Aloe: medicinal and beneficial properties. Video

Aloe: medicinal and beneficial properties. Video

Aloe, or agave, is called home ambulance on the windowsill. And it is not surprising when you think about how many diseases the plant helps. Aloe heals from ailments of the oral cavity, throat, relieves pain in the stomach, is a part of medicinal cosmetics as an emollient and healing agent. Its beneficial properties were used in ancient times; many diseases were treated with the help of aloe.

Aloe: medicinal properties

The beneficial substances contained in aloe:

  • B vitamins
  • vitamin c
  • vitamin E
  • vitamin O.
  • vitamin K
  • vitamin P
  • vitamin PP
  • potassium
  • phosphorus
  • chlorine
  • zinc
  • calcium
  • beta-carotene
  • resinous substances
  • essential oils
  • amino acids
  • glucose
  • phytosteroids
  • salicylic acid
  • enzymes
  • carbohydrates
  • catechins
  • mixed
  • anthraglycosides
  • aloin
  • barbaloin
  • nataloin
  • phenolic acids
  • mucopolysaccharides
  • acemanan

In nature, there are 350 species of aloe, but it is Aloe Barbadensis (aloe vera) that has all the healing properties that are used to treat many diseases. The name of the most popular variety of aloe comes from the island of Barbados in the Caribbean, from where it was brought to Europe by English sailors in the XNUMXth century.

Aloe also grows in Africa, Madagascar, some Asian countries and the entire Mediterranean coast.

The plant tolerates drought well, and excessive moisture and low temperatures (below 10 degrees) are contraindicated for it.

In appearance, aloe can be perennial grasses, vines, tree-like shrub forms. The most common types of aloe include striped aloe, soap aloe, agave (tree aloe).

Aloe is harvested in the fall, when it reaches the age of 2–5 years, the middle and lower leaves, which contain the most useful substances, are cut off, then washed and dried. The amount of valuable substances is determined by the place where it grew and the period of collection.

The plant lives easily at home – it is unpretentious and does not require constant care. If properly cared for, it can be used for various diseases, as well as for prophylaxis. In winter, it is advised to water aloe rarely, but keep it in a bright, cool room. In summer, the plant requires a lot of heat and light, watering should be moderate.

Aloe should provide good drainage; feeding is carried out with nutritious mixtures for cacti

The healing properties of aloe and their uses

Aloe is used to treat throat, stomach, shock, stress and allergies. It contains so many vitamins, minerals, essential oils, organic acids, carotenoids, flavonoids, catechinoids, like no other plant. Aloe tastes bitter, but it helps very well with pharyngitis: you just need to chew the leaf, of course, after washing it. In case of cuts, wounds, it is recommended to cut the leaf lengthwise, wash it, apply the pulp to the wound.

Be careful with aloe juice. When instilled into the nose with a runny nose, dilute it with water or vegetable oil in a 1: 1 ratio and be sure to rinse it after 20 minutes, otherwise a burn may result.

Most of the nutrients found in aloe have a unique structure, due to which they are well absorbed by the body when the plant is consumed internally

Aloe juice extract is very effective for various skin diseases and boils. Aloe juice is recommended to drink with low immunity, it is the prevention of respiratory diseases.

Aloe juice is a part of creams, shower gels, ointments for burns. It is desirable that the aloe content is at least 20%. Aloe’s polysaccharides cover the skin with a thin film, protecting it from UV rays and softening the skin. Aloe juice can be used as a moisturizer during a massage.

Pure aloe juice gives the greatest effect, but before applying it to the skin, you should not perform procedures like chemical peeling: irritation may appear, which then turns into dermatitis

Polysaccharides also act on macrophages, which are cells responsible for repairing the epidermis. Thus, they regenerate the cells of aging skin, therefore they are used in age creams.

There is a remedy for hair loss with aloe: a hair mask is done twice a week for four months. You need to mix a tablespoon of honey and aloe juice, add a teaspoon of garlic juice and beat the egg yolk. Apply the mask near the hair roots, cover with foil and make a warming cap out of a towel. After 30 minutes, rinse the hair with running water and rinse with a warm decoction of chamomile, nettle, horsetail.

Aloe juice is used as a general tonic, for the treatment of uncomplicated diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, tuberculosis, when the body is depleted, it is mixed with honey. Aloe juice in large doses works as a laxative, in small doses it increases appetite and improves digestion. A folk recipe from the leaves of the agave, cranked through a meat grinder, honey and Cahors wine helps with colitis and gastritis, it is only necessary to observe the correct proportion.

Aloe juice is used for stomatitis and bleeding gums, it kills some types of bacteria and various viruses, is a natural antiseptic, has antifungal properties. Aloe vera gel can help reduce psoriasis symptoms. Aloe juice is used in gynecology and in the treatment of male sexual impotence.

Contraindications to the use of aloe

Aloe contains too many vitamins of different groups, which can cause allergies, kidney dysfunction, and stomach irritation. In addition, it contains fat-soluble vitamins, which tend to accumulate in the body and, in case of an overdose, cause hypervitaminosis.

It is undesirable to take it orally for adults after 40 years and for children

Contraindications of aloe when taken orally are especially severe for pregnant women, who may have a miscarriage when the tone of the uterus increases from the action of this plant, with hemorrhoids, menstruation (there is a risk of bleeding), with uterine bleeding. It is also dangerous to drink aloe for inflammation of the bladder, prostatitis, kidney disease, liver, cholecystitis, cystitis, inflammatory diseases of the pelvic organs, inflammatory diseases of the stomach, stomach ulcers and duodenal ulcers.

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