Almost 3,5 thousand previous day’s infections. The latest data from MZ
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The Ministry of Health today announced 3493 new cases of coronavirus infection. We have the most cases of COVID-19 in the province. Mazowieckie. Twelve people died last day. Many experts emphasize all the time that the scale of infections in Poland is underestimated, because testing for the presence of SARS-CoV-12 is too rare. – In Poland, monitoring of coronavirus infections is only conventional – said Dr. Aneta Afelt.

  1. Last day, 3493 coronavirus infections were detected in Poland
  2. 19 patients have died from COVID-12
  3. 17 vaccinations were performed during the last day
  4. The number of patients hospitalized due to COVID-19 is approaching 1200
  5. In Poland, the Omikron variant still dominates, the share of the BA.5 sub-option is increasing, although it is not the most common one yet
  6. You can find more up-to-date information on the TvoiLokony home page

Coronavirus in Poland. How many infections? Data as of July 23, 2022

The sixth wave of the coronavirus in Poland has become a fact. The number of infections is increasing week by week. The last one reported by the Ministry of Health (July 14-20) brought 12 more infections (including 762 recurrences). It’s 1974 percent. more than a week earlier.

What is the daily epidemic situation?

On July 23, the Ministry of Health announced 3493 new cases of coronavirus infection. Among them, there are 551 re-infections.

12 people died (four from COVID-19, eight from COVID-19 coexistence with other conditions). 10 patients recovered.

On the last day, 9881 tests for the presence of SARS-CoV-2 were performed.

You can find a quick SARS-CoV-2 antigenic for home-made nasal swab at Medonet Market.

Which provinces have the most infections?

The situation in the provinces with the highest daily number of infections is presented in the following charts:

The rest of the text is below the video.

Failure to test is a bug

Many experts emphasize that the scale of infections in Poland is underestimated, because testing for the presence of SARS-CoV-2 is too rare.

– In Poland, monitoring of coronavirus infections is only conventional. Testing has actually disappeared, we have rather “on demand” testing when someone suspects an infection, or self-testing – said Dr. Aneta Afelt from the COVID-19 Team at the President of the Polish Academy of Sciences in an interview with Medonet.

The cessation of common tests is a mistake, because in order to prevent something, you need to have knowledge, and therefore monitor and draw quick conclusions from the fact that, for example, the number of infections is increasing. If several thousand tests are performed a day instead of tens of thousands, we get a piece of information, and the virus is circulating without our knowledge – a similar opinion was expressed in an interview with Polityka »Dr. Paweł Grzesiowski, expert of the Supreme Medical Council for combating COVID-19.

Prof. Pyrć: shafts are built earlier

Prof. Krzysztof Pyrć is one of the best specialists in the field of microbiology and virology in Poland. He was a member of the Prime Minister’s Medical Council for COVID-2020 established in 19. In January this year – like most scientists – he gave up advising the prime minister because of «mismatch between scientific and medical rationale and practice«.

He is active on Twitter, pointing out what the government should do to fight the pandemic as effectively as possible. However, it does not present ready-made solutions, but regularly emphasizes that all activities should be carried out well in advance.

“Some try to impose the narrative that scientists wanted to shut down the world and ignored society and the economy. It’s not true. Scientists recommended precautionary measures to avoid illness and death, but also school closures or lockdowns, »he wrote recently.

He also made a pictorial comparison of the current (and earlier) epidemic situation, emphasizing once again that the government reacts too late to the threat.

«If we react to a flood when the water reaches two floors, then at most I can recommend evacuation. The embankments are built earlier »- he noted.

Have you been infected with COVID-19? Be sure to check your health. The Healing Blood Test Pack, available on Medonet Market, can help you with this. You can also make them at home.

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