Amaranth flour

The popularity of ancient cereals (like quinoa, tefa and amaranth) is returning again. In the wake of universal interest in proper nutrition, humanity is turning to the roots, looking for a recipe for a long, happy and quality life.

Amaranth came into use later quinoa, but earlier teff. Pure cereal is rarely used. More often, the grains are processed into flour and, when processed, sold on the market. What is a cereal and is there any point in spending money and efforts to find it?

What is amaranth

Amaranth (width) is a genus of annual plants of the amaranth family. There are more than 100 plant species that have chosen a warm and temperate climate zone for growth.

Amaranth is one of the few crops that have come down to us almost in its original form. Quinoa, teff and amaranth are grown exactly as they were a thousand years ago. Ancient cultures were not subjected to hybridization or genetic modification. Due to the relative purity and naturalness of the composition, derivative products from ancient cereals have a high nutritional/energy value, rich in vitamin and nutrient compositions.

Among the 100 varieties of amaranth, there are weeds (bluish, upturned), vegetables (tricolor), ornamental plants (tricolor, caudatus, hypochondriacus) and ancient grain crops from which flour is produced (cruentus, caudatus).

Terminology features

The botanical name was formed from the Greek phrase “unfading flower.” Due to the long term implementation of the cereal, the people called it “winter friend of the people.” Amaranth was often dried for the winter in order to get a boost of energy and vitamins during the cold season.

The amaranth is better known to the Slavic people as “beaker”. Also among the common names: cat or fox tail, marigold, cock scallops, axamitnik.

Botanical description

One branch can grow both branched and simple, even stems. The leaves are lined up, whole, take the form of a regular rhombus or egg. The base of the leaf is slightly elongated in the scape, which gives amaranth a special shape. The upper edge of the plant is decorated with a small notch with a pronounced tip.

Flowers form in bunches. The upper edge is collected in a dense panicle (very similar to the upper part of the spikelet). The shade of flowers can be as varied as possible: from muted green to bright red. Later, elongated boxes are formed from flowers. 1 plant is capable of producing small grains around 500 000. The grain weight is minimal, so the plant can safely withstand an entire armada of amaranth grain without damage or damage.

Weight 1 000 amaranth grains is equal to 0,4 grams.

The spread and ecology of culture

Amaranth is considered the birthplace of South Africa. The greatest concentration of culture, the maximum diversity of its forms and varieties is concentrated precisely in African lands. From their usual habitat, the culture was transported to North America, later to India and other continents. The secondary centers of the plant are China and Northern India. It was there that amaranth could settle down, get used to the local climatic conditions and produce a decent crop.

The plant was brought to Europe by the Spaniards. At first, Europeans grew amaranth as an ornamental plant. His lush long colorful branches looked dignified and rich. Therefore, whole amaranth gardens decorated the estates of the aristocracy. In the 17th century, the attitude toward the plant was revised, and its grains began to be used for the feed supply of livestock.

The culture gradually grew and expanded. She began to use for food, and then tried to select. Many artificial species of amaranth pereopylyas. They lost their valuable properties, turned into weeds and ruined fertile lands. Agronomists decided to leave the culture in its original form, using the maximum share of its natural benefits.

The value and use of grain

Amaranth culture is called “Aztec wheat” and “Inca bread.” Indeed, at one time amaranth was one of the most important food products, which provided the vital activity of entire peoples. Grains were valued along with legumes and corn, used in pure form, processed into flour and butter. The Spanish conquest of America put an end to the era of amaranth. The culture was temporarily forgotten and almost destroyed.

After several centuries, amaranth flourished. The plant was used as:

  • vegetable culture;
  • ornamental plant;
  • drug (most often treated with dried leaves and decoctions);
  • spices (dried root and leaves);
  • feed crop (grazing, feeding, silage);
  • food product (flour, butter).

The chemical composition of the grain

Nutritional value of the product (per 100 grams of raw grain)
Caloric value371 kCal
Proteins13,6 g
Fats7 g
Carbohydrates65,3 g
Alimentary fiber6,7 g
Water11,29 g
Ash2,88 g
Vitamin content (in milligrams based on 100 grams of raw grain)
Retinol (A)0,001
Thiamine (B1)0,116
Riboflavin (B2)0,2
Choline (B4)69,8
Pantothenic Acid (B5)1,457
Folic acid (B9)0,082
Ascorbic acid (C)4,2
Tocopherol (E)0,96
Nicotinic acid (PP)0,923
Nutrient balance (in micrograms per 100 grams of raw grain)
Potassium (K)508
Calcium (Ca)159
Magnesium (Mg)248
Phosphorus (P)557
Trace Elements
Iron (Fe)7610
Copper (Cu)525
Manganese (Mn)3333
Selenium (Se)18,7
Zinc (Zn)2870

What you need to know about amaranth flour

This cereal flour is considered one of the most useful products (compared to flaxseed, wheat, buckwheat flour, and so on). The first thing that adherents of healthy food consumption should pay attention to is calorie content. Amaranth flour contains only 298 kcal per 100 grams of product.

The next important point is composition. Amaranth flour contains the rare element squalene.

Squalene is a hydrocarbon of natural origin. Belongs to the group of carotenoids. It is a colorless hydrophobic liquid that instantly dissolves in ether and acetone, in ethanol or acetic acid the decomposition process slows down. Squalene is an intermediate in the biosynthesis of steroids and is involved in metabolism.

