Amazon Prime Now. The Frescoes of the Neighborhood

The Seattle multinational begins its fresh food express service in the capital of Spain.

The opening of Amazon’s food business in our country has a new milestone with the recent launch of the 1-hour premium service in the field of fresh food.

Its leap from the online sale of non-perishable to fresh is a clear commitment to the consolidation of the food sector in which it has been seeking for years to adapt to the singularities of each of the countries.

Now it is the turn of the fresh, chilled and frozen, in a wide range of products where you can buy meat, vegetables, fruit, yogurts, fresh pasta, pizzas, etc. for the moment, gradually increasing and complementing the range of dry foods that it already had in its portfolio, such as coffee, cookies, diapers or accessories for mobile phones.

The fish will arrive later due to the complexity of the service with control of the cold chain and especially the independence of packaging with the rest of the articles.

For now, it will only be in the capital of Spain where this service is provided, as it already does in the main European cities such as Berlin, London, Paris or Milan.

The key is in the delivery

The greatest barrier that food ecommerce encountered was the agility in deliveries within the same day, when dealing with products that their daily use or their characteristic of fresh demanded it, thus being able to put in value compared to traditional commerce, reach a delay of only one hour, from the placing of the order and the delivery of the merchandise at the customer’s home.

The Keys to be able to triumph are clear and are based on three fundamental legs

  • Ease of purchase.
  • Large volume of references.
  • Speed ​​in service.

The first step has been solved with technology and to be able to make the daily purchase, Amazon has developed an application that the company’s Premium customers can download (a program that costs 19,95 euros per year).

It’s about the Whatsapp Prime Now (available for iOS and Android devices) and segments the customer by postal codes to confirm the possibility or not of using the service, and it shows all the references that can be purchased, from among its entire product catalog.

Regarding the range of products, it is currently made up of 18.000 references, not all of which are food products, but they do have the quality of being items for everyday use or convenience.

In order to prepare orders, the company has opened a logistics center in the Madrid neighborhood of Legazpi de 2.000 square meters and thus centralize in a single point the expeditions of the city and 21 towns of the autonomous community of Madrid.

Its collaborators in the sale of the product, among which we highlight the Florette, Danone or Campofrío brands, generally operate from their bases in Mercamadrid and add up to a total of 20 suppliers, to which we must add the companies Seur and Instapack that with their minivans and electric bicycles, will be in charge of completing the delivery and the consequent satisfaction of the users.

An international strategy

At the moment in Spain it will only be available in Madrid, but like other European or American countries, the main cities will soon see this service active, if it is consolidated as an interesting value for consumers.

Barcelona awaits as other English, French or American cities did in their day, since the company’s strategy has always been based on a local opening action to be extended as demand grows and the service is optimized.

The shopping cart is back on the front page, and the competition of this service, they have little reaction time to be able to win the battle of urgency to the orange smile of Bezos.

El Corte ingles, Mercadona, Carrefour, Dia in the omnichannel or and online, they must move token to counteract this coup by the American multinational.

Like everything, it has some fine print, the service in one hour has an additional cost of € 5,90, but if it is estimated that the urgency is not so much, the service is free if the option of delivery in 2 hours is chosen. All this under a minimum order of 19 euros.

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