Aluminosilicate (E559)

Aluminosilicates are widely used natural materials. This substance has found its application in the food industry as an emulsifier. The addition of a food additive to bulk materials helps to avoid the formation of lumps and caking.

The food additive index aluminosilicate is E559. Another name is kaolin. At the moment, there are strict restrictions on the use of this emulsifier in food products. If the established weekly dose of consumption is exceeded, a negative effect of the substance on the human body is noted.

Despite the existing restrictions, today the E559 additive is classified as safe.

Aluminosilicates are used not only in the food industry, but also in cosmetology. Masks and baths with the addition of white clay have a healing effect on the skin.

Method for obtaining food concentrate

The raw material for the production of food additives is aluminum salt of silicic acid. The forming substance is mined in a quarry way. Since initially there are a lot of impurities in it, then a complex multi-level purification in centrifuges follows. The resulting pure aluminosilicate is first dehydrated and then dried in industrial ovens.

At the end of drying, the quality characteristics of the food additive are necessarily checked. E559 is checked for impurities, dispersion and color purity is evaluated.

In some countries, there is a more modern way of obtaining food additives: raw materials from the mine to production move through special pipelines 20-45 km long. During transportation, it is possible to get rid of most of the unwanted impurities, which makes it possible to obtain a purer nutritional supplement with fewer gravity purification steps.

Synthetic aluminosilicate is obtained by mixing and heating oxides of the respective metals. The chemically obtained substance does not differ in its characteristics from kaolin purified from natural raw materials.

Properties of aluminosilicate

Externally, the emulsifier looks like a white powder with small particles of the same size. To the touch, the powder is greasy, layered.

Color – pure white with a gray or pink tint. The final color depends on the characteristics of the forming substance. The aroma is completely absent, the taste is practically not expressed, earthy.

The powder does not enter into chemical reactions with most reagents and does not dissolve in water, acids, alcohol and ether. Hydrofluoric acid is used to dissolve aluminosilicate in chemical laboratories.

The emulsifier does not change its characteristics when exposed to temperatures. Upon contact with moisture, a dense plastic mass is formed.

The E559 emulsifier is supplied to food production in polypropylene barrels, paper or polypropylene bags, multilayer cardboard drums. The dietary supplement enters the retail trade in plastic jars or tight foil bags with a reusable sealed clasp.

The nutritional value

Under the condition of dosed consumption, aluminosilicate has a positive effect on the human body. The dietary supplement contains valuable micro and macro elements necessary for the normal functioning of internal organs and systems.

Another useful property of E559 is the ability to cleanse the body of toxins and toxins. Kaolin can be used to cleanse the body both in its pure form and as part of medicines.

Masks and baths based on white clay are useful for various skin diseases and dystrophic lesions of the joints. Kaolin is added to animal feed in order to saturate the finished product with important micro and macro elements.

Application in the food industry

In the food industry, the E559 emulsifier is added to dry bulk products, mixtures and powders. The food additive is used as an anti-caking agent or anti-caking agent. Its use allows you to store bulk products for a longer time without losing their quality characteristics.

According to current standards and technological instructions, kaolin can be added to the following products:

  • granulated sugar and powdered sugar;
  • starch;
  • powdered milk;
  • kitchen salt;
  • some types of confectionery;
  • semi-finished products.

Aluminosilicate is used in the production of cheeses and cheese semi-finished products sold in sliced ​​form. The addition of an emulsifier keeps the shape of the ready-to-eat product and prevents it from drying out quickly.

Kaolin is a substance with a pronounced adsorbing effect. Therefore, in the production of molasses used as a raw material for confectionery, the use of E559 is also allowed. This index can be seen on the label of canned food, dietary supplements, butter, fruit juices.

The benefits and harms of food supplements

At the moment, the effect of E559 on the human body has not been fully studied. In view of the absence of restrictions on the use of food concentrate, there are recommendations according to which its entry into the finished product should be within 30 g per 1 kg of bulk product. For liquid products, the recommended dose is 1 g of aluminosilicate per 1 liter of juice/wine.

With normalized consumption, kaolin acts like a medical adsorbent – cleanses the intestines of toxins and toxins, and helps to normalize digestion.

Another useful property of the food concentrate is that it binds and removes radionuclides from the body, acting as a powerful antioxidant.

Allergy sufferers should clearly control the amount of aluminosilicate consumed in food, since the substance can provoke the development of allergic reactions. People who have serious diseases of the digestive system should also avoid the abuse of E599.

There is evidence that the allowable weekly dose of kaolin is 2 mg per 1 kg of body weight. If you do not exceed the recommended dose, then the emulsifier is absolutely safe for health. Abuse of aluminosilicate can cause digestive disorders or allergic skin reactions.

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