Alzheimer’s – symptoms. Diagnosis of Alzheimer’s disease

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Alzheimer’s disease usually affects elderly people over the age of 60. The cause of the disease is still unknown, which is directly related to the lack of an appropriate drug. For this reason, alarming symptoms should be monitored in order to start treatment as soon as possible and improve the quality of life of the elderly.

Alzheimer’s symptoms – the three phases of the disease

Alzheimer’s disease has three phases.

The first one is mild and can last from two to four years. Often the symptoms are not recognized by the patient who attributes them to dementia and senile dementia.

In the second – intermediate – phase, the patient has problems with memory more and more often, cannot remember where he has placed a certain object, and begins to withdraw from social life. This phase can last up to 8 years.

The most severe is the last deep stage of Alzheimer’s disease. Senior requires constant care due to worsening symptoms that do not allow him to function normally.

Alzheimer’s symptoms – trouble with memory

The most characteristic symptom of Alzheimer’s disease is short-term memory impairment. The patient is unable to assimilate new information. This condition is caused by the destruction of a brain structure called the hippocampus. In the subsequent stages of the disease, memory problems worsen significantly. The sick person is able to recall events from the past, but cannot say what happened the previous day. Doesn’t recognize family members.

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Alzheimer’s symptoms – speech problems

Another troubling symptom of Alzheimer’s disease is speech problems. At first, the patient cannot recall individual words. Over time, more and more often he utters the same sentences or does not finish them without realizing it.

Alzheimer’s symptoms – spatial orientation disorders

Disturbance of spatial orientation is another disturbing symptom of Alzheimer’s disease. In subsequent phases, the patient is not able to determine exactly where he or she is. It is also difficult for him to find himself on the time map. He often recalls facts from the past, forgetting what happened the day before. It also involves making up stories and mixing information.

Alzheimer’s symptoms – losing items

The loss of everyday objects is also associated with the previous symptoms. Initially, the patient remembers after a few minutes where he has placed the accessory. In the following phases, this symptom becomes significantly worse.

Alzheimer’s Symptoms – Withdrawal from Social Life

The undiagnosed symptoms of Alzheimer’s disease cause the patient to withdraw from social life. He is annoyed. He does not want to leave the house, which is also related to the fact that it is a space known to him. Alienation contributes to depression and thus worsens the symptoms of the disease.

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Alzheimer’s disease – diagnosis

Alzheimer’s disease is difficult to diagnose as patients often see an advanced specialist. This is because neither the patient nor his family are initially able to recognize the symptoms that appear to be typical for older people. For this reason, the most important thing is to observe the senior, check how he / she performs activities and whether he is still trying to enjoy the charms of the autumn of life.

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