Elephants catch the smell of ripe marula fruits for many, many kilometers and go on a long journey to taste their favorite delicacy. It is from the habits of the African giants that the technologists of the Southern Liqueur distillery know that it is time to harvest the marula and begin the two-year process of producing the amazing Amarula cream liqueur. In this analysis, you will learn what kind of drink it is, how to prepare it and what to drink it with. Go!
Amarula – what kind of liquor is this?
Amarula is a South African cream liqueur made from the fruits of the African Marula tree (Ethiopian Sclerocaria), cream and sugar. It contains 17% alcohol and 20% sugar. Amarula has been produced since September 1989 by the South African distillery Southern Liqueur (a subsidiary of Distell Group Limited). Prior to that, since 1983, the company had been making only marula distillate (in 2013, Southern Liqueur also presented Amarula Gold liqueur without cream, 30% alcohol). It is considered the second most popular cream liqueur in the world, of course, after Baileys.
Ripe marula fruit
Во как. И чем этот ликёр примечателен?
It is notable, first of all, for the origin of raw materials and the method of production. Marula trees are not amenable to cultivation, meaning they grow only where they have been able to establish themselves, mainly on the subequatorial plains of South Africa. Trees bear fruit in the height of the African summer, from about mid-January to mid-March. When the marula fruits ripen and fall to the ground, they are picked by the women of the local rural communities and then taken to a factory in Falaborwe (Limpopo province).
At the factory, each fruit is checked for defects and sent for further processing. First, bones, seeds and hard skins are separated in special tanks, then the resulting pulp is kept at low temperatures to prevent uncontrolled fermentation, and later the pulp and the secreted juice are transported to the cellars in Stellenbosch, where the raw material is fermented, turning it into young wine.
Marula wine is distilled twice: first on columns and then on copper stills. The young distillate is aged in French oak barrels for at least 2 years. After that, marula fruit juice and cream are added to the distillate, which gives Amarula that rich, velvety texture. The liqueur has a beige color and an incomparable taste. Rather, in many respects, Amarula is very similar to Baileys, but the taste is clearly dominated by a fruity note with a citrus character, inherent in marula fruits (they, by the way, have ten times more vitamin C than oranges). At the same time, strawberries are clearly captured in the aroma.
Oh wow, this is cool. And what’s with the elephants?
It just so happened that African giants love to feast on ripe, even slightly overripe and slightly fermented marula fruits, which are ready to follow the smell of ripe fruits for many, many kilometers. Because of this, the locals call the marula the “elephant tree” and Southern Liqueur has chosen the majestic animals as its symbol by placing an image of an elephant on the label.
But the distillery not only exploits the image of the giants, but also participates in their rescue by funding the “Elearant Amarula Research Program” at the University of Natal, Durban. In addition, marula is also called the “marriage tree”, which is due not only to the fact that the crown of trees is a beautiful and natural wedding canopy, but also to the fact that marula fruits are considered an aphrodisiac and are often used by locals in rituals associated with the conception of a child. .
Interesting. So, knowing you, will you offer a couple of recipes now?
Why not offer something? Let’s start, perhaps, with the simplest and not very, in fact, interesting, because the liquor that we eventually get will not differ much from the same homemade Baileys or any other cream liqueur. But this recipe deserves the right to life only because it has not yet been on our website.
- 1 st. l. instant or ground coffee
- 250 ml non-smoky whiskey
- 1 банка не вареной сгущенки
- 200 ml whole cream 10-15%
- 1 tsp fragrant honey
Сначала работаем с кофе, качество которого играет важную роль. Если вы решили использовать кофе растворимый, предварительно, уж извините за каламбур, растворите его в небольшом количество подогретых сливок. Если же вы решили взять хороший свежемолотый кофе, то сварите из него примерно 100 мл очень крепкого напитка. Перед смешиванием ликёра кофе нужно остудить. Затем в банке подходящего объема нужно смешать виски (или одну из его имитаций), сгущенку, сливки, подготовленный кофе и мёд, хорошо перемешать и плотно закрыть. Ликёр готов к употреблению после 7 дней выдержки в холодильнике. Каждый день его нужно встряхивать, как и перед каждым употреблением.
Is it boring? Let’s make something more magical and similar to the original Amarula liqueur. So, for example, some of our “alchemists” noticed that the fruits of the marula tree have a lot in common with ordinary cherry plum. Next came the experiments. Mostly strange, undistilled, naturally fermented liqueurs mixed with cream, vanilla, and food coloring.
Dear Mr. faroy from the HomeDistiller forum (the same branch of secret recipes mentioned in the analysis of Campari) went further and offered to prepare a drink using the Southern Liqueur technology, but with cherry plum. The result is worthy.
