Aloe vera for skin and hair – a wide pro-health effect

Aloe vera is a type of monocotyledonous leaf succulent plant found in the Arabian Peninsula, Africa, and Madagascar.

Aloe juice has a laxative effect, stimulates metabolism, cholagogue, but also has antibacterial and immune support. Aloe vera juice is now used as an ingredient in many dietary supplements.

Due to their antibacterial and stimulating defense and regenerating processes in the skin, aloe preparations are used in dermatology, in the treatment of difficult-to-heal wounds, burns, bedsores, and various skin lesions. Aloe vera is also beneficial in treating diseases and lesions in the mouth, such as aphthae and gum disease.

Aloe is also widely used in the production of cosmetics. It is often a component of shampoos, lotions and creams as well as in preparations intended for the care of skin with special requirements (e.g. oily skin, acne skin).

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