
Let’s make dad happy

Film «Amelie»

Let’s make dad happy

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Amelie came up with the idea to remake dad. But talking to dad didn’t happen, besides, it just doesn’t seem to lead to anything. And then a thought came to her mind … She broke what dad loved so much (mom’s tombstone), and with the help of this inventory she launched another manipulation: intentional covert interference in the life of another person.

I am ready to express my admiration to Amelie for this. And you?

Revenge of Zorro

Film «Amelie»

Revenge of Zorro

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Amelie loves everyone, but the shopkeeper doesn’t. Therefore, she hated him and began to live with the world. Usually these episodes, when she mocks him, cause maximum delight in the audience of the film.

And you?

Her tricks to the shopkeeper are not mere manipulation. It is more: intentional wrecking with a clear violation of the law.

And how do you evaluate it, good people? Is this part of your code of honor?

You are just blind!

Film «Amelie»

You are just blind!

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Amelie is creative and smart. She sets the task of connecting two lonely people with love — good! But how to do it? If you act effectively, you must act covertly and dishonestly. Confuse the peasant’s head, starting with accusations and quiet reproaches, sigh wearily …

Opponents of manipulation, will you condemn Amelie? And if suddenly not, then you will remain opponents of manipulation?


Film «Amelie»


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Now we puzzle the other side. All manipulative techniques: playing on pity, creating a trance through confusion, playing with the illusion of evidence (sit here, see for yourself …), drawing attention to “Where is he looking?”, Forcing you to guess in the right direction.

Should people be taught this? Or do we need to wean them from this muck?

Handling the public​​​​​​​​

Film «Amelie»

Processing the public

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Suggestion works best when it comes from everywhere: it means that the public must also be worked on. The newspaper saleswoman was caught on the hook of curiosity, sweated with ostentatious indifference, again forced to guess, then in the right place of fortune-telling they nodded and, as with an accomplice, flashed their eyes. That’s it, the duck is out.

Amelie deliberately misleads people, secretly achieving her goals. What are your moral assessments of her activities?

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Film «Amelie»


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