Orange, sweet, crunchy carrots are familiar to each of us since childhood, we have heard that they are very useful and you definitely need to eat more of them! And what is it useful for, let’s figure it out.
Young root crops become available to us from June, throughout the summer we can eat carrots from the beds, but in winter, stocks of this vegetable are available on our tables.
It is worth choosing small root crops with a bright color, they should not contain damage and putrid inclusions. It is necessary to store carrots in a cool, dark place and protect them from condensation.
Carrot root vegetables contain carotene, phytoene, phytofluene and lycopene. Also pantothenic and ascorbic acids, flavonoids, anthocyanins, fatty and essential oils, umbrelifsron, lysine, ornithine, histidine, cysteine, asparagine, threonine, proline, methionine, tyrosine, leucine, as well as B vitamins, flavone derivatives and fatty oil. Calcium, magnesium and phosphorus.
For the circulatory system and metabolism.
Fresh carrots and juice from it purify the blood, remove harmful substances from the body and improve metabolism. They increase the content of antioxidants in the blood, expand the blood vessels of the heart, which is very important in the presence of cardiovascular diseases.
For immunity.
If infectious diseases are becoming more frequent, urgently go to the carrot market! It effectively strengthens the immune system.
For eyes and vision.
All the stories from childhood that carrots are useful for our eyes are not a myth at all. Beta-carotene, which is found in large quantities in carrots, gets into the body and turns into vitamin A. This vitamin plays a key role for eye health and vision adaptation in the dark.
For beauty.
Thanks to the huge amount of various vitamins, carrots not only have a beneficial effect on the state of our body, but also improves skin color, strengthens hair growth and prevents hair loss. And the carotene contained in carrots gives the skin a beautiful peach shade.
Carrots are very popular in use, they are added to soups, vegetable stews, salads.
She fell in love in pickled form and as a juice.
It is also used in baking, remember at least a very famous carrot cake! And a wonderful salad of grated apples and carrots, seasoned with sour cream.
And now it is very popular to serve carrots as a side dish, a very tasty mashed carrot.
Just follow the mandatory rule when eating carrots in raw form, always add a drop of fat in the form of vegetable or animal oils!