Ambrosia peas belong to the early ripe sugar varieties of the crop. It is very popular with gardeners. Recommended for cultivation in open ground throughout Our Country. The variety has a high taste and is suitable for fresh consumption, as well as conservation and freezing. To achieve maximum productivity when growing this pea, you need to familiarize yourself with the basic rules of agricultural technology.

Ambrosia vegetable peas: variety description, planting

Ambrosia peas are distinguished by delicate sweet fruits

Description of Ambrosia peas with a photo

The culture is a herbaceous annual plant. Its stems are slightly curly, 50-70 cm long, hollow inside. The root system is pivotal. The leaves are pinnate, and at their base a mustache is formed that clings to a support. The color of the plates is matte, bluish-green, with a wax coating. At the base of each leaf there are two semi-heart-shaped bracts, which, like the leaves, are involved in the process of photosynthesis.

Ambrosia pea flowers are located in the axils of the leaves. They are moth type, purple hue. The upper lobe of the corolla is large with an extended limb, which is why it is called a sail or a flag. The lower petals, fused together, form a kind of boat.

According to the description of the variety, the fruits of sugar peas Ambrosia are flat beans up to 10 cm long. In each of them, 7-8 peas are formed, which, when ripe, acquire a sweetish-starchy taste. The walls of the fruits are juicy, fleshy, without a parchment layer. Pea diameter reaches 8-9 mm. Recommended collection at the stage of technical maturity. When fully ripe, the bean shells coarsen, and the peas change color from bright green to yellow and become wrinkled.

Important! In order to harvest the crop from July to late autumn, it is recommended to sow 3-4 times every ten days.
Ambrosia vegetable peas: variety description, planting

Ambrosia peas – self-pollinating crop

Advantages and disadvantages

This variety has many advantages, which distinguishes it from the rest. But also pea Ambrosia has its drawbacks. Therefore, before giving preference to him, you should study the strengths and weaknesses of the variety.

Ambrosia vegetable peas: variety description, planting

The yield of Ambrosia from 1 square. m. is 1,3 kg

The main advantages:

  • high yield;
  • excellent taste;
  • versatility of application;
  • precocity;
  • friendly return of fruits;
  • undemanding to care;
  • resistance to temperature extremes.


  • needs support;
  • medium resistance to diseases and pests.
Important! Ambrosia sugar pea beans, unlike shelling varieties of the crop, can be consumed whole fresh and stewed.

How to plant Ambrosia peas

This culture belongs to the category of light-loving. Therefore, for Ambrosia peas, well-lit areas should be chosen. In this case, the soil should be sandy or loamy with a low or neutral level of acidity.

Terms of planting

Seeds should be sown when the threat of frost has passed. In the southern regions, it is recommended to start planting in the last decade of April, and in the central and northern regions – throughout May.

For successful seed germination, it is important that the soil is well saturated with moisture after winter, so delaying sowing is not recommended. In the event of a sharp cold snap, the bed with this crop should be covered with agrofiber.

Important! The best predecessors for Ambrosia peas are cucumbers, pumpkins, potatoes, tomatoes, cabbage.

Seed preparation

Seeds need pre-sowing soaking, which will improve their germination. To do this, pour them into a container and pour water at room temperature so that the liquid completely covers the peas. Soaking time – 12-15 hours. But every two hours the water should be changed.

In the absence of time, this procedure can be accelerated. To do this, Ambrosia pea seeds should be poured with hot water at a temperature of + 50-55 ° C and microfertilizer should be added to it. Planting material in this case must be kept for five minutes. Pre-soaking allows you to activate the growth processes in the seeds.

Also, to prevent infection with diseases, you need to soak the seeds for 15 minutes in a pink solution of potassium permanganate. After that, they should be washed with plain water and planted.

Important! Ambrosia pea seeds should be soaked immediately before planting, since after the procedure they are no longer subject to further storage.

Garden and soil preparation

You need to start preparing the beds in the fall. To do this, it is necessary to dig up the site and add humus at the rate of 5 kg per 1 sq. m. Also add an additional 35 g of superphosphate and 20 g of potassium sulfide.

With the advent of spring, the soil in the garden should be loosened to a depth of 7 cm and leveled well. After that, you can start sowing.

Ambrosia vegetable peas: variety description, planting

Planting peas in their original place can be carried out after four years

Planting Ambrosia peas

Sowing peas Ambrosia does not cause any particular difficulties. You can carry out the procedure at any time of the day.

Algorithm of actions:

  1. Make furrows at a distance of 20-30 cm with a depth of 3-4 cm.
  2. Water them generously and wait until the moisture is completely absorbed.
  3. Spread the prepared Ambrosia pea seeds at a distance of 10-15 cm.
  4. Sprinkle with earth and compact the surface well.
Important! Before the emergence of seedlings, it is necessary to provide shelter for the beds with branches, netting, agrofiber or film, as birds can pull the seeds out of the ground.
Ambrosia vegetable peas: variety description, planting

The first shoots appear 5-7 days after planting.

