Alpha grape: variety

Alpha grape: variety

Grapes “Alpha” – an unpretentious variety, resistant to severe frosts, does not require special care. Suitable for landscaping household plots, gives a bountiful harvest. It is a good raw material for making wine, juice and raisins.

Description of the grape variety “Alpha”

The grapes have great vigor of growth, grows rapidly, forming long shoots, reaching 9 meters per season. Belongs to late technical varieties, berries ripen after 150 days from the beginning of active budding. Harvesting occurs in mid-October, begins to bear fruit in the third year after planting the seedling.

Alpha grapes are often used for landscaping garden areas

Large clusters of cylindrical shape reach a mass of up to 200 g, with rounded berries weighing up to 3 g, dark purple in color, a waxy bloom appears at maturity. The pulp is juicy, with a sweet-sour, tart taste and nutmeg aroma. The distinctive characteristics of the variety are:

  • high yield;
  • frost resistance;
  • the ability to grow rapidly;
  • disease resistance;
  • good survival rate on poorly fertile soils;
  • can serve as a pollinator for other varieties;
  • can be used for landscape decoration.

Grapes have good disease resistance, but berries are often attacked by wasps; to avoid this, it is necessary to carry out regular spraying with disinfectants.

Planting and caring for the vineyard

The grapes take root well even on poorly fertile soil and have high survival rates. When choosing a place for landing, it is better to give preference to a place well protected from the wind on the south side. A drainage layer of rubble is necessarily laid out at the bottom of the planting pit, and a support is installed in the center, to which the seedling is then tied. Everything is covered with soil mixed with mineral and organic fertilizers to the level of the root collar, and watered abundantly.

Before planting, a young seedling must be kept in cold water for a day, and for the winter in the first year it is imperative to insulate

The “Alpha” grape variety has good fertility, therefore it needs regular pruning, which will help reduce the overload of the bush itself and form a good harvest. Pinching should also be carried out so that the central shoot develops well.

Careful observation of the formation of fertile buds and the removal of unnecessary stepchildren will contribute to a plentiful and high-quality harvest.

A very tasty wine is made from this variety, it is used as a rootstock or for landscape design decoration. It has a lot of useful characteristics and even in the absence of care, as well as under unfavorable conditions, it is able to give good yield results.

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