Already 150 million people in the world have contracted the coronavirus. Another limit has been crossed
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The world is still fighting the coronavirus pandemic. Currently, the situation is exceptional in India. We have just crossed the border of 150 million coronavirus infections in the world. How did this situation come about?

  1. The first cases of the coronavirus were found in December 2019 in the Chinese city of Wuhan. Later, the plague began to spread to other countries and continents
  2. In February and March 2020, the situation was particularly difficult in Europe and the United States. During the summer holidays, the epidemic weakened slightly to return with a second, autumn wave. And then a third, even more dramatic, spring 2021.
  3. In Poland, the third wave seems to be fading away, as evidenced by the plan of gradual easing of restrictions announced on Wednesday. However, global figures still show that the fight against the coronavirus is ongoing
  4. You can find more such stories on the TvoiLokony home page

150 million people infected with coronavirus worldwide. How did we get to this point?

In the first months of the coronavirus pandemic, the world felt great anxiety about an unknown disease. Doctors did not know how to help infected patients, and hospitals were not prepared to accept such a large number of infectious patients. There were no masks, disinfectants, respirators and beds. But also knowledge.

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Between February and May 2020, the daily number of infections worldwide increased from just over 14. to almost 100 In July, almost 300 thousand. sickness every day. These numbers were steadily increasing to exceed the limit of 500 in October. illnesses during the day. At the beginning of January 2021, almost 850 thousand. new infections worldwide, and still not the highest number. The record is over 900 thousand. cases, recorded in late April.

By April 29, 2021, a total of 150 million 242 thousand people had been infected. 628 people around the world. As a result of the infection, 3 died. 164 patients.

The first wave of the pandemic. What was happening in Lombardy?

Almost 1,5 years have passed since the Chinese Wuhan started to receive information about the disease caused by the new coronavirus (it was at the end of December 2019). At first, the problem only concerned China, but the plague quickly spread beyond the borders of the Middle Kingdom.

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In the following weeks, cases of COVID-19 infection were recorded not only on the Asian continent, but also in America, Europe, Africa and Australia. At the turn of March and April, Italy was particularly hard hit. There, the first wave of coronavirus focused especially on Lombardy.

Taking into account the numbers of new cases from the second and third waves of the pandemic, also in Poland, the first wave was the mildest. At its peak, on March 21, 2020, there were 6. 554 new cases of COVID-19 infection. The highest death rate was recorded on February 25, when 84,62 percent. those infected died. Until April 29, 2021, 3 million 994 thousand people were infected in Italy. 894 people, of which 120 thousand. 256 died.

The second coronavirus wave – the case of Great Britain

The next wave of coronavirus hit Great Britain with particular force. The increase in the number of COVID-19 cases started there in September. In the following months it was only worse. On October 21, 2020, a record was set – 26 thousand. 635 new infections. On November 12, this number increased to 33. 409 cases. In the following months, the situation continued to worsen due to the mutation of the virus. The newly developed British variant turned out to be more virulent – it was more contagious than its original version, so more people began to get the coronavirus.

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A particularly high number of COVID-19 cases in the UK were recorded between December 2020 and February 2021. The highest number of coronavirus infections so far was reported in the UK on January 8, 2021. There were then 67 cases. 928 new COVID-19 cases. So far, a total of 4 million 411 thousand people have fallen ill in the UK. 797, and 127 thousand died. 480 people.

Third wave of the pandemic – the situation in Brazil and India

Further increases in the number of coronavirus infections were recorded in the spring. This time, there were infections with new variants – British, Brazilian or South African. Brazil is in an exceptionally difficult situation, where the health care system has practically collapsed. The South American country’s spikes began in late February, when the number of new cases was almost 68. Record data came on March 25, when tests confirmed coronavirus infection in 97. 586 people. The latest data, from April 28, indicate 77 thousand. 266 new cases. So far, 14 people have contracted the coronavirus in Brazil. 523 people. 807 thousand died 398 sick.

India was also hit hard by the third wave. There, the situation is getting worse day by day. The increases started already in March. In April, a new record for COVID-19 infections is hit almost every day in India. On April 4, 2021, almost 104 thousand. new cases, on April 13, there were over 185 thousand of them, and on April 20, over 294 thousand. people in India fell ill with COVID-19. Data from April 28 indicate another record of infections in India – yesterday 379 were recorded in this country. 459 positive coronavirus tests. So far, 18 million 376 thousand have been infected in this country. 524 people. 204 died 832 infected with COVID-19.

Coronavirus outbreak in Poland. What was the situation like in our country?

In Poland, we also have two waves of coronavirus behind us. The third, according to experts, probably just ends. The first case of COVID-19 infection in Poland was recorded on March 4, 2020.On March 16, an epidemiological emergency was introduced in our country. During the first wave of the epidemic in Poland, the daily number of cases did not exceed 500.

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On April 20, 2020, a gradual loosening of the restrictions began, but in August the situation in our country worsened. On August 4, the record of infections was broken – 620 new cases were found then. On September 19, the daily number of infections increased to 1002. This was the beginning of the second wave, which culminated in November. On November 7, 2020, a record was set – 27 were recorded then. 875 new infections. In the following weeks the situation began to normalize.

At the end of December, the National Vaccine Program against COVID-19 was launched in Poland, and restrictions were in force in the country to stop the transmission of the coronavirus. Already in the second half of February it was said in our country that the third wave of the epidemic had started. On February 24, the daily numbers began to increase, exceeding the limit of 10. In March, we had further increases. On March 13, there were over 21 thousand. new cases, and on March 18, over 27 thousand. On April 1, we had 35 in Poland. 251 new coronavirus infections. Since that day, the situation in our country seems to be improving all the time. However, the number of deaths related to COVID-19 is still high. So far, 2 million 785 thousand people have been infected in Poland. 353 people, of which 67 thousand. 073 died.

Also read:

  1. These post-COVID-19 vaccine reactions are the most common. New data from Great Britain
  2. How many Poles get vaccinated against COVID-19? [POLL]
  3. A new “unexpectedly common” complication after COVID-19. It’s an ATM
  4. Coronavirus in retreat? Surprising data about the R indicator
  5. Why is it so bad to breathe in a mask? And what can I do to make it easier to breathe?

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