Ambulance for your skin

Attempts to hide pimples and small wrinkles under makeup – a rare woman is not familiar with these problems. How to find and maintain healthy, beautiful skin, advises Marina Kondratyeva, a cosmetologist at the Day Spa beauty salon.

Even the most problem-free skin needs care

“My one and only” is not only a man!

Find yourself a specialist “for life”, whom you will trust with your beauty, youth and health. Together with him, it is necessary to monitor the increase in age-related changes and adjust the course of procedures and home care. Even with the most careful care, the rate of aging is determined, alas, by genetics. See what your parents look like, who you look more like. If you are not very “lucky”, that is, your mother or father looks definitely worse than their peers, this is a signal that you need to start taking care of yourself as early as possible. If your parents delight you with their young-looking appearance, then the predictions are good, and you are lucky. But do not flatter yourself too much! Much also depends on your lifestyle. If you work a lot, get little rest, have little or no sleep, and are often under stress, you need to increase your efforts to improve your appearance. Remember – it’s never too late to start taking proper care of yourself. And do not give up, even if the result of your efforts is far from what you want. After all, if you do nothing to care for your appearance, even with the best genetics, she will take revenge on you with early aging.

You need to take care of yourself from childhood, but at what age should you start doing anti-aging procedures? The standard recommendation is from the age of 25. The list of necessary procedures includes massage, superficial peels, general care. And only in the hands of “their” beautician!

Regular care is the key to beauty

At what age do you need a beautician? Since childhood!

If the gynecologist needs to be visited at least once a year (and after forty – every six months), then the frequency of visits to the beautician depends on the individual characteristics of the skin. The specialist will determine what procedures you need. But there are general recommendations as well. For example, facial cleansing is necessary when blackheads and acne breakouts begin to appear. These problems are often found even in children under adolescence, and this is an unconditional reason for a visit to a beautician. In this case, cleaning should be done as it gets dirty. And already from adolescence to an indefinite time, it is advisable to carry out cleaning once a month. This will significantly improve the condition of the skin.

In general, the frequency of visits to the cosmetologist is determined by the doctor’s recommendations and your financial capabilities. For example, the so-called “beauty procedure” can be done in cases where you urgently need to get in shape and look good. But most of the procedures must be done in courses (massage, peeling, care). Here, the frequency of visits is already from 1 to 3 times a week, regardless of age.

If you correctly combine professional care with home care, you can significantly improve the condition of the skin, its structure, quality; reduce or completely remove wrinkles; increase elasticity and tone; tighten the oval of the face; get rid of increased fat content, pigmentation, blackheads (comedones), acne; narrow pores, etc. Remember: if you take a comprehensive approach to caring for your skin, it will certainly thank you with its blooming appearance.

Tip of the day

It is summer now, beach and summer cottage time. We spend a lot of time in the sun, and the skin needs to be protected. If it happened that the protection did not work and the skin turned red after exposure to the sun, you can prepare an express mask that will alleviate the condition.

Take 1 teaspoon of fresh cucumber juice, 1 teaspoon of watermelon juice (without it), 1 beaten egg, 1/2 teaspoon of bepanten (buy at the pharmacy), a small amount of starch to create a creamy consistency. Mix everything and apply on reddened skin for 15-20 minutes.

Then rinse with cool water – and enjoy your reflection in the mirror!

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