Outdoor care

Agrotechnics for growing sugar peas Ambrosia does not involve complex actions. Therefore, to get a good harvest, it is enough to follow the standard rules of care.


Timely watering is extremely important for Ambrosia peas, as it belongs to the category of moisture-loving crops. It is necessary to moisten the bed with plantings every week with wetting the soil to a depth of 5-7 cm. And during the period of fruit formation, it is recommended to water every 2-3 days. For irrigation, settled water with a temperature of + 15-20 ° C should be used.

After each watering, it is necessary to loosen the soil between the rows. This will prevent the formation of a crust on the surface of the soil and will keep air access to the roots of the plant.

Additional fertilizing

If nutritional components were introduced at the stage of site preparation, then this crop does not particularly need to be fed. Additionally, only complex mineral fertilizers with a high content of potassium and phosphorus can be used at the stage of fruit formation and ripening. This will improve their taste and speed up the collection.

Important! When growing Ambrosia peas, it is not recommended to apply nitrogen fertilizers, as they enhance the growth of green mass to the detriment of fruit formation.


To increase bushiness, it is recommended to pinch the main shoot of Ambrosia peas at a height of 20-25 cm. This stimulates the growth of lateral branches. As soon as they grow by 20-25 cm, they should also be pinched. This procedure will increase the yield of the plant, but will significantly slow down the collection. Therefore, pinching is recommended if the area for planting this crop is limited.


For the successful cultivation of Ambrosia peas, it is necessary to tie the plants to a support. To do this, you can use a tapestry. The garter should be started when the length reaches 25-30 cm. If this is not done on time, then the Ambrosia pea shoots will begin to lie down. As a result, they will lack light, and dampness will form at the base of the bushes, which will cause the fruit to rot.

The garter also contributes to the uniform ripening of the crop and improves the palatability of the beans, since in this case they are well lit by the sun and accumulate sugars.

Ambrosia vegetable peas: variety description, planting

Harvesting can be done in 50-55 days

Fighting diseases and pests

If the growing conditions do not match, the immunity of Ambrosia peas decreases. This can lead to damage to the plant by pests and diseases.

Possible difficulties:

  1. Pea grain. The danger is represented by pest larvae that feed on the leaves of the plant. The females lay their eggs on the underside of the leaves in spring.
    Ambrosia vegetable peas: variety description, planting

    At the first signs of infection with a pea weevil, it is necessary to spray the plantings with Aktara insecticide

  2. Aphid. A small insect that forms a whole colony. The pest feeds on the juice of young leaves and shoots.
    Ambrosia vegetable peas: variety description, planting

    To kill aphids, spray Ambrosia peas with Karbofos or Corado

  3. Ascochitosis. You can recognize the disease by the spots on the beans and leaves. With a massive infection, the plant cannot be saved.
    Ambrosia vegetable peas: variety description, planting

    To kill aphids, spray Ambrosia peas with Karbofos or Corado

  4. Fusarium. Soil fungi cause the disease, which infect the root system of Ambrosia peas. Plants wither sharply, they are no longer subject to treatment.
    Ambrosia vegetable peas: variety description, planting

    To prevent the spread of Fusarium, it is necessary to remove diseased bushes and water the pea plantings with a solution of Previcur Energy

Important! In the case of a rainy cool summer, it is recommended to carry out preventive treatment of plants with fungicides every ten days.


Ambrosia peas belong to the category of varieties that, with minimal care, are able to show high performance. This is confirmed by numerous reviews. Therefore, among the variety of types of culture, gardeners prefer this particular variety.

Ambrosia Pea Reviews

Alexandra Stepnova, Bryansk
Ambrosia peas are always a priority for me, since when planted every ten days, the crop can be harvested from July until the very frost. Planting care is minimal, with drip irrigation, plants develop well. Beans are sweet in taste, juicy and fleshy. Harvest used for freezing for the winter. I cook on the basis of Ambrosia peas the first and second courses.
Yegor Smilyakov, Kaluga
I grow this variety all the time. I like the sweetish taste of peas and young beans of Ambrosia. I plant in the first days of May and already in mid-July I collect the first crop. I store fresh fruits in the refrigerator for no more than ten days. The rest of the harvest is used for freezing and winter harvesting. With minimal care, you can collect from 1 sq. m. about 1,3 kg of Ambrosia peas.
Vegetable pea Ambrosia (ambroziya) 🌿 Ambrosia pea review: how to plant Ambrosia pea seeds

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