What are the real benefits of squalene? It lowers cholesterol (because it is involved in its synthesis) and has an antioxidant effect on the entire body. As a result, slags and toxins are more quickly removed from the body, a noticeable gradual weight loss, improved skin and an increase in overall health.

The rich composition of amaranth (and, accordingly, its derivatives) is formed due to the special processing of grain. They are ground completely, without pretreatment / soaking or cleaning. “Untouched” grain contains the maximum concentration of vitamins, minerals and nutrients that automatically go into the flour.

The flour contains such vitamins: A (retinol), D (calciferol), E (tocopherol), B12 (cobalamin), B6 ​​(pyridoxine), C (ascorbic acid), PP (nicotinic acid). Minerals: calcium (K), magnesium (Mg), zinc (Zn), selenium (Se), phosphorus (P), manganese (Mn), sodium (Na).

Another important component of amaranth flour is lysine.

Lysine is an aliphatic essential acid. It is part of proteins, promotes the regeneration of the walls of the mucous membranes and the outer skin, stimulates the development of antibodies / hormones / enzymes.

Due to lysine, the protective function of the immune system is strengthened. The body effectively confronts pathogenic infections, viruses and bacteria. Moreover, irreplaceable acid normalizes the work of all body systems, is responsible for the normal production of hormones.

Amaranth is an alkalizing product. The component is able to restore the acid-base balance of the body and bring an overly acidic environment back to normal. Otto Warburg (German biochemist, Nobel laureate) said that all diseases develop only in an acidic organism. An alkaline organism is automatically insured against the growth and development of pathogenic bacteria, microbes and other microorganisms. To an excess of acid lead: irrational food intake, poor sleep and bad habits. Include in the complex a therapeutic course: flour, cereals and amaranth oil in order to quickly normalize the acid-base balance.

Use component in cooking

How to use the product

Amaranth flour is characterized by a delicate nut-cereal smell and taste (similar to honey granola from a mixture of cereals).

Amaranth products have a long implementation period. For example, amaranth cinnamon rolls are stale only for 5-7 days of storage.

The scope of use of the product is exactly the same as that of other flour. Due to the nature of the structure, a little more binding elements (eggs, corn starch, cottage cheese, banana) and liquids (water, oil) may be needed to achieve the desired consistency of the dough. Experiment and don’t be afraid of minor failures!

Mini Popcorn Recipe

Nutritional value (based on the 1 portion of the finished dish)
Caloric value413 kCal
Proteins11,2 g
Fats14,1 g
Carbohydrates60,3 g

We need:

  • amaranth flour – 250 g;
  • vegetable oil (coconut oil is best) – 1 tablespoon;
  • honey / sweetener / nuts / dried fruits to taste;
  • vegetable milk to taste.


Heat the pan. Dip a regular napkin in a small amount of oil and wipe the bottom of the frying pan with it.

Culinary advice: if in your kitchen arsenal there is a non-stick frying pan, then you can not conduct a ritual with a napkin and oil.

Take small portions of flour and toss it in the pan. Stir the pan vigorously until the small grains begin to explode. Perform similar manipulations with all grains of amaranth. Prepare the bowl, mix the cooked popcorn, vegetable milk / nuts / dried fruits / healthy seeds in it and serve. This dish is perfect for a simple, but tasty and nutritious breakfast.

Energy Cookie Recipe

Nutritional value (based on the 1 portion of the finished dish)
Caloric value249 kCal
Proteins8,3 g
Fats5,1 g
Carbohydrates44 g

We need:

  • amaranth flour – 50 g;
  • chicken egg – 1 pcs;
  • chopped cinnamon – 10 g;
  • whole oatmeal – 150 g;
  • vanilla – 10 g;
  • dried fruits / nuts to taste – 50 g;
  • vegetable milk.


Mix the dry ingredients, then pour the milk into a mass with a thin stream. Stir the mixture thoroughly and leave for 20-25 minutes. After the oatmeal has swollen, continue the cooking process. Beat the egg thoroughly, mix, add nuts / dried fruits and place in silicone / metal baking tins.

Preheat oven to 190 ° C and bake cookies for about 20 minutes. Cookies are perfect for a quick snack or a sweet addition to breakfast. Due to the natural and nutritional composition of the dessert gives a long feeling of satiety and does not remain on the sides in the form of hated fat.

Indications and contraindications for use


Amaranth flour is a real salvation for celiac patients.

Celiac disease (or celiac disease) is a disease that consists and is characterized by several factors. Celiac disease occurs due to damage to the villi of the small intestine. Damage is provoked by special foods, which include gluten (gluten) and proteins close to it (avenin / hordein).

The only option to get the required norm of high-quality carbohydrates and at least diversify the diet a little is to use “clean” cereals. The taste of the amaranth product is much sweeter and more delicate, and bakery products and desserts are just as soft, airy and rich, compared to the same wheat flour (which provoked celiac disease).

The main condition is that the flour must be of high quality. Pay attention to the composition, the implementation time, the quality of the packaging and the responsibility of the manufacturer.


Amaranth and its derivatives must be excluded from the diet with individual intolerance and some forms of gastrointestinal pathologies. Some stages and forms of gallstone, urolithiasis, cholecystitis and pancreatitis can be aggravated by the ancient cereal. In order to clearly control the effect of food consumed on the body, it is necessary to undergo tests at a specialized doctor. The specialist will monitor the deficiency / surplus of certain components, note the readiness of the gastrointestinal tract to assimilate complex carbohydrates and give recommendations on nutrition. At the stage of remission (if tests and general health status allows), amaranth and its derivatives can be reintroduced into the diet.

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