Altai Mountains: sights worth seeing

😉 Welcome new and regular readers! The article “Gorny Altai: sights worth seeing” is about three amazing and beautiful places in Gorny Altai. These are Altai Stonehenge, Karakol Lakes, Belukha Mountain. Video.

Sights of Altai Mountains

Gorny Altai amazes, delights with its views, ancient heritage, mystery. Many natural monuments keep these places. That is why tourists come from all over the world to enjoy the views of Altai.

There is something to see here at any time of the year. These sights are worth seeing with your own eyes.

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Altai Stonehenge

Between the Saylyugem and Yuzhno-Chuisky ridges there is a “mini” version of the English brother of Stonehenge.

Altai Stonehenge is five huge boulder slabs with a smooth surface, on which the petroglyphs of the Pazyr culture are applied. The height of a large boulder reaches 6 meters. Watch the video at the end of the article.

Altai Mountains: sights worth seeing

If you look from a distance, you can see that the stones are collected in a circle. Archaeologists believe that the stone circle is one of the many burial places of shamans. It is interesting that the stone material for the slabs is not found in the vicinity of Altai.

Many tourists see an energetic burst of energy when visiting this place. Some even get the feeling of being “sucked into the funnel” when they are in the center of the circle!

Stonehenge, both in Altai and England, is shrouded in mystery. The purpose and origin of these buildings has yet to be revealed. But to plunge into this mystical atmosphere and recharge with energy is worth every tourist visiting Gorny Altai.

Karakol lakes

Altai Mountains: sights worth seeing

In translation from the Altai language, the lakes are called “black”, which is correctly noted, since they do not have living organisms. The temperature of the largest lake does not exceed +5 degrees even in summer. Only those who are hardened physically and spiritually bathe in these waters.

The forest surrounding the seven lakes consists of many plants, some of which are Siberian pine and fir, then the forest belt turns into beautiful meadows saturated with various wildflowers, some of which grow exclusively in this area.

The adjacent territory of the Karakol lakes is rich in fauna. It is home to about 70 species of animals and birds. Roe deer and elk are often found near lakes and near forests.

The Karakol lakes have long been considered a sacred place. There is a belief that at night the spirits of the lake rise from the bottom and bring the gift of healing to everyone who asks.

Belukha Mountain

Mount Belukha or “Three-headed” mountain is the main attraction and the highest point (4509 m) of Gorny Altai. Climbers from all over the world come to conquer a low, but harsh and inaccessible mountain. The mountain got its name “Belukha” for the snow-white and non-fading cover of the slopes.

Altai Mountains: sights worth seeing

Tourists visit the foot of Belukha in order to enjoy the beautiful nature, get a charge of emotions and improve their health. Rest on the “Three-headed” mountain is a mass of active and extreme, as well as more calm and peaceful activities.

Climbing to the top or meditating at sunrise, skiing, enjoying the beauty of the surroundings or the sound of mountain rivers – there is an exciting adventure even for a tourist who has traveled the whole globe.


In this video additional information “Gorny Altai: attractions” ↓

Altai Stonehenge Today, 3000 Years Later (Gorny Altai, August 2017).

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