Aluminum-free antiperspirant – safe and effective

We prefer an aluminum-free antiperspirant. It is an alternative to cosmetics with aluminum salts, which are associated with breast cancer and Alzheimer’s disease.

Aluminum-free antiperspirant is one of those cosmetics that we use every day. When buying an antiperspirant, we usually focus on its effectiveness. We want it to retain sweat and keep the armpits fresh for as long as possible. A nice smell is also important to us and whether it does not leave stains on clothes. Unfortunately, very often, in addition to a beautiful smell and amazing effectiveness, antiperspirants contain aluminum salts, which may not be indifferent to health.

Aluminum-free antiperspirant for children

Fortunately, a deodorant without aluminum and other chemical substances has appeared on the cosmetics market. It is based on natural ingredients (plant extracts) that do not pose a threat to the body. Aluminum-free antiperspirants are environmentally friendly and still effective. The choice of such antiperspirants in drugstores is increasing, and their prices range from PLN 6 to PLN 60.

Such antiperspirants can also be used by older children, which gives the green light to all parents who are not indifferent to the health and hygiene of their children. The more so that the use of antiperspirant by children is no longer a whim, as it was believed several years ago. Children, especially in their teens, often suffer from excessive sweating, which causes them great discomfort and embarrassment. The availability of natural antiperspirants gives parents confidence that their children’s hygiene is at the highest level.

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Natural antiperspirants for children are usually unscented and have the form of a ball that is rubbed in sensitive areas. They don’t leave a trace. They do not completely block perspiration like traditional antiperspirants do, but they inhibit a certain amount and reduce odor.

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Natural antiperspirant without aluminum

Ecological deodorants most often come in a ball, cream or spray. They do not contain aluminum salts or alcohol, which is commonly used in such cosmetics. Thanks to this, they do not irritate the skin, even the one fresh after shave. They are often based on coconut oil, tea oil or baking soda – ingredients that naturally inhibit sweat, moisturize the skin and give it a pleasant, delicate fragrance.

At Medonet Market you can order natural Sylveco deodorant or deodorant with silver microparticles.

Natural antiperspirants do not leave yellow discoloration on the clothes and wash off perfectly – also with water alone (just wash the clothes in a bowl with lukewarm water, without any washing powder). This is undoubtedly another benefit of using them.

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