Altai apple tree: variety description

Altai apple tree: variety description

The Altayskaya apple tree has many varieties, but they are all hybrids of the Siberian variety. They are specially bred for such harsh climatic conditions. When creating these varieties, the breeders had the task of combining the frost resistance of the plant and the good taste of the fruit.

Description of the apple tree “Altai”

These representatives are very well adapted to winter. But if the winter is harsh and little snow, then the plant may freeze slightly. This does not mean that it will die: these varieties have an amazing ability to regenerate. The next year, after being damaged by low temperatures, they will bear fruit again.

Apple-tree “Altai” is resistant to frost and disease

Altai varieties are fast-growing: they bear fruit 3-4 years after planting. The volume of the harvest depends on weather conditions, on average, up to 15 kg of apples can be harvested from one tree

Another task of the breeders was to breed a variety for winter storage, the Siberian apple tree cannot boast of this. The fruits of new Altai varieties, if the conditions are met, can lie until spring, they do not deteriorate for 4-6 months.

An important quality for the apple variety is scab resistance. Among the Altai varieties, there are also such elite representatives.

Each variety is interesting in its own way and deserves special attention:

  • “Souvenir of Altai”. It is fast-growing, develops rapidly and begins to bear fruit after a short period. You can harvest in early September. Fruits are yellow, with juicy, grainy pulp. They have a pleasant taste and aroma. Average frost resistance. In the event of a rainy summer, the leaves can be affected by scab. The harvested crop can be stored until January;
  • “Mountain Sinup”. Fruits are cylindrical, yellow in color. The pulp is white, medium density and juicy. Ripen at the end of September. Subject to storage conditions, they can remain fresh until April. The average weight of the fruit is 98 g, but some specimens can reach 170 g;
  • “Bayana”. Produces round, slightly ribbed fruits. They have a firm skin, juicy pulp, weak aroma. This variety tolerates frost well if the rules for preparing for winter are correctly followed. Scab damage – only in extremely rare cases.

These varieties were bred specifically for Siberia, for its harsh weather conditions and frosty winters. There are a lot of them, and breeders are constantly working on creating new types of apple trees that can withstand all adverse environmental influences.

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