the training ground to the hospital in Drawsko Pomorskie, NATO soldiers – mainly Polish, but not only. During Anakonda-16, doctors from the Drawsko Specialist Center also provided help to uniformed soldiers from the US Army.

To the hospital at ul. Chrobry in Drawsko Pomorskie comes to NATO soldiers who train at the local training ground. During the first six months of the year, Drawskie Centrum Specjalistyczne accepted about 300 uniformed, mainly from our country. Most of the cases are hospital emergency room patients, mainly with injuries – the most common are bruises, sprains and fractures of the limbs. A lot of soldiers also benefit from night and holiday care services, where they end up, among others, with high fever, severe colds or flu.

During the recent largest military maneuvers of Anakonda-16, US Army soldiers also used the help of the hospital in Drawsko. The most serious case was appendicitis surgery.

– Due to specific, strictly defined equipment and procedural requirements, the American troops unit has its own field hospital and a specialized treatment unit in Germany. Despite this, 12 US soldiers used our services within a few days. We are glad that it was our facility that could provide them with medical assistance – says Monika Podziewska, president of the board of Drawskie Centrum Specjalistyczny. – One of the undisputed advantages of our facility is the highly qualified and experienced medical staff and the ability to use English – he adds.

The medical support of NATO soldiers is only a small part of the hospital’s activities, which on a daily basis primarily serves the local community. There are, among others admission room and departments: surgical, orthopedic, gynecology and obstetrics, pediatrics and neonatology, intensive care and internal ward. In addition, there is a Cardiovascular Center belonging to the American Heart of Poland group with departments of interventional cardiology and vascular surgery. The facility treats 60-80 patients (over 1000 annually) in emergencies with acute coronary syndrome, and specialists consult many patients at the cardiology clinic, including patients with hypertension, valvular disease and heart failure.

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