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A meteopath is a person who develops meteopathy, or meteoropathy. This ailment is based on our body’s hypersensitive reactions caused by changing weather conditions. Meteopaths experience different reactions when there are atmospheric changes and during solstices that occur between seasons.
Meteopatamiwho are more likely to struggle with symptomand, there are women, children, the elderly and people with low blood pressure. Interestingly, according to the data of the Institute of Meteorology and Water Management, as many as 50 to 70 percent of Poles feel the change in mood associated with the weather. Adapting to weather conditions is difficult when our body is weakened. This is why meteorology they feel the effects of changes in weather conditions very acutely.
What symptoms appear in meteopaths?
To the main ones symptomswhich appear u meteoropathychanges in blood pressure, excessive sleepiness and fatigue. There are also problems concentrating. Meteorology they are more nervous and struggle with frequent headaches. Such people feel a general breakdown. This condition is confusingly similar to the one that occurs with a cold. In people who struggle with gastric ulcer and duodenal ulcer, the symptoms may worsen. Contrary to appearances, weather conditions have a significant impact on the exacerbation of the symptoms of various diseases, for example, in rheumatic diseases, the soreness and stiffness of the joints increases.
meteorology, who additionally suffer from diseases of the cardiovascular system may also experience increased symptoms of their ailments. This applies, inter alia, to coronary pain associated with ischemic heart disease. Many of us struggle with various allergies. An allergy may be at the same time meteorologist. Then symptoms such as: allergic reaction, hay fever, shortness of breath or asthma occur with increased intensity. Unfortunately people who are meteopatami, i.e. they have diagnosed ailments related to the change of weather, are more likely to suffer from rhinitis, pharyngitis and laryngitis. This happens during contact meteoropathy with cold air. Rhinitis occurs as a result of the body cooling down, which then worsens the blood supply to the tissues and the constriction of the blood vessels.
How is a meteopath treated?
Meteopathy it is not a disease but an ailment. Consequently, there is no specific cure for meteoropathy. The organism of such a person returns to balance when the stimuli causing the ailment stop working. Still, there are ways to soundproof symptoms occurring in u meteoropathy. If headaches occur, for example, caffeine can be used. You should be aware that by combining it with painkillers, their effect is enhanced. If there are pains in the locomotor system associated with high air humidity or low air, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs can be used.
Meteopatom St. John’s wort is also recommended, as it improves mood, has an antidepressant and calming effect. Another lifebuoys for meteopaths there are mild sedatives, valerian drops and lemon balm. These foods help to control mood swings and anxiety. Passion flower tea can reduce nervousness. Ginseng adds energy, reduces fatigue and supports mental performance. Meteopacand they can also use Echinacea extract, which has a positive effect on the immune system.
Meteorology they should pay attention to theirs diet. For such people, easily digestible products that are rich in vitamins and minerals are the best. B vitamins are very important for the body meteoropathybecause they are responsible for the proper functioning of the nervous system. In addition, they reduce fatigue and reduce the symptoms of stress. These vitamins are found in nuts, grains, cereals, bananas, potatoes, cabbage, fish and meat. Another important element is magnesium, which calms down, increases resistance to stress, and regulates the work of our heart. The sources of magnesium are: pumpkin seeds, nuts, whole grains, groats, legumes and bananas. Vitamin D to improve the mood. It is worth supplementing its level in the autumn and winter period, when the amount of natural light is small. It can be supplemented. However, it is important to meteopata he did not forget about spending time outdoors, they combine it with playing sports. About 7-8 hours of sleep will also help reduce it symptoms related to the ailment.