Ambivertyk – a new type of personality in psychology

Psychology is a dynamically developing science, based on many experiences and observations, constantly revising classical views in the contemporary, changing world. No wonder that it develops new branches and often introduces new concepts and definitions. Thus, in studies on personality type, a new concept of ambivert was introduced to classical approaches. To understand what characterizes this type of personality, let’s first look at the classical division.

Personality type – what is it? The classic division into introvert and extrovert

The concept of personality and its various kinds occupy minds psychologists for many years. Generally speaking, personality can be described as a team featureswhich are subject to little variability and constitute a kind of mental predisposition of an individual. A lot of different ones have been created over the years personality theory, the problem was dealt with by the most famous researchers, such as Freud and Jung. Two classic general personality types – concepts introvert and extrovert – they were introduced to science by Carl Gustav Jung in 1921. Modified somewhat by later researchers, they are now concepts commonly functioning in Polish.

Extrovert – open personality type

Concept ectraversion is derived from the Latin words “extra” – “outside” and “vertere” – “to turn”. Already from the name itself it follows that the person about it personality type she turns to the outside world, she is open to it. Extroverts like to be with people, draw energy from the company and the outside world, and they do not tolerate loneliness well. This personality type characterizes people with choleric and sanguine temperament. They are active people and people looking for sensations, who like to act and often say and do something first, and then analyze it, i.e. colloquially speaking, they are bathed in hot water.

Introvert – closed personality type

The name comes from the Latin “intra” – “inside” and “vertere” – “to turn”. Concept introvert refers to the people we call the proverbial lone wolves. They feel bad in a group, prefer face-to-face conversations, and draw their energy from loneliness and internal experiences. They often develop their inner world through numerous interests which they carefully explore. Before taking any action, they will think carefully and analyze it in advance, and they need silence to work and concentrate. This personality type characterizes people with phlegmatic and melancholy temperaments.

Ambivertyk – mixed personality type – a new concept in psychology

Knowing briefly the classic division, let’s take a look at the new one typical personalities, which is ambivert. This concept was introduced by Hans Eysenck, an English researcher modifying Jung’s theories. Eysenck decided that the classical division was too simplistic and describes only extremes – and not everything in life is black or white. The Latin word “ambo” literally means “both”. Is it personality typewhich may show both features extrovert and introvert. Ambivert It is characterized by high flexibility, depending on the mood, it may be willing to spend free time both in company and alone. Researcher Vanessa van Edwards, in order to select type ambivert, points to three features. Firstly, ambivert he likes to spend time both among people and alone. Second, there are situations where ambivert he feels confident and open, and there are those in which he shuts down and feels insecure. Third, he cannot clearly define himself as an introvert or an extrovert.

Ambivert does not show features typically extreme. He likes to talk and listen. Can connect with both introverts and extroverts, adapting to the manner of conversation. He likes spending time among people, but he also needs time for himself and is not fond of excessive stimuli. Has leadership abilities, but prefers to lead a small group. In a word, this is it personality type very flexible and universal that will adapt to the surroundings and company and is usually a liked person with whom everyone around them feels good. Psychologists consider this type to be the most emotionally stable. It is considered that ambiverts they have a great predisposition to the profession of a seller: they can both listen to the customer and take the lead, praising a given product when it is adjusted to the needs of the buyer. Some criticize ambivertsperceiving their different behavior in different situations to be false, which is not true, as this is not the result of pretending, but the ability to adapt.

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