Ambrosia artemisia: plant photo, species, distribution and methods of weed control

Artemisia ragweed belongs to extremely dangerous quarantine species of weed grasses. Frost-resistant and not afraid of an arid climate, the plant multiplies rapidly, flooding fodder meadows, agricultural land and summer cottages. Today we will tell you what methods of dealing with a dangerous weed exist.


Ambrosia (Ambrosia) is an invasive representative of the genus of annual or perennial herbaceous plants of the Asteraceae family. In the natural environment, there are more than 50 species of herbaceous culture. The main area is the territory of North America. Unfortunately, the most dangerous species of the invasive member of the Aster family are also found in our latitudes.

Ambrosia artemisia: plant photo, species, distribution and methods of weed control

Ambrosia is a representative of the genus of herbaceous plants of the Asteraceae family.

So, on the territory of the Federation there are three most dangerous types of weed:

  1. Artemisia ragweed is an annual herbaceous culture that has flooded the southern coastal regions, the Crimean Peninsula and the Caucasus. Often found in other areas of the country. Propagated by seed method. It poses a serious threat to humans and agricultural sectors – animal husbandry and crop production.
  2. Ragweed, or naked ragweed, has a high viability. Not afraid of drought, floods and even severe frosts. The main area is Bashkiria, Abkhazia, Orenburg, Samara and Volgograd regions, as well as the Stavropol Territory. Propagated by vegetative and seed methods.
  3. Ambrosia tripartite prone to abundant flowering. The pollen of an annual herbaceous crop is a dangerous allergen that can provoke an acute reaction of the body. It grows mainly in the southern regions. Weed grass seeds get to other areas along with crops.

Video “Ambrosia artemisia: description and danger of culture”

This video shows what the noxious quarantine weed looks like and how dangerous it is to the environment.

Artemisia ragweed

The story of

Few people know that pest grass is shrouded in myths and beautiful legends. In the days of Ancient Hellas, a drink was made from grass, which allegedly bestowed immortality. The ancient Greeks believed that one cup of such a drink would bring healing from all diseases and give immortality.

Only the gods were allowed to drink the divine drink. The Greek god Tantalus wanted to steal the recipe for an immortal potion and share it with mere mortals. But Tantalus was caught and severely punished. Amazing healing and miraculous properties were attributed to the drink.

Ambrosia wormwood is considered to be native to North America. But the seeds of invasive grass came to Europe in 1873, along with the supply of red clover. The annual herbaceous culture became widespread after the end of the Great Patriotic War. Weed seeds were carried by the wheels of military trucks.


The spread of ambrosia in the Crimea and on the territory of the southern coast is equated with a disaster. The situation is aggravated by the fact that insects that are able to destroy the weed remained in their homeland – in the countries of North America. Man has to fight the parasite.

Ambrosia artemisia is characterized by high survival and intensive reproduction. The seed germination rate reaches a maximum of 100%. Seed boxes ripen even at the flowering stage of a herbaceous crop. One bush of grass is able to give “life” to more than 50 plants. Thanks to global warming, ragweed is a common occurrence in the central and even northern regions.

Distribution of ragweed on the map

Allergy to ragweed

An annual herbaceous culture is one of the most dangerous types of allergens. During the flowering period, which spans several months, people prone to allergic reactions fall ill with hay fever. The disease is accompanied by severe lacrimation and redness of the eyes, copious discharge from the sinuses, swelling of the mucous membrane, cough, sore throat and difficulty breathing. If you have problems with the respiratory system, you should immediately seek medical help. Intensive development of an allergic reaction can provoke an allergic shock or suffocation.

Ambrosia artemisia: plant photo, species, distribution and methods of weed control

Ambrosia wormwood – a dangerous allergen

The reaction to ragweed can manifest itself in the form of redness of the skin, rashes and itching. According to medical research, ragweed allergy occurs in both adults and children. Millions of people suffer from this herbaceous culture.

During the flowering period of ragweed, we recommend that you always have antihistamines on hand.

Author’s advice

Harm to agriculture

Ambrosia poses a serious danger not only to humans, but also to agriculture. Weed grass has a long taproot. The plant absorbs all the nutrients and moisture in the soil. The land is depleted, cultivated plants grown in the beds wither and dry due to lack of fluid and micronutrients. First of all, cereals, legumes and oilseeds are affected.

An annual herbaceous plant populates fodder fields. Livestock grazing is under threat as the animals refuse to eat the grass that grows sagebrush and other types of ragweed.

Weeds growing in fields and meadows clog the cutting elements of agricultural machinery. Therefore, the speed and quality of harvesting are reduced several times. As you know, the repair of agricultural machinery and the replacement of components is a very expensive pleasure.

Weed Control Methods

The rapid reproduction of the weed requires prompt human intervention. Ragweed can be controlled by mechanical, biological and chemical methods.

Mechanical methods

The most effective and safest method for humans and the environment is the mechanical method of weed removal. The grass is uprooted before the beginning of the flowering phase. It is recommended to repeat the procedure several times per season.

Please note that uprooted plants are subject to complete destruction. It is better to burn an annual herbaceous culture away from the garden and vegetable garden.

Ambrosia artemisia: plant photo, species, distribution and methods of weed control

Mechanical control is the most effective method of weed control.

Biological methods

Other types of herbs will help to displace the weed. Lawn grass, alfalfa, foxtail, wheatgrass, fescue, sainfoin, rootless couch grass, various perennial cereals and legumes are considered natural enemies of ragweed. The duration of such a struggle can drag on for 2-3 years.

Chemical methods

Herbicides based on chemicals will help to quickly get rid of the weed: Tornado, Prima, Ground, Hurricane Forte, Roundal, Lontrel, etc. Herbicides must be used strictly according to the instructions. In most cases, chemicals are dangerous to humans and animals. The cultivation of fields, meadows and horticultural lands requires personal safety measures.

Seeing ragweed on the site, do not waste time – start an active fight against the weed. Otherwise, the herbaceous culture will quickly multiply in the garden, vegetable garden or field.

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