American IPA (American IPA)

Based on the classic British IPA, but made from local ingredients, the technology has also changed. Used as a base for more complex style variations.

The first representative of the American galaxy of brands – Anchor Liberty Ale – appeared back in 1975 and was significantly different from the modern reading of the American IPA.

Characteristic features of the style: bitter taste, hoppy, above average strength. The hop profile is manifested by tones of needles, resin, fruits, spices. Aroma of fresh hops is possible. The malt profile is less pronounced, with grainy, caramel and toasty notes, and a slight yeasty flavor is possible. The alcohol should feel soft, warm, not scalding. The finish is always dry, sweetness should be in the background, and hop bitterness is preserved in the aftertaste.

The drink has a bright golden or amber color, filtered variations are transparent, unfiltered ones are cloudy. Forms a persistent creamy foam in the glass.

It feels soft on the tongue, not astringent, light-bodied. It can be quite “carbonated”.

An American IPA is made with ale or two-row malt and American hops. There are no restrictions, any variety can be used. The yeast is suitable with a clean or fruity profile, the caramel malt is used very carefully so as not to overwhelm the hop profile.

The style is similar to American Pale Ale, but stronger and more bitter. Compared to its English counterpart, it has a less complex bouquet, but the hop flavor is more pronounced.

American IPA (American IPA)

Strength: 5.5-7.5%.

Density: initial 1.056-1.070, final 1.008-1.014.

Bitterness Index: 40-70 IBU.

Color: 6-14 SRM.

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