Aluminum chloride – action, safety, side effects, contraindications. Aluminum chloride for excessive sweating

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Aluminum chloride is the basic ingredient in antiperspirants that prevents excessive sweating. Preparations with this substance are available both in the drugstore and the pharmacy. How does aluminum chloride work? Is it safe for the skin? We check how to use aluminum chloride correctly and how much it costs.

Aluminum chloride – action

Aluminum chloride is an inorganic chemical compound that forms the salt of hydrochloric acid and aluminum. Although it takes the form of a white solid, it is yellow in cosmetics. As well-known to all, aluminum is often a component of deodorants. In this aspect, aluminum chloride prevents excessive sweating by regulating the work of sweat glands. In addition, it eliminates and masks unpleasant odors. For this reason, apart from antiperspirants, it is often used in the production of creams, lotions and foot scrubs.

Aluminum chloride – safety for the skin

Aluminum chloride in antiperspirants is hard to avoid, which is why many people wonder if it is safe. Its basic advantages, including preventing excessive sweating, do not cover the side effects of its use. Frequent use of aluminum chloride it causes the accumulation of aluminum in the body, which can lead to neoplastic changes (especially the occurrence of breast cancer in women), as well as Alzheimer’s. However, doctors still haven’t made a clear opinion on this, and aluminum-containing deodorants are still available to everyone.

Learn more:

  1. Excessive sweating – causes, symptoms, treatment
  2. How does an antiperspirant work? Differences between chemical and natural antiperspirant (aluminum free)

Aluminum chloride – side effects of use

The most common side effects of using aluminum chloride are:

• erythema;

• baking;

• itching;

• discoloration.

In the case of deodorants, Fr. increased content of aluminum chloride in the composition, it is very important to consult a dermatologist, as it may turn out that the patient is not allowed to use aluminum deodorants. Additionally, they can cause allergic reactions and can interact with other medications you are taking.

Aluminum chloride – contraindications

The main contraindication to the use of aluminum chloride is hypersensitivity to aluminum-containing products. People with allergic skin should also consider whether they can use aluminum antiperspirants or deodorants. However, it must be admitted that products without aluminum perform less well. They are mainly intended for people who do not have a problem with excessive sweating.

Aluminum chloride – where can you buy?

You can get deodorants and antiperspirants with aluminum chloride both at the drugstore and at the pharmacy. In addition to basic products, there are products on the pharmaceutical market with a higher concentration of aluminum (10%), which are mainly intended for people who have highly dysregulated sweat glands. These include Antidral – a special cream that not only prevents excessive sweating, but also eliminates unpleasant odors. Due to the high concentration of aluminum, it is not allowed to depilate the armpits while using the preparation. The product must not be used on damaged epidermis, which may lead to the formation of wounds.

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