Alpha peas are an annual representative of shelling varieties that can be grown in most regions of the Federation, with the exception of the Northern and Ural regions. The culture requires a certain amount of care; it reacts to the observance of its rules with a good harvest and taste. The variety is included in the State Register of the Federation, it is grown for fresh consumption, canning, freezing.

Description of the variety with a photo

Alpha peas have been known for decades. Specialists of the All- Research Institute of Plant Growing and the Crimean OSS VIR worked on its creation. The variety was included in the State Register in 1977.

The main characteristics of peas Alpha:

  • the variety is semi-dwarf, shoots reach a height of 0,5-0,55 m;
  • stem simple, internodes shortened;
  • saber-shaped or slightly curved pods;
  • bean length 8 cm, width 1,3 cm, yellow-green color;
  • dense green flesh with a sweetish taste;
  • each pod contains 5-9 seeds;
  • on the peduncle there are two buds, the size is medium, the color is white;
  • yield 1-2 kg of pods per 1 m², half as many beans.

Alpha peas, in accordance with the State Register of the Federation, belong to early ripening varieties. It takes 50 days from germination to full maturity.

Alpha vegetable peas: variety description, taste, yield

In accordance with the State Register of the Federation, Alfa peas belong to canned varieties, but they are also good fresh.

Advantages and disadvantages of the variety

The State Register of the Federation indicates that the Alpha variety is intended for commercial use. This is facilitated by the even size and color of the beans, as well as other advantages:

  • early and friendly maturation;
  • cultivation in open ground;
  • resistance to cold, spring frosts;
  • approval for cultivation in most regions;
  • supports are not required;
  • good immunity to ascochitosis and fusarium;
  • excellent taste;
  • universal purpose;
  • the ability to use as a green manure.

The cons of the variety are few:

  • low productivity;
  • resistance to certain diseases, pests.

Growing Alfa Peas from Seeds

It is not difficult to grow Alpha peas in open ground. The culture prefers sunny areas, you can sow it under apple trees. The protection of the chosen place from the wind is important.

When to plant Alpha peas

Alfa peas are planted in open ground from the third decade of April, in the south from the end of March. You should focus on the climatic conditions in the region. For seed germination, a temperature of 2-5 ° C is needed, the culture is not afraid of frosts, it loves the soil moistened by melted snow. Due to early ripening, sowing can be continued until early July.

Comment! The conveyor method of planting peas will help to extend the harvesting period. It should be sown at intervals of two weeks.

Seed preparation

To prevent diseases, increase and accelerate germination, seeds are prepared before planting. When using self-collected material, it should be lowered into salted water (1 tbsp. with a slide of 1 liter) for several minutes. Throw away all floating specimens, rinse the rest.

The general algorithm for preparing pea seeds for sowing:

  1. Stratification. Soak the planting material for two hours in hot water. Maximum temperature 55 °C.
  2. Disinfection. You can use a solution of potassium permanganate, boric acid. For prevention, treatment for 15 minutes is sufficient.
  3. Soak in clean water for 12 hours to promote germination. This step is optional. Optionally, you can use stimulants such as Epin, Zircon, Albit.
Alpha vegetable peas: variety description, taste, yield

You can germinate peas before sowing – soak for 10-12 hours, wrap in cloth, keep at room temperature for two days

Garden and soil preparation

Alpha peas feel better in sandy loams, loams and clay areas. A soil of neutral acidity of 6,5-7 pH is recommended, a slightly acidic reaction is acceptable. If the indicators are too high, dolomite flour, lime, chalk are added in the fall. When digging in the spring, ash is needed.

It is necessary to prepare a place for planting Alpha peas in the fall. Mandatory deep digging, elimination of weeds, application of potassium-phosphorus fertilizers. Fresh manure cannot be used. In the spring, it is better to dig the site again, especially when the soil is heavy.

Sowing Rules

After preparing the site and seeds, planting peas is easy. The algorithm is this:

  1. Loosen the ground.
  2. Make grooves or holes.
  3. If fertilizers were not used in the fall, add a little compost or humus.
  4. Sow seeds.
  5. Fill in the recesses with earth.
  6. Compact the soil.
  7. Spread covering material. It is needed not so much to protect against frost and accelerate seed germination, but from birds. You can use dry branches as shelter.

Alfa pea planting scheme 10×15 cm. Seeds need to be deepened by an average of 5 cm, focusing on the characteristics of the soil. The consumption rate of seed per 1 m² is 15-20 g. After planting, it takes about 1,5 weeks before germination occurs.

