American apple pie: a recipe. Video
Apple pie has a cult place in the American public consciousness. It is both a collective image of comfortable, homemade food, like that of a mother or grandmother, and a national symbol. After all, it is such a cake that is necessarily served on the largest American holidays – July 4 and Thanksgiving. Try the traditional recipe for this cake and take a bite of the true American Dream.
Recipe: American Apple Pie, on Video in 5 Minutes!
Recipe: Base for American Apple Pie
The main difference between most Western pies and Russian ones is the base. In American cooking for a classic pie, a deep mold is lined with dough, filled with a generous portion of filling and covered with a “lid” or a classic “grill.” For the dough you will need: – 3 cups of wheat flour; – 1 teaspoon of salt; – 2 tablespoons of sugar; – 8 tablespoons of vegetable oil; – 10 tablespoons of chilled butter; – 10 tablespoons of boiled water.
Sift flour along with salt, mix with sugar in a food processor – this will make the dough more fluffy. Pour in vegetable a little and mix it with flour until the mixture becomes fine-grained. Cut the butter into small pieces and add to the dough little by little, pulse mixing until crumbs are formed. Transfer the dough to a bowl and spoon in ice water, kneading the dough with a silicone spatula into a homogeneous sticky mass. Divide the dough into two, making one slightly larger than the other. Roll most of it into a square with sides of 13-14 centimeters, wrap it in plastic wrap and put it in the refrigerator. Roll the smaller part into a square, cut it into strips, sprinkle them lightly with flour, roll it up in a spiral, wrap it in foil too and put it in a cold place. Cool the workpieces for an hour.
American apple pie dough can be prepared in advance and refrigerated for 1-2 days
Remove a sheet of dough from the refrigerator and roll it out on a lightly floured surface, making sure to form a circle with a diameter of 30 centimeters. Roll the rolled dough onto a rolling pin and transfer to a greased mold. First take the center of the dough circle, and then gently move to the edges, alternately lifting the dough slightly on one side and crushing on the other. Put the form lined with dough in the refrigerator and start filling.
For the apple filling, take: – 700 grams of Granny Smith apples; – 1 kilogram of Macintosh apples; – 1 tablespoon of lemon juice; – 1 teaspoon of lemon zest; – 2 tablespoons of wheat flour; – ¼ teaspoon of salt; – 1 teaspoon a spoonful of ground cinnamon; – ¼ teaspoon of ground nutmeg; – ¼ teaspoon of ground allspice; – 1 cup of granulated sugar; – 1 egg white.
The American apple variety Macintosh is known in Russia under the name Autumn red-sided and Horoshovka autumn
Rinse the apples under running water, dry them and, using a special tool, remove the core with seeds. Cut the pulp into slices, drizzle with lemon juice and stir with lemon zest, ¾ cup sugar, flour, salt and spices. Place the filling in the chilled base, forming a small slide in the center.
How to bake American apple pie
Roll out the strips of dough, if you wish, apply asymmetrical notches around the edges so that each strip turns out with notches, and put them on the filling with a “grid”. To make a pie like the picture, lightly beat the egg white and brush it over the top of the pie with it, then sprinkle with the remaining sugar. Bake the dish in an oven preheated to 210 ° C for 25 minutes, then reduce the heat to 160 ° C and bake for another 30-35 minutes. Serve chilled.