Already know dietary nucleotides? This is the key to rebuilding immunity and the intestines
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Nucleotides are the basis of our life – as building blocks of the genetic code, they are crucial for the efficient production of new cells. Due to their great potential and wide range of applications, dietary nucleotides have become a subject of great interest and a revolutionary solution in diet therapy. This article will show you if dietary nucleotides are the solution for you.

Dietary nucleotides – what are they and how do they work?

Nucleotides can be compared to the “building blocks” that our body is made of – they are the basic building blocks of our DNA and RNA. The main task of these molecules is to regenerate and rebuild the human body at the cellular level. The organism, in order to meet its physiological requirements, is able to produce the right amount of nucleotides on its own. However, studies conducted in recent years have shown that during chronic infections, inflammations, malnutrition, convalescence or overtraining, metabolic needs may exceed the efficiency of ongoing nucleotide synthesis. It is then necessary to provide building materials from the outside in the form of a dense nutritional diet or supplementation with dietary nucleotides. No wonder that dietary nucleotides appear more and more often in the modern model of diet therapy in order to accelerate the regeneration of the body and restore the correct immune barrier.

When is Nucleotide Supplementation Needed?

The increased demand for nucleotides appears especially in situations when the body needs a quick reconstruction: with infections, long-term antibiotic therapy, after diseases and injuries, as well as inflammations in the body. Then, the organism is over-exploited, where rapidly proliferating (dividing) cells are unable to meet their needs for nucleotides from internal resources. The demand for nucleotides also increases significantly during periods of rapid growth (maturation), in the case of physically active people and the elderly, as well as in situations of weakness or damage to the intestines.

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Dietary nucleotides in building immunity

Research suggests that dietary nucleotides may increase resistance to infection, regulate the number of Natural Killer cells and macrophages, and promote immunoglobulin synthesis. Their invaluable function supporting the effective production of new cells seems necessary both during exposure to viruses, under stress, malnutrition, ongoing infection or inflammation, as well as after diseases and injuries, as support in regeneration. Therefore, it is suggested that additionally supplemented nucleotides can be an interesting element of dietary management in convalescence after COVID-19, influenza and antibiotic therapy.

Dietary nucleotides – tissue reconstruction and reduction of inflammation

It has been proven that dietary nucleotides reduce the oxidative stress that accompanies inflammation. Studies have shown that supplementation with nucleotides increases the production of immunoglobulins, which in turn supports the efficiency of the immune response and thus supports the body in fighting infections. Providing the body with the right amount of nucleotides supports the improvement of the condition of the intestinal mucosa, which is the first barrier in the event of contact with pathogens. People who regularly supplement nucleotides show a faster ability to heal wounds and reduce skin inflammation.

Rebuilding the intestines and modulation of the intestinal microflora

Dietary nucleotides have the ability to enhance the regeneration of the epithelium and protect against pathogenic microorganisms. In addition, they affect the growth of the beneficial probiotic flora of Bifidobacterium. Intestinal villi absorption cells (enterocytes) are characterized by faster proliferation (their viability lasts 3-5 days) and a high demand for the synthesis of nucleic acids. During periods of digestive repair, e.g. after an intestinal infection, in inflammatory bowel diseases, in chronic diarrhea or in a state of malnutrition, additional nucleotide supplementation can be a great support for faster and less energy-consuming obtaining of this important building material.

A revolutionary combination of dietary nucleotides and lactoferrin

An innovative solution on the market is the combination of dietary nucleotides with high-quality synergistic ingredients. We are talking about specialized preparations of the Norsa Pharma brand: Nucleozin Complete – a complex of five pure dietary nucleotides and two perfect, organic forms of zinc, and Laktoferin Nucle- a complex of five pure dietary nucleotides in combination with the highest quality lactoferrin and mild vitamin C.

Lactoferrin – a shield for immunity

Lactoferrin is called a multipotent protein for a reason. It is a glycoprotein with immunomodulatory, anti-inflammatory, bacteriostatic, antibacterial, antifungal and antiviral properties. As a natural regulator of the immune system activity – it can stimulate the body to fight infection more effectively, stimulating the acquired and innate immune response to cells, which is especially important in infancy and adolescence. It is worth emphasizing that lactoferrin plays an important role also during an already ongoing bacterial infection. Studies have shown that at the stage of active infection, glycoprotein has a stimulating effect on the entire immune system, accelerating its individual components to maturation. Lactoferrin also has the ability to inhibit viral replication, which is confirmed by numerous scientific studies. The glycoprotein inhibits the attachment of pathogens to the host cell (blocking available receptors), which prevents the virus from penetrating inside the cell.

Lactoferrin also has a bifidogenic effect, which means that it has a positive effect on the multiplication of probiotic bacteria of the genus Bifidobacterium (bifidobacterium), which have a positive effect on maintaining the microbiological balance in the intestines. Lactoferrin supports the growth of desired intestinal bacteria while blocking the growth of pathogenic bacteria. As a result, it promotes the elimination of intestinal dysbiosis and the regulation of the immune system related to the GALT mucosa.

In the case of people struggling with reduced immunity and intestinal problems – it is worth considering the addition of lactoferrin with dietary nucleotides. The combination of these ingredients may be helpful in accelerating recovery and restoring the correct immune and intestinal mucosa barrier.

You can learn more about dietary nucleotides at:


Due to the content of purines in dietary nucleotides, it is not recommended for people who have elevated uric acid (hyperuricemia) or suffer from gout.


Dietary nucleotides are an innovative element of diet therapy, which is becoming very popular due to its wide spectrum of activity. By analyzing their structure, composition and functions in the body, it can be concluded that they are the missing element that increases the chances of success in many dietary and therapeutic therapies. Currently, nucleic acids are increasingly becoming the subject of nutritional science, and the changes they undergo during industrial food production, culinary processing and digestion in the gastrointestinal tract are beginning to be perceived as important for both food technology and nutrigenomics.

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