Aloe Vera Juice Treatment

Aloe Vera Juice Treatment

Aloe is often referred to as agave. This is due to the fact that the plant is able to survive in almost any conditions, or the fact that the person who uses it significantly prolongs his life remains a mystery. Many tend to believe that this “talking” name Aloe received due to both reasons.

In nature, there are more than 250 types of Aloe, most of which grow in the arid territories of America, Africa, Asia and Europe. Not all species are suitable for human use for health purposes, but the benefits of Aloe Vera are well studied and recognized by modern medicine.

Benefits of aloe juice

In terms of benefits for the human body, it will be difficult to find in nature such an invaluable and versatile plant as Aloe Vera. This is a storehouse of essential vitamins and minerals. In the juice of this plant, 20 amino acids were found, many of which the body cannot synthesize, therefore, they must be obtained from the outside. Aloe contains minerals: calcium, potassium, sodium, selenium, chromium, magnesium, copper and zinc, as well as many vitamins: C, A, E, B1, B2, B6, B9, B12. Moreover, Aloe juice is beneficial when used both internally and externally.

The soothing properties of Aloe Vera are widely known. Juice is taken to improve digestive processes, normalize intestinal microflora. Sleep disorders can be treated with this plant. Aloe is also considered an excellent immunomodulator that can significantly increase the tone of the body, contribute to greater body resistance to viruses.

Aloe has a laxative effect, however, it is believed that the regular use of this remedy in order to get rid of constipation can lead to the opposite effect. The intestines will get used to such stimulation and, after stopping the intake, will malfunction.

Aloe juice treatment

Aloe Vera Juice Treatment

People with a variety of problems and various health conditions resort to treatment with Aloe juice. This plant is popular with diabetics and people with allergies. Juice can lower blood glucose and cholesterol levels. Natural substances do not cause serious side effects, and are great for treating a weakened body.

Aloe juice contains active ingredients that are considered biogenic stimulants. These substances are able to activate the natural processes in the body, which for some reason are in an inactive state. The processes of regeneration, healing, tissue renewal are faster.

Aloe juice is effective in inflammation, relieves pain. The antiseptic properties of the juice of this plant are also amazing – viruses, microbes and fungi immediately recede. In the gastrointestinal tract, Aloe effectively fights staphylococci, streptococci, dysentery and diphtheria bacilli. In gynecology, this plant is used in the treatment of inflammatory processes, this is especially important for pregnant women who are contraindicated in antibiotic treatment. Aloe helps to get rid of toothache and inflammation of the gums – for this you need to rinse your mouth with diluted juice of the plant.

Aloe juice is also widely used in dermatology. They treat ulcers, psoriasis, dermatitis, boils and even varicose veins. Burns, frostbite, acne – are also amenable to the beneficial effects of the juice of this miraculous plant.

In viral infections and acute respiratory diseases, Aloe has also earned a positive reputation. Juice is effective in the treatment of cough, runny nose – even acute and chronic forms. Treat Aloe tuberculosis, sinusitis. Inflammation in the bronchi, lungs, and mucous membranes – this plant can cope with similar problems.

Aloe juice for face

Thanks to the component allantoin, which is part of the juice, Aloe has a strong moisturizing effect. The juice of this plant is often added to cosmetics that allow the skin to remain smooth, toned, and elastic. Also, Aloe Vera juice helps to restore the structure of skin cells, promotes their regeneration. Apply the juice of this plant and with increased fat content of the skin of the face – the tissues will acquire a normal, healthy appearance. Small wounds, such as cuts after shaving, are also useful to treat with Aloe juice – they will heal faster without leaving scars, and there will be no risk of infection.

To nourish the skin of the face, vitamins and microelements are needed, which are abundantly contained in Aloe Vera juice. Vitamin E is indispensable for the skin, which gives it youth and elasticity. Vitamin C will help the skin of the face maintain a healthy color. In order to maintain the freshness of the skin, it is enough to wipe the face twice a week with Aloe juice or a piece of a plant leaf that has lain in the refrigerator for at least 12 days.

Aloe juice for acne

Aloe Vera Juice Treatment

Those who have a tendency to acne (pimples) will undoubtedly benefit from Aloe. The rather strong antiseptic effect of this plant dries up acne and, eliminating blockage of the sebaceous glands, prevents their appearance. To pull out a pimple that itches and causes pain, you can use a compress with Aloe juice – you just need to attach a lotion with this remedy to the problem area with a plaster, leave it all night. After one or two nights, the pimple will either come out or resolve.

Is it possible to wipe the face with fresh Aloe juice?

It is believed that Aloe juice has no contraindications for external use, it can be used both diluted and concentrated. True, fresh juice is recommended more for those who have oily skin. If there are problems with dry skin, then after rubbing the face with Aloe Vera juice, you need to apply a moisturizer. There is an individual intolerance to Aloe juice, in this case, you can try to dilute the juice with water by half. If this does not help, you will have to stop using the juice of this plant.

Aloe juice for hair

It has been established that Aloe Vera juice, when it enters the body, acts at the cellular level, that is, it penetrates the cells, delivering the most necessary substances for their vital activity: vitamins, minerals, amino acids. Cells become healthier and stronger. The same applies to hair cells. Therefore, in case of baldness, loss of hair vitality, it is recommended to take Aloe juice inside and rub it into the scalp.

Aloe juice will also help if the skin is dry or damaged, or there is dandruff. For many types of fungal diseases of the scalp, for example, ringworm, it is also advised to rub Aloe juice into the skin.

