Ambro for acute and chronic respiratory diseases. How to use the drug?

Ambro is a drug used in acute and chronic diseases of the respiratory tract with difficulty expectoring excessively thick secretions: acute and chronic bronchitis, bronchial asthma with disorders of expectoration of secretions, bronchiectasis and cystic fibrosis.

amber (Hexal AG / Lek Polska)

form, dose, packaging availability category the active substance
tabl. Mush. 0,03 g (20 tablets) OTC ambroxol (ambroxol)



Ambro – indications and dosage

Ambro is a recommended drug in acute and chronic diseases of the respiratory tract, accompanied by difficulty expectoration of thick secretions:

  1. acute and chronic bronchitis,
  2. bronchial asthma with expectoration disorders,
  3. bronchiectasis
  4. cystic fibrosis.

As an auxiliary:

  1. in inflammation of the nasopharynx,
  2. in pulmonary rehabilitation in the pre- and postoperative period.

Drug dosage

Ambro is in the form of effervescent tablets for oral use, which should be dissolved in a glass of water and drunk. It is best to take the preparation after a meal.

  1. Adults and children after the age of 12, initially 30 mg three times a day for 3-2 days, then 3 mg twice a day.
  2. Children 6-12. 15 mg 2-3 times / day

Ambro and contraindications

Contraindication to the use of Ambro effervescent tablets is allergy to any component of the drug.

Ambro – warnings

  1. Patients with impaired cough reflex or impaired ciliary bronchial clearance should be used with caution as there may be a risk of secretion retention.
  2. People with gastric or duodenal ulcers should exercise caution.
  3. Patients with bronchial asthma are at risk of increasing coughing and excessive coughing up during treatment with the drug.
  4. People with severe renal impairment should reduce the dose of the drug or extend the time between doses.
  5. 1 tablet of Ambro contains 0,03 carbohydrate exchangers.
  6. Pregnant and breastfeeding women may use the drug only after consulting a doctor and if necessary.

Ambro with other drugs

  1. Antitussive drugs should not be used simultaneously with Ambro, as it helps to remove a large amount of secretion formed after liquefaction. Check with your doctor before taking a cough suppressant.
  2. Simultaneous intake of the preparation with antibiotics: amoxicillin, cefuroxime, doxycycline, erythromycin increases their penetration into the lung tissue.
  3. Ambroxol and theophylline mutually enhance their effect.

Ambro – side effects

Taking Ambro may (rarely) cause the following side effects:

  1. allergic reactions – especially skin and mucosal reactions, facial swelling, shortness of breath, increase in body temperature, chills,
  2. gastrointestinal complaints: abdominal pain, nausea and constipation,
  3. dry mouth and airways
  4. increased salivation,
  5. runny nose
  6. difficulty urinating.

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