- 1 l moonshine from cherry plum*
- 400 g fresh cherry plum
- 1 l sugar syrup 65-66%
- 100 g sugar
- 5 g vanillin
- 0,5-1 g turmeric
- a pinch of citric acid
- 1 банка не вареной сгущенки
* – faroy suggests using 60% double moonshine from cherry plum, aged in an oak barrel for at least 2 years; not very equivalent, but still a substitute, will be any other fruit brandy, aged on wood chips or in a barrel.
Plum free from pits and mix in a jar with 100 g of sugar. Cover with a cloth and leave for 4-7 days on the windowsill to ferment. Add cherry plum moonshine (we will definitely add its recipe according to the season) and stand for another 2 days. Filter, wait 5 days and filter again. The result is 1,2 liters of fragrant infusion. Prepare an invert syrup with a concentration of 65-66% (1 liter of water and about 1,86 g of sugar), in which vanilla and 0,5-1 g of turmeric should be immediately dissolved for color. Cool the syrup and make the final blend: add a pinch of citric acid to 1,2 liters of fragrant infusion – mix, mix a liter of syrup, mix a jar of condensed milk. Send the finished liquor to the refrigerator for a couple of days and you can drink it. You should get about 2,5 liters of liquor with a strength of 15-20% with an organoleptic very similar to Amarula.
Fire, get ready! And how to drink Amarula in general?
Reasonable question. In general, it is customary to drink Amarula in its pure form with ice – this is how the drink opens up best.
It is very tasty to add liquor to coffee, both in espresso or americano, and in cappuccino or latte. Amarula is also added to cocktails. To begin with, you can replace Baileys with it in any cocktail with Irish liqueur, and later try to prepare mixed drinks created specifically for the taste and aroma of the South African digestif. For example, here are some of them:
Коричневый Слон #2 / Brown Elephant #2
- 45 ml Amarula liqueur
- 30 ml of Kalua liqueur
- milk
В 300-миллилитровый стакан хайбол добавить 3 кубика льда, влить Амарулу и Калуа. Долить доверху молоко и хорошенько перемешать.
Африканская колыбельная / African Lullaby
- 120 ml Amarula liqueur
- 30 ml coconut milk
- 240 ml of milk
- 2 щепоти мускатного ореха
Mix all ingredients in a blender with a glass of crushed ice. Serve in a beer glass.
Семя Джунглей / Jungle Jizz
- 60 ml Amarula liqueur
- 60 ml coconut liqueur
- 180 ml of milk
- 1 ripe banana
- 4 ice cubes
- 1 scoop of vanilla ice cream
- 2 hours. L. Sahara
Place all ingredients in a blender and blend until foamy. Serve in a hurricane glass.
Afrikaaner / Afrikaaner
- 60 ml Amarula liqueur
- 60 ml peach liqueur
- 30 ml of vodka
- 60 ml cream
- 60 ml of milk
- 30 ml chocolate syrup
Fill a Hurricane glass halfway with ice, add all ingredients and mix well.
Elephant’s Reverie
- 60 ml Amarula liqueur
- 30 ml Frangelico liqueur
- 15 ml banana liqueur
- 15 ml of cream 10-15%
- a pinch of grated chocolate
Shake all ingredients in a shaker with some crushed ice and strain into a large cocktail glass. Sprinkle with grated chocolate.
You can find other cocktail recipes, of which there are several dozen, on the official website of the Amarula liqueur manufacturer or on many cocktail portals.
All right, this is love. Last surprise?
Well, if you ask. Amarula was very fond of housewives and not only because a couple of glasses of this most delicate ambrosia can brighten up any severity of everyday life. The liquor fits perfectly into many culinary masterpieces, from simple desserts to seafood and meat, where Amarula is used as a marinade or a savory addition to a dish. Many recipes for such dishes can be found on the official website of the drink, as well as on numerous culinary sites. Personally, as a big fan of meat dishes and oriental cuisine, I personally liked the recipe for stir-fried beef roast with coconut cream and Amarula.
Stir-fried beef with Amarula
- 6 onions, finely chopped
- 1 st. l. grated ginger
- 3 cloves of garlic, finely chopped
- 1 small chili pepper, chopped
- salt and pepper to taste
- 410 g coconut cream
- 50 ml Amarula liqueur
- 50 мл свежих листьев кориандра
- 1 tsp. sesame oil
- 500 g beef
- 500 g egg noodles
Heat the sesame oil in a wok and fry the onion, ginger, garlic and chilli. Add beef, cut into small strips, and fry until almost done. Add salt and pepper to taste. Add coconut cream and simmer for 10 minutes. Add liqueur and simmer for another 1-2 minutes. Serve with chopped coriander leaves and egg noodles cooked separately.
Bon appetit!