Aloe Vera juice healing masks that can restore hair to its former beauty and shine can be made on the basis of burdock or castor oil, egg yolks, kefir, lemon juice. You can add honey, garlic, or onions – this will significantly strengthen the hair structure. Masks are applied two to three times a week on wet hair, after 30 minutes the mask is washed off with shampoo.

Aloe juice in the nose

There is no better remedy for nasal congestion and runny nose than Aloe Vera juice. If we compare it with pharmaceutical drugs – drops that constrict blood vessels, we can draw conclusions about the advantage of a natural herbal remedy. Firstly, it is unsafe for older people to use drops that narrow blood vessels – this can cause a pressure surge. Secondly, medicines are not recommended for young children, who often get sick. Thirdly, the drops do not cure, but only temporarily hide the symptoms of the disease, which can turn from a common cold into chronic forms of rhinitis, sinusitis, and even sinusitis.

Aloe juice also helps with allergic rhinitis. It contains catechin – a substance that fights allergies and strengthens the walls of blood vessels. Aloe juice also has bactericidal and astringent properties, perfectly relieves inflammation. In addition, if Aloe juice is dripped into the nose during the FLU epidemic, the chances of getting sick are reduced to zero.

Aloe juice for colds

Aloe Vera Juice Treatment

The high effectiveness of Aloe in the fight against the common cold is explained by the fact that there are many blood vessels on the inner surface of the nasal passages. Aloe juice is instantly absorbed through these vessels, penetrates into the blood, neutralizing toxins and killing pathogenic bacteria and viruses. It also accelerates the delivery of oxygen to the tissues, the swelling of the mucous membrane disappears, it quickly restores the barrier qualities. The cilia that cover the nasal mucosa begin to move faster, and the reproduction of bacteria stops. It is important to note: the sooner you start treating a runny nose with Aloe juice, the more likely it is to cope with the disease in a short time.

Aloe juice for eyes

This plant is successfully used to treat many eye diseases: conjunctivitis, keratitis, optic nerve atrophy, cataracts, myopia, glaucoma, blepharitis. Most inflammatory eye diseases are treated with Aloe juice. As a rule, an aqueous solution of Aloe is used. The leaf of the plant is crushed and poured with boiling water, after 3 hours the infusion can be used to wash the eyes. It is advisable to do the procedure at least three times a day.

 Aloe juice for weight loss

Scientists have proven that losing weight with Aloe is much easier and more effective. This is due to the fact that the active components that make up the chemical composition of Aloe have a beneficial effect on the digestive system, normalize the absorption of nutrients by the body, and speed up metabolism. In addition, Aloe Vera juice acts as a mild laxative, cleanses the intestines from toxins, fecal stones. Also, this plant helps to break down fatty deposits and remove them from the body. Of course, Aloe does not act as quickly and “aggressively” as medical fat-burning drugs, but the effect is longer. On top of that, Aloe rejuvenates and heals the entire body as a whole.

Application of Aloe Vera Juice

Aloe Vera Juice Treatment

Aloe juice with honey

The use of Aloe juice with honey is indicated for many diseases. Aloe is a biogenic stimulant that promotes the growth of new cells, and honey enhances this effect. In addition, Aloe juice with honey significantly strengthens the immune system, restores strength, fights chronic fatigue, and removes toxins. Also, such an “elixir” relieves inflammation, kills germs and viruses, making it a necessary remedy for colds and diseases of the nose and throat. The composition is used both internally and externally, for example, for burns. Most often, the mixture is prepared from the same parts of honey and Aloe juice, consumed before meals. It is not recommended to store this product in the refrigerator for more than a day.

Mask with Aloe juice

Masks with Aloe Vera juice are equally good for both facial skin and hair. The skin with the help of such a mask is cleansed of impurities, keratinized particles, sebaceous plugs. If the skin is too oily, the unhealthy shine will disappear, the tissues will improve significantly. Dry skin will become softer and smoother, the feeling of tightness will disappear. To prepare a hair mask, various vegetable oils, fermented milk products, and egg yolk are used as a base. Face masks are usually made with nobler oils (olive, wheat germ) or fruits (persimmon, avocado).

Aloe juice for children

For the treatment of childhood diseases, especially at an early age, Aloe is almost an ideal option. After all, children get sick regularly, and antiviral and antimicrobial drugs often cannot be given to babies – they destroy liver cells, disrupt the intestinal microflora. If you mix Aloe with fruit juice, then the child will not even notice how he took the medicine. On the other hand, self-treatment should be done with extreme caution, and preferably under the supervision of the attending physician.

How to make Aloe juice at home?

Aloe Vera Juice Treatment

To get Aloe juice at home, you should follow some rules that will allow you to get the most out of the resulting “elixir”.

  1. First of all, you need to know that the plant must be at least three years old.

  2. You need to use only the lower leaves of Aloe, which must be wiped well before cutting, but not washed.

  3. The leaves are cut, wrapped in a towel and placed in the refrigerator for two weeks. Under such conditions, special substances are produced in the leaves – biostimulants that can awaken the active vital activity of cells.

  4. After they have lain there for the required time, with the help of a meat grinder you need to grind them, and squeeze them out with gauze.

  5. Juice is best used immediately.

  6. In order for Aloe juice to be stored longer, you can preserve it with medical alcohol. To 8 parts of juice, you need to take 2 parts of alcohol, mix, and then store in the refrigerator.

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