Alpha carotene is a good preventive medicine

A little known compound called alpha carotene, found in orange and dark green vegetables, can help prevent heart disease and cancer, the researchers say.

High levels of alpha carotene in the blood serum reduce the risk of death by more than 33 percent, according to researchers at California State University. in a period of 14 years. The results of their research are discussed in Archives on Internal Medicine and Foodconsumer.

Alpha carotene belongs to a group of antioxidants (antitoxicants) similar in action to the better known beta carotene and is found in the same or similar vegetables, especially carrots, sweet potatoes, broccoli and spinach.

There is also, among others in pumpkin, carrot juice, boiled carrots, mandarins, tomatoes and green peas.

Antioxidants include natural plant substances supporting the natural defense mechanisms of human cells.

Beta carotene is believed to be a more effective agent than alpha carotene in stopping the growth of cancer cells in the brain, liver and skin. It also prevents cardiovascular diseases.

Research confirms that increased consumption of fruit and vegetables prevents the risk of premature death, researchers believe. (PAP)

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