Ambroxol Nycomed for acute and chronic respiratory diseases. How to use?

Ambroxol Nycomed is used in acute and chronic respiratory diseases with sticky secretions that are difficult to expectorate (acute and chronic bronchitis, inflammation of the nose and throat, cystic fibrosis). Preparations that inhibit the cough reflex should not be taken simultaneously with the drug. The drug is in the form of a syrup and is available without a prescription.

Ambroksol Nycomed (Nycomed Pharma)

form, dose, packaging availability category the active substance
syrop 0,003 g/ml (0,015 g/5 ml), 0,006 g/ml (0,03 g/5 ml) (150 ml) OTC (over-the-counter) ambroxol (ambroxol)



Ambroxol Nycomed – indications and dosage

Ambroxol Nycomed is a syrup intended for treatment acute and chronic diseases of the respiratory tract, accompanied by difficulty expectorating sticky secretions:

  1. acute and chronic bronchitis,
  2. inflammation of the nose and throat,
  3. cystic fibrosis.

Dosage of the preparation

Ambroxol Nycomed is a syrup for oral use. Do not exceed the recommended dose of the preparation, as it may pose a threat to your life or health. The dose should be halved in chronic conditions.

  1. Adults and children over 12 years of age, in acute cases, usually 30 mg to 3 times / day for 2-3 days, then 30 mg twice / day.

childrenin acute conditions usually:

  1. 1.-2. years of age – 7,5 mg twice daily;
  2. 2.-5. years of age – 7,5 mg twice daily;
  3. 6.-12. years of age – 15 mg 2-3 times / day.

Ambroxol Nycomed and contraindications

Contraindications to the use of Ambroxol Nycomed are:

  1. allergy to any ingredient of the preparation,
  2. bronchospasm.

Ambroxol Nycomed – warnings

  1. In patients with weakened cough reflex and impaired ciliary clearance of the bronchi, caution should be exercised because there may be a risk of mucus retention.
  2. The drug may initially aggravate the cough in patients with asthma.
  3. Antitussive preparations should not be used simultaneously with the drug.
  4. At the beginning of the use of the preparation, an excessive amount of liquid bronchial secretion may appear. In this situation, cough or suction should be done, especially in immobilized and seriously ill patients and young children.
  5. Patients with gastric or duodenal ulcers, liver or kidney failure should see a doctor and choose a lower daily dose, or extend the interval between doses.
  6. It is not recommended to use Ambroxol Nycomed just before going to bed.
  7. Diabetic patients can take the preparation.
  8. People who are intolerant to fructose should not take this medicine because it contains sorbitol.
  9. Ambroxol Nycomed contained in the drug may cause diarrhea.
  10. The drug contains methyl and propyl parahydroxybenzoate, which may cause allergic reactions.
  11. Pregnant and breastfeeding women may take the drug only after consulting a doctor and, if necessary, when the benefit of the mother outweighs the risk for the child.

Ambroxol Nycomed with other drugs

  1. Preparations that inhibit the cough reflex, e.g. codeine, should not be used simultaneously with Ambroxol Nycomed. This can result in the removal of a large amount of thin secretions.
  2. Concomitant use of the drug with an antibiotic such as amoxicillin, cefuroxime, doxycycline, erythromycin increases their penetration into the lung tissue and enhances their effect.
  3. Ambroxol and theophylline intensify each other’s effect.

Ambroxol Nycomed – side effects

Taking Ambroxol Nycomed may cause side effects such as:

  1. hypersensitivity reactions: rash, itching, skin reactions,
  2. anaphylactic reactions: face swelling, shortness of breath, increased temperature,
  3. stomach aches
  4. constipation
  5. heartburn
  6. nausea,
  7. vomiting
  8. dry mouth mucosa
  9. watery runny nose
  10. urination disorders,
  11. fatigue and fatigue.

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