In cloudy cold weather, we more often than usual complain of fatigue and bad mood. Meanwhile, to cheer up, enough simple means. A sip of herbal tea, the aroma of essential oil, self-massage of energy points or mudra folded from fingers. We have selected the most affordable and effective methods that will help replenish the energy potential.

In the rhythm of modern life, we increasingly force ourselves, despite ailments or fatigue, to keep moving forward – no matter the cost. But Eastern doctors, convinced that the soul and body are an indivisible whole, perceive even a small breakdown in strength as an alarm signal. It means that not everything is in order with vital energy, emotions block its healthy flow inside.

In order not to accumulate energy “holes”, it is important to learn how to cope with even small drops in vitality. Phyto or aromatherapy, qigong, massage or yoga… We asked six experts to share recipes that can help in case of a breakdown.


Advice from Dr. Denis Lambole, Shiatsu Practitioner

This Japanese word literally means “finger pressing”. Do-in, based on the same principles, allows a person to do this massage to himself. Simple and effective do-in techniques are designed to quickly relieve fatigue and tension in any situation.

“Since the lungs are an important source of energy, it is necessary to massage the points that correspond to their meridian. One of them is located in the middle of the body, at the level of the stomach – Denis Lambole recommends. – Another way to increase the tone is to act on the channel of the bladder.

Put your hands behind your back and, exhaling, smoothly and gently tap your fists on both sides of the spine, descending from the shoulder blades down to the sacrum. Then walk in the opposite direction. Finish the massage in a standing position, knees slightly bent: shake your whole body for a minute, then relax and “hang” like a puppet on strings. Inhale and exhale slowly and deeply three or four times in a row.


Advice from Olga Solodovnikova, acupuncturist

Impact on certain biologically active points with needles is called acupuncture or acupuncture. Another way to increase vitality is to press and massage the same points – acupressure.

“At the tip of each little finger is one of the points of the meridian of the heart, which, according to Eastern tradition, is responsible for psycho-emotional balance. It is worth acting on this point in case of severe fatigue, exhaustion. Rhythmically press on the tip of the little finger on one side of the nail and the other until you feel relief.

For the same purpose, you can rub the auricle: there are projections of all organs and tissues of the body on it. This massage helps to cope with a sudden and very strong breakdown.

Herbal infusion

Advice of Elena Korsun, an employee of the Institute of Phytotherapy

Herbal medicine is one of the branches of medicine that studies and uses the healing properties of herbs, flowers and trees. Usually, infusions, decoctions, syrups and balms are prepared from plant materials.

“Hop has a calming effect, it can also be recommended for insomnia associated with emotional overload. Schizandra helps, from the fruits and bark of which a decoction is prepared: crush it, pour water, bring to a boil and leave on fire for several minutes. You can make an energy drink: take a pinch of cinnamon, a pinch of ginger root, a third of a vanilla pod and pour a cup of hot water.

Essential oils

Advice from Elena Antipova, expert of the Decleor brand

Extracts of various parts of essential plants are the quintessence of vital energy: each essential oil molecule contains from 50 to 300 important biochemical components. That is why aromatherapy improves mood, tones, relieves fatigue.

“Oils that are sunny in nature, such as those made from citrus fruits, have the best tonic effect. The smell of grapefruit essential oil improves mental activity and uplifts the mood. Grapefruit has a flavor familiar from childhood, and it can be used even at work – it will evoke positive emotions in everyone around you. If you like citrus scents, try body products made with lemon, grapefruit, and lemongrass essential oils.

For those who find it difficult to get up in the morning, rosemary essential oil will help. According to Eastern medicine, rosemary eliminates lethargy associated with a lack of yang energy. For example, rosemary shower gel has awakening properties.

Patchouli is recommended for those who have lost interest in life due to chronic stress. Warm a few drops of oil in your palms and apply to the body with massaging movements: start from the legs, massage the stomach (clockwise), and then the neck from the back of the head to the shoulders.

Mudra, finger yoga

Advice from Natalia Shuvalova, yoga teacher

Translated from Sanskrit, “mudra” means “seal”. Mudras are symbolic hand gestures that can elevate consciousness. By folding our hands in a certain way, we affect the bodily and emotional state.

“The following mudra activates energy and helps fight bouts of fatigue: place the thumb of the left hand on the nail of the middle finger, between them place (with the nail down) the thumb of the right hand. Keep your hands at chest level, forearms horizontally. After taking about 20 breaths, shift your hands so that you get a mirror image of this mudra.

Qigong: stance

Exercise by Iva Rekena, qigong theorist and instructor

One of the areas of qigong practice is martial arts. But some of her exercises are more like therapeutic exercises, since the movements do not require muscle effort, and the effect is not long in coming.

  • Stand straight, lower your arms along the body, legs wide apart, toes apart. Squat down slowly, gently bending your knees. Keep your back straight, body – strictly in the center, do not lean forward or backward.
  • On a deep breath, raise your arms and cross them in front of your chest. Exhaling, slowly move your left hand to the left, straighten your index and middle fingers, keep the rest bent in a fist.
  • Turn your head to the left as if you were aiming a bow. Squeezing the right hand into a fist, take it to the right shoulder – pull the bowstring. Concentrate on your breath and focus on the kidney area to stimulate the energy in that area.
  • Return to starting position: cross your arms, straighten your legs, relax your knees.
  • Perform the exercise nine times, pulling the string with your left hand, and nine times with your right.

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