Alpha1-globulins and alpha2-globulins – what are they? When to do a globulin test?

This protein fraction includes, among others: transport proteins (transporting hemoglobin – haptoglobin, copper – ceruplasmin, thyroxine -TBG and vitamin B12 – transcobalamin), α1— i a2— lipoproteiny, α1-seromukoid, α2-macroglobulina, α1-inhibitory protease.

When do we do?

1. Suspicion of a congenital deficiency of carrier proteins.

2. Suspicion of liver, kidney and gastrointestinal diseases.

Test material: serum.

Preparation for the test: on an empty stomach (at least 8 hours).

The course of the study: one-time blood sampling from a vein in the arm.

Time to wait for the result: 1 Day.


α1– globulins – 2,1-3,5 g / l (3-5% of total protein),

α2– globulins – 4,9-7,0 g / l (7-10% of total protein).

Comments: Determination of α concentrations1-, a2-globulin is an element of serum protein electrophoresis.

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