Comment! Peas are best planted after corn, cucumbers, sugar beets, cabbage. Culture can be returned to its original place no earlier than after four years.

Outdoor pea care

Alpha peas are unpretentious in care. Culture needs a standard set of activities.


Alpha peas need regular hydration. The frequency of watering should be oriented to the stage of the growing season and weather conditions. At first, it is enough to moisten the peas every week. As soon as the first flower stalks begin to appear, increase the frequency of watering to 2-3 times a week. For 1 m², spend 10 liters of water. Frequent watering is needed not only during flowering, but throughout the harvest.

Alpha vegetable peas: variety description, taste, yield

When growing Alpha peas, the land should not be allowed to dry out, this leads to the fall of peduncles and ovaries.

Additional fertilizing

With proper site preparation, it is enough to feed peas twice during the growing season. You can use liquid organics by dissolving 1 tbsp. l. in 10 liters of water. With this composition, root dressing is carried out, spending 3 liters per 1 m². Fertilizers are applied at the beginning of flowering, then when the first spatulas appear. At the same time, organic growth stimulants can be used by treating the culture with a spray gun.

Another option is to use mineral fertilizers. The first top dressing is needed when the seedlings grow to 5-8 cm. Fertilizer is scattered over the site, it is watered abundantly. For 1 m², 25 g of the mineral complex is enough. Reuse the same amount of fertilizer, but dissolve it in a bucket of water and spill the aisles.


Pinching peas is necessary to increase the number of side shoots. The event is carried out until the stems reach a height of 20-25 cm. Only the tops need to be pinched.


The organization of supports and tying up Alpha peas are optional conditions. The variety is semi-dwarf. Due to the small height and interlacing of the whiskers between themselves, the plants are independently held in an upright position.

The organization of supports and the garter of Alpha peas is still better not to exclude. This provides the culture with more sunlight, which is necessary for growth, development and maturation. Growing peas with supports makes harvesting easier and gives the plantings a neat appearance.

Weeding, loosening

Weeds from pea beds must be removed regularly for better growth and development of crops, prevention of diseases and pests. Be careful, as pea stalks are easy to break or accidentally pull out along with the root.

After watering and heavy rain, it is imperative to loosen. Without it, a crust forms on the soil, preventing the penetration of air and water.

Comment! When the peas grow to 15 cm, you can spud it. This increases the stability of the crop in the soil, contributes to the production of valuable elements from it.

Fighting diseases and pests

Alpha peas can suffer from powdery mildew. A white felt coating appears on the leaves and stems. There are several methods of struggle:

  • drugs – Prozaro, Topaz, Revus, Thiovit Jet;
  • folk remedies – onion peel, iodine, potassium permanganate, mullein infusion.
Alpha vegetable peas: variety description, taste, yield

Plants affected by powdery mildew should be removed and burned to prevent the spread of the disease.

Variety Alpha may suffer from pea codling moth. Damage is caused by insect larvae. As a result, the yield, commercial value, seed quality of the crop is reduced. Germination losses reach 40%. Against the pea codling moth, drugs are used:

  • Caesar;
  • Tsunami;
  • The bassoon;
  • Alfas;
  • Chord;
  • Fufanon;
  • Aktara;
  • Sharpei.
Alpha vegetable peas: variety description, taste, yield

For the prevention of pea codling moth, it is important to observe the sowing dates, harvest in a timely manner, and burn plant debris.

Another pest of Alpha peas is nodule weevils. They infect the crop in spring, leaving after wintering at a temperature of 3-5 °C. Dry and hot weather contributes to the problem. Insecticides are used to control:

  • Vantex;
  • Clotiamet;
  • Tibor;
  • Lannat.
Alpha vegetable peas: variety description, taste, yield

For the prevention of nodule weevil, autumn plowing and loosening, regular weeding, and crop rotation are necessary.


Alfa peas are a peeling variety included in the State Register of the Federation and approved for use in almost all regions. The culture is grown for fresh consumption, canning. Plant it with seeds in open ground, care should be comprehensive.

Alpha Pea Reviews

Anna Blinova, Dzerzhinsk
Alpha peas were grown by my mother in the late 90s. It grows well, is unpretentious in care. If treated on time with fungicides and insecticides, there are no problems. Peas are large, mostly children eat from the garden, what remains – I can.
Maria Pavlova, Tula
Alpha variety peas have been planted several times already. Good germination, sprouts quickly and amicably. Be sure to water regularly, especially in the heat. We eat fresh peas, I blanch and freeze some of them, I don’t like canning. Last year we suffered from powdery mildew, I used Topaz, there were no big losses.

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