Alpha tocopherol (E307)

From the generally accepted designation of an antioxidant used in the food industry – E307 alpha-tocopherol synthetic – a natural conclusion suggests itself about the artificial way to obtain this substance.

The main function of E307 is the protection of food coloring as a result of various processes of its oxidation and, as a result, spoilage. It is an oil-based liquid E307 that does not tolerate sunlight and exposure to air masses.

This substance is an analogue of vitamin E, which in its natural environment can be found in eggs, milk, liver, oils, wheat germ and other cereals, meat products. Vegetable oils act as raw materials for the production of synthetic alpha-tocopherol.

Application of food additive

In the field of food production, alpha-tocopherol is used very actively. The substance showed itself perfectly in those foods that are very high in fats or oils, since alpha-tocopherol can significantly prolong the shelf life of any prepared food.

Food antioxidant E307 is absolutely freely allowed for use in the European Union, Ukraine, Russia to improve the quality and shelf life of fats and oils, acting in such food formulas not only as an antioxidant, but also as the most important source of vitamin E that enriches food. The additive is approved for use even in infant formulas, which is a rarity.

Due to this fortified effect of E307, alpha-tocopherol is widely used in the pharmacological industry – here the substance is actively added to vitamin complexes and other medicines.

Synthetic alpha-tocopherol is also used in the cosmetic industry, as it serves as an excellent vitamin supplement for numerous creams, masks, oils and ointments.

Useful qualities of synthetic alpha-tocopherol

At its core, a synthetic alpha-tocopherol food antioxidant or food supplement with an E307 index is vitamin E with all the ensuing beneficial properties for the human body.

The antioxidant is able to effectively prevent the destructive effects of free radicals on human health, and also prevents the processes of fat oxidation in the body.

However, the main positive factor for humans when using food products based on alpha-tocopherol is its regulatory ability regarding cellular oxygen uptake.

This factor contributes to the fact that the substance E307 is recommended for use by those people who are diagnosed with a lack of oxygen, diabetes mellitus, hypertension, numerous diseases of the cardiovascular system, malignant tumors (oncological diseases).

Synthetic vitamin E actively provokes the functioning of mitochondria responsible for the synthesis of energy that the cells of the body use in their own life.

This quality of alpha-tocopherol is very useful in the treatment of cancer, during which the work of the affected organs is severely disrupted and the body does not have enough strength and energy to restore it.

An antioxidant used in food, E307 acts as a useful vitamin complex for the human reproductive system.

With a lack of vitamin E in the body of a pregnant woman, a violation of the development of the fetus may occur. The male body with the same lack of synthetic alpha-tocopherol becomes infertile or incapable of fertilization. Also, the synthetic additive E307 significantly reduces the risk of miscarriages during pregnancy.

The most common symptom of a lack of vitamin E or alpha-tocopherol in the cells is severe muscle weakness.

Often this condition is observed in patients with cancer. Other external signs that a person lacks vitamin E have not been found by medicine, so such a shortage is very difficult to diagnose. During such a shortage, in fact, the body suffers a lot.

Thus, the main functional benefit of the synthetic alpha-tocopherol antioxidant E307 is its ability to restore the natural absorption of vitamin A in the body and prevent the lack of oxygen in the cells of the body. That’s why doctors most often prescribe vitamin A medication along with synthetic alpha-tocopherol.

The required daily intake of a substance is an indicator of 20-40 milligrams of tocopherol for each person.

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