Alternaria – what are they? How Can I Deal With The Symptoms Of Allergy?

Alternaria is a genus of saccharides, or microscopic (invisible to the naked eye) sac fungi belonging to the class of Dothideomycetes. There are many species of these mushrooms. Alternaria is a mold fungus that causes allergy symptoms in adults and children.

What are alternaria and why are they harmful to health?

Alternaria are found basically everywhere – they can colonize any place in almost any conditions. They are found in soil and in many plants. They like high air humidity and heat. They then reproduce by releasing spores, which is one of the most common causes of allergies. Inhalation of the spores of these fungi causes asthma and allergic inflammation of the upper respiratory tract. Alternaria also cause food allergies when plants attacked by these microscopic fungi are eaten. Allergy sufferers are most prone to problems, but healthy people may also develop allergy symptoms after contact with mold spores. Alternaria are most troublesome from late summer to October, when their spores are released and then carried by the wind.

Symptoms of allergy to alternaria

An allergy caused by fungi of the alternaria group most often manifests itself with a runny nose, a scratchy throat and sneezing. Laryngitis and paroxysmal shortness of breath may also appear. Children who do not yet have a fully developed immune system to deal with these allergens are particularly vulnerable to allergic reactions after contact with alteraria. In some cases, contact with spores of mold fungi from the alternaria group can even lead to the development of asthma.

How to deal with alternaria to avoid allergy symptoms

Allergens causing symptoms of allergic reactions are spores of mold fungi from the group of alternaria floating in the air. In order to avoid allergy, or at least alleviate its symptoms as much as possible, make sure that there are as few fungi spores as possible in the room in which we are staying. In stuffy, warm and humid rooms, alternaria are ideal for the reproduction and release of spores. That is why it is worth regularly ventilating rooms at home and at work and investing in an effective ventilation system. It should be installed primarily in those rooms with high humidity and the warmest at the same time, i.e. in the kitchen and bathroom. It is also important to follow the rules of hygiene and regularly clean the appliances in the kitchen and bathroom so that microscopic mold fungi do not have a chance to colonize them. You should also clean the washing machine after each wash, because alternaria love its rubber dust jacket. Other places where alternaria can nest in the house are, for example, the joints between the tiles and the bathtub. That is why it is worth checking these places regularly and, if necessary, cleaning them with special fungicides. Alternaria also like food, such as badly stored bread. Food remains must be thrown away regularly, and the bread bin and refrigerator should be cleaned, which, despite the low temperature, may also develop mold fungi of the genus alternaria, causing food allergies. Lovers of potted flowers should pay attention to the condition of plants and soil in pots, because it is an environment particularly suitable for the development of alternaria. Another place conducive to the development of these fungi is a basement or an unheated garage. For this reason, the walls of these rooms should be painted with a special paint with the addition of an agent preventing the growth of mold. In general, you should remember about the basic rules such as airing the rooms at least twice a day, heating the rooms in which we stay so that they do not accumulate moisture, taking care of the cleanliness of equipment and rooms, installing effective ventilation, not growing potted plants at home. It is also not recommended to dry clothes in the room where we are staying, or at least in the one where the child is. You should also ventilate the bedding and check the condition of the mattress. Unfortunately, the sources of alternaria are so numerous that only strict discipline and preventing the rooms from getting wet can limit their number and alleviate the symptoms of allergies. Hygiene and dry and clean air in the apartment are the most effective weapons in the fight against mold fungi from the alternaria family.

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