A craft beer based on the classic English version, but heavily hopped. There is even a separate subspecies – Texas Brown Ale – which is distinguished by a particularly high hop content and is close in this characteristic to Indian brown pale ale.
Factory samples usually have a less aggressive character, as they are designed more for the mass consumer. It is not uncommon for small brewery owners to experiment and bring brands with a truly distinct personality to the market.
The style has a pronounced malt-hop balance, both profiles harmoniously complement each other, and do not conflict. Tones of chocolate, caramel, nuts are felt in the aroma, hops give nuances of citruses, tropical fruits, fresh hops.
The taste is sweetish, with the same tones as the aroma, with pronounced bitterness. The finish is balanced, medium-dry, long-lasting, malty. Fruit esters are expressed weakly or moderately.
American Brown Ale is a brown drink with dark, moderate foam. Due to the high carbonation, the tongue tingles noticeably, the mouth feels slightly “tarry”. It is made from light malt, but with the obligatory addition of dark varieties.
The style is somewhat similar to Amber and Pale Ales, but with a richer bouquet and less bitter taste. Stronger than classic English analogues.
Strength: 4.3-6.2%.
Density: initial 1.045-1.060, final 1.010-1.016.
Bitterness Index: 20-30 IBU.
Color: 18-35 SRM.